
出版時間:2003-5  出版社:中國政法大學出版社  作者:伏爾泰  頁數(shù):290  


This edition of Voltaire`s political writings presents a broad selection of his most interesting and controversial texts,many of which have not previously been translated into English.They range over the themes of the nature and legitimacy of political power ,law and the social order ,crime and punishment,liberty and humanity ,war and peace ,and the growing disorder in the French economy ,as well as touching on specific issues and events in pre-Revolutionary France to whichVoltaire responded and in which he was closely involved,including the Seven Years`s War and relations with Frederich II ,the Genevan quarrels of the 1760s,and the sensational trials of Jean Calas,Sirven and the Chevalier De La Barre.Acomprehensive introduction explors the background to these texts ,which together reflect the full range of Voltair`s responses to the most significant issues of his time.


List of abbreviations ChronologyIntroductionBibliographical noteSelect bibliographyBiographical note Editorial note Note on the translationArticles from the Pocket phiclosophical dictionary  Etats,gouvernements.States,governments  Guerre.War  Lois(Des),Laws  Patrie Homeland Articles fromthe Questions on the Encyclopaedia  Democratie.Democracy  Economie Economy  Gouvernement.Government  Homme.Man  Impot.Tax  Politique.PoliticsThe A B C,or Dialogues between A B C,traslated from the   From the English by Mr Huet  First conversation,On Hobbes,Grotius and Montesquieu  Second conversation.On the soul   Third conversation.On whether man was born wicked and the child of the Devil  Fifth conversation.On the ways of losing and keeping one s freedom,and on theocracy  Sixth conversation.On three systems of government,and a thousand ancient errors   Seventh conversation.That modern Europe is better than ancient Europe  Eighth conversation.On physical serfdom  Ninth conversation.On the serfdom of minds  Tenth conversation On religion  Eleventh conversation.On the code of war  Twelfth conversation.On the code of perfidy  Thirteenth conversation.On basic laws  Fourteenth conversatin.That every state must be independent  Fifteenth conversation.On the best legislation  Sixteenth conversation.On abuses  Seventeenth conversation.On curious matters Other writings   Republican ideas.By a member of a public body  Thoughts on public administration  The rights of men and the usurpations of others Translated from the Italian  Commentary on the book On crimes and punishments,by a provincial lawyer  Dialogue between a philosopher and  a comptroller-general of financeIndex




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