
出版時間:2003-7  出版社:中國政法大學出版社  作者:(英國)薩爾茲伯利的約翰著  頁數(shù):240  




  John of Salisbury(c 1115-1180)Was the foremost political theorist of his age. .He was trained in scholastic theology and philosophy,and his writings are invaluable as a summary of many of the metaphysical speculations of his time.  The Policraticus is his main work,and is regarded as the first complete work of political theory to be written in the Latin Middle Ages。Cary Nederman’s new edition and translation,currently the only available version in English,is primarily aimed at undergraduate students of the history of political thought and medieval history. His new translation show the importance of this text in understanding the mores, forms of conduct and beliefs of the most powerful and learned segments of twelfth-century Western Europe.  Endeavouring to reform the education of clerics like himself, John of Salisbury touches on many important themes in political thought, including the nature of justice and law, the foundations of social and political organization, and tyranny and its consequences. A work in the mirror-for-princes genre, the Policraticus was also seen by contemporaries as an advice book for courtiers and sudjects,as well as a survey of the ideals and aspirations of the twelfth-century church and court.


ContentsAcknowledgementsEditor’s introductionBibliographical notePrincipal events in the life of John of SalisburyPrologueBOOK ⅠChapter 1 What most harms the fortunateChapter 2 In what consists devotion to unsuitable goalsChapter 3 The distribution of duties according to the political constitution of the ancientsBOOKⅢPrologueChapter 1 Of the universal and public welfareChapter 3 That pride is the root of all evil and passionate desirea general leprosy which infects allChapter 4 The flatterer,the toady and the cajoler,than whom none is more perniciousChapter 6 The multiplication of flatterers is beyond number and pushesout of distinguished houses those who are honourableChapter 10 That the Romans are dedicated to vanity and what the ends of tterers areChapter 15 That it is only permitted to flatter him who it is permitted toslay;and that the tyrant is a public enemyBOOKⅣPrologueChapter 1 On the difference between the prince and the tyrant,and whatthe prince isChapter 2 What law is;and that the prince,although he is an absolutelybinding law unto himself,still is the servant of law and equity,the bearer of the public persona,and sheds blood blamelesslyChapter 3 That the prince is a minister of priests and their inferior;andwhat it is for rulers to perform their ministry faithfullyChapter 4 That the authority of divine law consists in the prince beingsubject to the justice of lawChapter 5 That the prince must be chaste and shun avariceChapter 6 That the ruler must have the law of God always before his mind andeyes,and he is to be proficient in letters,and he is to receivecounsel from men of lettersChapter 7 That the fear of God should be taught,and humility should exist,and this humility should be protected so that the authority of theprince is not diminished; and that some precepts are flexible,others inflexibleChapter 8 Of the moderation of the prince’s justice and mercy,which shouldbe temperately mixed for the utility of the republicChapter 9 What it is to stray to the right or to the left,which is forbiddento the princeChapter 10 What utility princes may acquire from the cultivation of justiceChapter11 What are the other rewards of princesChapter12 By what cause rulership and kingdoms are transferredBOOKⅤPrologueChapter 1 Pligarch’s letter instructing TrajanChapter 2 According to Plutarch,what a republic is and what place is held init by the soul of the membersChapter 3 What is principally directed by Oligarch’s plan…Chapter 6 Of the prince,who is the head of the republic,and his election,and privileges,and the rewards of virtue and sin;and that blessedJob should be imitated;and of the virtue of blessed JobChapter 7 What bad and good happen to subjects on account of the morals ofprinces;and that the examples of some stratagems strengthen thisChapter 8 Why Trajan seems to be preferable to all othersChapter 9 Of those who hold the place of the heart,and that the iniquitousare prevented from counselling the powerful,and of the fear of God,and wisdom,and philosophyChapter 10 Of the flanks of the powerful,whose needs are to be satisfied andwhose malice is to be restrainedChapter 11 Of the eyes,ears and tongue of the powerful, and of the duties ofgoverning, and that judges ought to have knowledge of right andequity,a good will and the power of execution,and that they shouldbe bound by oath to the laws and should be distanced from the taintof presentsChapter 15 What pertains to the sacred calling of proconsuls, governors andordinary justices,and to what extent it is permitted to reach outfor gifts;and of Cicero,Bernard, Martin and Geoffrey of ChartresChapter 17 Money is condemned in favour of wisdom;this is also approved by theexamples of the ancient philosophersBOOKⅥPrologueChapter 1 That the Hand of the republic is either armed or unarmed;and which oneis unarmed, and regarding its dutiesChapter 2 That military service requires selection,knowledge and practiceChapter 6 What ills arise from disregard by our countrymen for the selection ofsoldiers, and how Harold tamed the WelshChapter 7 What is the formula of the oath of the soldier,and that no one ispermitted to serve in the army without itChapter 8 The armed soldier is by necessity bound to religion,in just the waythat the clergy is consecrated in obedience to God;and that just asthe title of soldier is one of labour,so it is one of honourChapter 9 That faith is owed to God in preference to any man whomsoever,andman is not served unless God is servedChapter 18 The examples of recent history,and how King Henry the Secondquelled the disturbances and violence under King Stephen and pacifiedthe islandChapter 19 Of the honour to be exhibited by soldiers,and of the modestyto be shown;and who are the transmitters of the military arts,andof certain of their general preceptsChapter 20 Who are the feet of the republic and regarding the care devoted to themChapter 21 The republic is arranged according to its resemblance to nature, andits arrangement is derived from the beesChapter 22 That without prudence and forethought no magistracy remains intact,nor does that republic flourish the head of which is impairedChapter 24 The vices of the powerful are to be tolerated because with them rwststhe prospect of public safety,and because they are the dispensers ofsafety just as the stomach in the body of animals dispenses nourishment,and this is by the judgment of the Lord AdrianChapter 25 Of the coherence of the head and the members of the republic;and thatthe prince is a sort of image of the deity,and of the crime of hightreason and of that which is to be kept in fidelityChapter 26 That vices are to be endured or removed and are distinguished fromflagrant crimes; and certain general matters about the office of howmuch reverence is to be displayed towards himChapter 29 That the people are moulded by the merits of the prince and thegovernment is moulded by the merits of the people, and every creatureis subdued and serves man at God’s pleasureBOOKⅦPrologueChapter 1 That the Academics are more modest than other philosophers whose rashnessblinds them so that they are given to false beliefsChapter 2 Of the errors of the Academics;and who among them it is permitted toimitate; and those matters which are doubtful to the wise manChapter 7 That some things are demonstrated by the authority of the senses, othersby reason, others by religion;and that faith in any doctrine is justifiedby some stable basis that need not be demonstrated;and that some thingsare known by the learned themselves, others by the uncultivated;and towhat extent there is to be doubt;and that stubbornness most often impedesthe examination of truthChapter 8 That virtue is the unique path to being a philosopher and to advancingtowards happiness;and of the three degrees of aspirants and of thethree schools of philosophersChapter 11 What it is to be a true philosopher;and the end towards which all writingsare directed in their aimChapter 17 Of ambition, and that passion accompanies foolishness;and what is theorigin of tyranny;and of the diverse paths of the ambitiousChapter 21 Of hypocrites who endeavour to conceal the disgrace of ambition under thefalse pretext of religionChapter 25 Of the love and acclaim of liberty;and of those ancestors who enduredpatiently free speaking of the mind;and of the difference between anoffence and a tauntBOOKⅧPrologueChapter 12 that some long to be modelled after beasts and insensate creatures;and howmuch humanity is to be afforded to slaves;and of the pleasures of three sensesChapter 16 Of the four rivers which spring for Epicureans from the fount of lustfulnessand which create a deluge by which the world is nearly submerged;and if theopposite waters and the garments of EsauChapter 17 In what way the tyrant differs from the prince;and of the tyranny of priests;and in what way a shepherd, a thief and an employee differ from one anotherChapter 18 Tyrants are the Ministers of God; and what a tyrant is;and of the moralcharacters of Gaius Caligula and his nephew Nero and each of their endsChapter 20 That by the authority of the divine book it is lawful and glorious to killpublic tyrants,so long as the murderer is not obligated to the tyrant byfealty nor otherwise lets justice or honour slipChapter 21 All tyrants reach a miserable end;and that God exercises punishment againstthem if the human hand refrains,and this is evident from Julian the Apostateand Many examples in sacred scriptureChapter 22 Of Gideon,the model for rulers,and AntiochusChapter 23 The counsel of Brutus is to be used against those who not only fight butbattle schismatically for the supreme pontificate;and that nothing iscalm for tyrantsChapter 25 What is the most faithful path to be followed towards what the Epicureansdesire and promiseIndex


