出版時間:2003-7 出版社:中國政法大學出版社 作者:約瑟夫·德·梅斯特爾 頁數(shù):132
作者:(法國)約瑟夫·德·梅斯特爾(Joseph de Maistre)
Note on the IntroductionIntroductionChronologyBibliographyNote on the textCondiderations on France 1 Of Revolutions 2 Reflections on the Eays of Providence in the French Revolution 3 On the Violent Destruction of the Human species 4 Can the French Republic :ast? 5 The French Revolution Consideredin its Antireligious Character 6 On Divine Influence in political Constytutions 7 Evidence of the Incapacity of the Present French Government 8 Of the Old French constitution 9 HOw will the Counter-Revolution Happen if it comes? 10 On the Supposed Dangers Of a Counter-Revolution 11 From a History of the French Revolution by David HumePostscriptIndex
The king has never had an ally, and although he was never so imprudent as to acknowledge the fact, it is evident enough that the coalition begrudged the integrity of France. So how was the coalition to be resisted? What supernatural means could confound the efforts of conspiring Europe? Only the infernal genius of Robespierre could accomplish this prodigy. The revolutionary government hardened the soul of France by tempering it in blood; the spirit of the soldiers was exasperated, and their strength was doubled by ferocious despair and contempt for life induced by rage. The horror of the scaffolds, driving citizens to the frontiers, nourished external force in the measure that the least internal resistance was annihilated. All life, all wealth, allpower was in the hands of the revolutionary authority, and this mon-strous power, drunk with blood and success, the most frightful phe-nomenon that has ever been seen and the like of which will never be seen again, was both a horrible chastisement for the French and the sole means of saving France.What were the royalists asking for when they called for their ima-gined counter-revolution, that is to say, one made abruptly and by force? They requested, in fact, the conquest of France; they requested therefore her division, the annihilation of her influence, and the debasement of her king - which is to say, perhaps three centuries of massacres, the inevitable consequence of such an upset of equilibrium. But our descendants, who will worry very little about our sufferings and will dance on our graves, will laugh at our present ignorance; they will easily console themselves for the excesses that we have seen and that will have preserved the integrity of 'the most beautiful realm after that of heaven.
《對法蘭西的思考》中:Joseph de Maistre's Consideratians on France is the best known French equivalent of Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France. This new edition of Richard Lebrun's 1974 translation is introduced by Isaiah Berlin, with a bibliography and chronology by the translator. Published in 1797, the work of the selfexiled Maistre presents a providential interpretation of the French Revolution and argues for a new alliance of throne and altar under a restored Bourbon monarchy. Although the Directory and then Napoleon delayed Maistre's influence within France until the Restoration, he is now acknowledged as the most eloquent spokesperson for continental conservatism. Considerations on France was a shrewd piece of propaganda, but, as Isaiah Berlin contends, by arguing his case in broad historical, philosophical and religious terms, Maistre raises issues of enduring importance.