
出版時(shí)間:2003-7  出版社:中國(guó)政法大學(xué)出版社  作者:瑪麗·沃爾斯通克拉夫特  頁(yè)數(shù):349  


Mary Wollstonecraft,often described as the first major feninist,is remenbered principally as the author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792),and there has been a tendency to view her most famous work in islation.Yet Wollstonecraft's pronouncenments atour women grew out of her reflections about men,and her views on the female sex constituted an integral part of a wider moral and politcal critique of her times which she first fully fornulated in a wider moral and political critique of her times which she first fully formulated in A Vindication of the Rithts of Men(1790),Written as a reply to Edmund Burke's Refleciouns on the Revoltion in France(1790),this is an inportant text in its own right as well as a necessary tool for understanding Wollstonecraft's later work.This edition brings the two texts togeher and also includes Hints,the notes which Wollstonecraft made towards a second,never completed,volune of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.    SYLVANATOMASELLI is an intellectual historian specializing in the Enlightenment,She is currently writing a study of Sedduction and Chvilisation:An Enlighteent Perwpetive on the History of Wonmen,to be published by Weidenfeld.


PrefaceIntroductionPrincipal evvnts in Wollstonecraft s life Bibliographical note A Vindication of the Rights of Men AdvertisementA Letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke A Vindication of the Rights of WomanDedicationAdvertisementContentsIntroduction  1 The rights and involved duties of mankond considered  2 The prevailing opinion of a sexual character discussed  3 The same subject continued  4 Observations on the state of degradation to which woman is redered by various causes  5 Animadversion on some of the writers who have rendered women objects of pity,bordering on contempt  6 The effect which an early association of ideas has upon the character  7 Modesty,-Comprehensively considered,and not as a sexual virtue  8 Morality undermined by sexual notions of the importance of a good reputaion  9 Of the pernicious effects which arise from the unnatural distinctions established in society   10 Parental affection  11 Duty to parents   12 On national education  13 Some instances of the folly which the ignorance of women generates;with concluding reflections on the moral improvement that a revolution in femane manners might naturally be expected to produceHints ,chiefly designed to have veen incorporated in the second part of the Vindication of the Rights of WomanBiographical notesIndex


  This is, must be, the course of nature. - friendship or indifference inevitably succeeds love. - And this constitution seems perfectly to harmonize with the system of government which prevails in the moral world. Passions are spurs to action, and open the mind; but they sink into mere appetites, become a personal and momentary gratification, when the object is gained, and the satisfied mind rests in enjoyment. The man who had some virtue wtulst he was strug- gling for a crown, often becomes a voluptuous tyrant when it graces his brow; and, when the lover is not lost in the husband, the dotard, a prey to childish caprices, and fond jealousies, neglects the serious duties of life, and the caresses which should excite confidence in his children are lavished on the overgrown child, his wife.  In order to fulfil the duties of life, and to be able to pursue with vigour the various employments wluch form the moral character, a master and mistress of a family ought not to continue to love each other with passion. I mean to say, that they ought not to indulge those emotions which disturb the order of society, and engross the thoughts that should be otherwise employed. The mind that has never been engrossed by one object wants vigour - if it can long be so, it is weak.  A mistaken education, a narrow, uncultivated mind, and many sexual prejudices, tend to make women more constant than men; but, for the present, I shall not touch on this branch of the subject. I will go still further, and advance, without dreaming of a paradox, that an unhappy marriage is often very advantageous to a family, and that the neglected wife is, in general, the best mother. And this would almost always be the consequence if the female mind were more enlarged: for, it seems to be the common dispensation of Providence, that what we gain in present enjoyment should be deducted from the treasure of life, experience, and that when we are gathering the flowers of the day and revelling in pleasure, the solid fruit of toil and wisdom should not be caught at the same time. The way lies before us, we must turn to the right or left; and he who will pass life away in bounding from one pleasure to another, must not complain if he acquire neither wisdom nor respectability of character.  ……





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