出版時間:2003-05 出版社:中國政法大學(xué)出版社 作者:(德國)尼采著 頁數(shù):205
作者:(德國)尼采(Nietzsche) Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most influential thinkers of the past hundred and fifty years and On the Genealogy of Morality(1887) is his most important work on ethics and politics. A polemical contribution to moral and political theory, it offers a critique of moral values and traces the historical evolution of concepts such as guilt, conscience, responsibility, law, and justice. It is a text affording valuable insight into Nietzsche's assessment of modern times and how he envisaged a possible overcoming of the epoch of nihilism. Nietzsche himself emphasized the cumulative nature of his work and the necessity for correct understanding of the later work as a development of the earlier. This volume contains new translations of the Genealogy and of the early essay 'The Greek State' and sections from other of Nietzsche's work to which he refers within it (Human, All Too Human, Daybreak, The Joyful Science, and Beyond Good and Evil). Keith An sell-Pearson's Introduction places the Genealogy in its intellectual context and includes a chronology of Nietzsche's life and a guide to further reading.
Acknowledgements and note on the textEditor's introduction: Nietzsche's overcoming'of moralityChronologyGuide to further readingBiographical synopsesOn the Genealogy of MoralitySupplementary material to On the Genealogy of Morality'The Greek State''Homer on Competition'Index of namesIndex of subjects
Biographical synopsesAnacreon (c.582 Bc-c.485 Be), Greek lyric poet born on the island of Teos.Bahnsen, Julius (183o-188i), German philospher influenced by Schopenhauer and author of books on character logy and the philosophy of history.Buckle, Henry Thomas (182I-I862), Victorian historian of civilization. His reading of history rests on the view that the causes ofsocial growth, and of divergent forms of social organization which characterize different historical cultures, are 'material' (factors such as climate, food, soil, etc.) as opposed to racial.Deussen, Paul (i845-i919), German philologist and philosopher, like Nietzsche the son of a Protestant clergyman. Developed a close friendship with Nietzsche, published his 'Reminiscences' in 19Ol.Deussen was the first Western philosopher to include Eastern thought in a general history of philosophy in any scientific way. Published The System of Vedanta in i88i. An enthusiastic interpreter of Schopenhauer and founder of the Schopenhauer Society.Doudan, Ximenes (I8OO-I872), French critic, author of several posthumously published volumes, including, Mixed Writings and Letters (1876-7), and Thoughts and Fragments, and the Revolutions of Taste(1881).Duhring, Eugen (1833-1921), German philosopher and political economist.