  There is wholly or mainly this difference between the tyrant and theprince: that the latter is obedient to law, and rules his people by a willthat places itself at their service, and administers rewards andburdens within the republic under the guidance of law in a wayfavourable to the vindication of his eminent post, so that he proceedsbefore others to the extent that, while individuals merely look afterindividual affairs, princes are concerned with the burdens of theentire community. Hence, there is deservedly conferred on himpower over all his subjects, in order that he may be sufficient inhimself to seek out and bring about the utility of each and all, and thathe may arrange the optimal condition of the human republic, so thateveryone is a member of the others. In this, nature, that best guide toliving, is to be followed, since it is nature which has lodged all of thesenses in the head as a microcosm, that is, a little world, of man, andhas subjected to it the totality of the members in order that all of themmay move correctly provided that the will of a sound head is followed.The prince is raised to the apex and becomes illustrious, therefore, asa result of his many and great privileges which are as numerous andextensive as are thought to be necessary for him. Certainly this isproper because nothing is useful to the people except that whichfulfills the needs of the prince, since his will should never be foundopposed to justice. Therefore, according to the general definition, the prince is thepublic power and a certain image on earth of the divine majesty.Beyond doubt the greatest part of the divine virtue is revealed tobelong to the prince, in so far as at his nod men bow their heads andgenerally offer their necks to the axe in sacrifice, and by divineimpulse everyone fears him who is fear itself. I do not believe that thiscould have happened unless it happened at the divine command. Forall power is from the Lord God, and is with Him always, and is Hisforever. Whatever the prince can do, therefore, is from God, so thatpower does not depart from God, but it is used as a substitute for Hishand, making all things learn His justice and mercy.




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