出版時(shí)間:2003-7 出版社:中國政法大學(xué)出版社 作者:伯恩斯坦
Editor's noteList of abbreviationsIntroductionPrincipal events in Bernstein’s life Bibliographical noteBiographical notesForeworcd1 The basic tenets of Marxist socialism(a) The scientific elements of Marxism(b) The materialist conception of history and historical necessity(c) The Marxist doctrine of class conflict and the development of capital2 Marxism and the Hegelian dialectic(a) The pitfalls of the Hegelian dialectical method(b) Marxism and Blanquism3 The economic development of modern society(a) Remarks on the meaning of Marx’s theory of value(b) The distribution of income in modern society(c) Orises and the ability of the modern economy to adapt4 The tasks and opportunities of Social Democracy(a) The political and economic prerequisitew of socialism(b)THe effectiveness of economic cooperatives(c) Democracy and socialism(d) The most immediate tasks of Social DemocracyComclusionIndex
CHAPTER IThe basic tenets of Marxist socialism(a) The scientific elements of MarxismWith these discoveries socialism became a science. The nextthing was to work out all its details and relations.Engels, Anti-DiihringToday, German Social Democracy accepts as the theoretical basis of its activity the social doctrine which Marx and Engels worked out and called scientific socialism. That is to say that, although Social Democracy, as a fighting party, represents certain interests and tend- encies, although it seeks to achieve goals set by itself, it does, in the final analysis, determine these goals in accordance with knowledge capable of objective proof, that is, knowledge which refers to, and conforms with, nothing but empirical experience and logic. For what is not capable of such proof is no longer science but rests on subject- ive impulses, on mere desire or opinion.In any science, we can distinguish between pure theory and applied theory. The former consists of cognitive principles which are derived from the sum total of the relevant data and which are, therefore, regarded as universally valid. They are the constant element in the theory. An applied science is based on the application of these prin- ciples to particular phenomena or to particular cases of practice. The knowledge gained from this application, and put together in propositions, provides the principles of an applied science. These constitute the variable element in the system.Constant and variable are, however, to be taken only conditionally. Even the principles of pure science are subject to changes which, however, occur mostly in the form of limitations. With the advance- ment of knowledge, propositions previously regarded as having abso- lute validity are recognised as conditional and are supplemented by new cognitive principles which, while limiting their validity, simultan- eously extend the domain of pure science.