
出版時(shí)間:2003-5  出版社:中國(guó)政法大學(xué)出版社  作者:(法)孟德斯鳩,Montesquieu  頁(yè)數(shù):757  譯者:Anne M. Cohler,Basia C. Miller,Harold S. Stone  


The Spirit of the Laws is, without question, one of the central texts m the history of eighteenth -century thought, yet there has been no complete,scholarly English - language edition since that of Thomas Nugent, published in 1970. This lucid translation renders Montesqnieu' s problematic text newlyaccessible to a fresh generation of students, helping them to understand quite why Montesquieu was such an important figure in the early Enlightment and why The Spirit of the Laws was, for example, such an influence upon those who framed the American constitution. Fully annotated, this edition should focus attention upon Montesquieu' s use of sources and his text as a whole.rather than upon those opening passages towards which critical energies have traditionaUy been devoted, and a selected bibliography and chronology are provided for those coming to Montesquieu's work for the first time.


  1689年1月18日,孟德斯鳩(1689—1775年)出生于法國(guó)波爾多市附近的拉勃烈德城堡一個(gè)達(dá)官顯貴之家?! ∽杂资苓^(guò)良好教育。19歲時(shí)獲法學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位,出任律師。1814年開(kāi)始擔(dān)任波爾多法院顧問(wèn)。1716年,繼承了波爾多法院院長(zhǎng)(他的祖父、伯父一直占有這個(gè)職務(wù))職務(wù),并獲男爵封號(hào)。1721年孟德斯鳩化名“波爾?馬多”發(fā)表了名著《波斯人信札》。1726年,他出賣了世襲的波爾多法院院長(zhǎng)職務(wù),遷居巴黎,專心于寫(xiě)作和研究。漫游了歐洲許多國(guó)家。1731年回到法國(guó)后,潛心著述。1748年,他最重要的著作《論法的精神》發(fā)表。這部書(shū)受到極大的歡迎,兩年中就印行了22版。1755年,他旅途中染病去世?! ∶系滤锅F是與伏爾泰并駕齊驅(qū)的啟蒙思想家。他們兩人的思想也頗相似,有反封建的一面,也有保守妥協(xié)的一面,同屬大資產(chǎn)階級(jí)的思想代表人物。孟德斯鳩反對(duì)神學(xué),提倡科學(xué),但又不是一個(gè)無(wú)神論者和唯物主義者,他是一名自然神論者。他最重要的貢獻(xiàn)是對(duì)資產(chǎn)階級(jí)的國(guó)家和法的學(xué)說(shuō)作出了卓越貢獻(xiàn),他認(rèn)為,“當(dāng)立法權(quán)和行政權(quán)集中在同一個(gè)人或同一個(gè)機(jī)關(guān)之手,自由就不復(fù)存在”。他指出,“專制政體的原則是恐怖”;“專制政體是既無(wú)法律又無(wú)規(guī)章,由單獨(dú)一個(gè)人按照一己的意志和反復(fù)無(wú)常的性情領(lǐng)導(dǎo)一切”。他在洛克分權(quán)思想的基礎(chǔ)上明確提出了“三權(quán)分立”學(xué)說(shuō);他特別強(qiáng)調(diào)法的功能,他認(rèn)為法律是理性的體現(xiàn),法又分為自然法和人為法兩類,自然法是人類社會(huì)建立以前就存在的規(guī)律,那時(shí)候人類處于平等狀態(tài);人為法又有政治法和民法等。 


Part 1BOOK i On laws in generalBOOK 2 On laws deriving directly from the nature of thegovernmentBOOK 3 On the principles of the three governmentsBOOK 4 That the laws of education should be relative to theprinciples of the governmentBOOK 5 That the laws given by the legislator should berelative to the principle of the governmentBOOK 6 Consequences of the principles of the variousgovernments in relation to the simplicity of civiland criminal laws, the form of judgments, and theestablishment of penaltiesBOOK 7 Consequences of the different principles of thethree governments in relation to sumptuary laws,luxury, and the condition of womenBOOK 8 On the corruption of the principles of the threegovernmentsPart 2BOOK 9 On the laws in their relation with defensive forceBOOK 10 On laws in their relation with offensive forceBOOK 11 On the laws that form political liberty in itsrelation with the constitutionBOOK 12 On the laws that form political liberty in relationto the citizenBOOK 13 On the relations that the levy of taxes and the sizeof public revenues have with libertyPart 3BOOK 14 On the laws in their relation to the nature of theclimateBOOK 15 How the laws of civil slavery are related with thenature of the climateBOOK 16 How the laws of domestic slavery are related tothe nature of the climateBOOK 17 How the laws of political servitude are related tothe nature of the climateBOOK 18 On the laws in their relation with the nature ofthe terrainBOOK 19 On the laws in their relation with the principlesforming the general spirit, the mores, and themanners of a nationPart 4BOOK 20 On the laws in their relation to commerce,considered in its nature and its distinctionsBOOK 21 On laws in their relation to commerce, consideredin the revolutions it has had in the worldBOOK 22 On laws in their relation to the use of moneyBOOK 23 On laws in their relation to the number ofinhabitantsPart 5BOOK 24 On the laws in their relation to the religionestablished in each country, examined in respectto its practices and within itselfBOOK 25 On the laws in their relation with theestablishment of the religion of each country, andof its external policeBOOK 26 On the laws in the relation they should have withthe order of things upon which they are to enactPart 6BOOK 27 ONLY CHAPTER. On the origin and revolutionsof the Roman laws on inheritanceBOOK 28 On the origin and revolutions of the civil lawsamong the FrenchBOOK 29 On the way to compose the lawsBOOK 30 The theory of the feudal laws among the Franksin their relation with the establishment of themonarchyBOOK 31 The theory of the feudal laws among the Franksin their relation to the revolutions of theirmonarchyBibliographyIndex of names and placesIndex of works cited


IntroductionIn a letter written in 1748 when The Spirit of the Laws was first published Montesquieu wrote, "I can say that I have worked on it my whole life: I was given some law books when I left my college; I sought their spirit, I worked, but I did nothing worthwhile. I discovered my principles twenty years ago: they are quite simple; anyone else working as hard as I did would have done better.……





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