
出版時間:2013-7  出版社:北京語言大學出版社  作者:戴云,劉蕓  




第一章    托福寫作簡介  1
第二章 獨立寫作高分范文 8
1. Movies: serious or entertaining?
嚴肅電影還是娛樂電影? 8
2. Is relating well to others more important than studying hard?
搞好人際關系比努力學習更重要嗎? 10
3. Do grades encourage students to learn?
分數鼓勵學生學習嗎? 12
4. Is daily homework necessary for students?
學生有必要每天都做家庭作業(yè)嗎? 14
5. Is the ability to write well more important than that of speaking?
寫作能力比口語能力更重要嗎? 16
6. What can help you to succeed?
什么能幫助你走向成功? 18
7. Is it more important to work quickly with risks making mistakes than to work slowly with everything correct?
冒著犯錯誤的風險高速地工作比確保萬無一失地緩慢工作更重要嗎? 20
8. Is it essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize?
年輕人必須具備組織管理才能嗎? 22
9. Shouldn’t people pay for public transportation?
人們應該免費搭乘公共交通工具嗎? 24
10. Land: for human needs or for endangered animals?
土地用于人類需求還是瀕危動物? 26
11. Should the government focus more on preserving natural environment and less on economic development?
政府應當更加注重環(huán)保,并減少對經濟發(fā)展的重視程度嗎? 28
12. Should people work in the same company or for the same employer for their whole life?
人們應在同一家公司或為同一個雇主效力終生嗎? 30
13. Should young people try different jobs before they decide on their long-term job or career?
年輕人應當在決定長期從事的職業(yè)之前先嘗試做不同的工作嗎? 32
14. Is it advisable for teenage children to take part-time jobs?
十幾歲的孩子做兼職工作可取嗎? 34
15. Are some scientists responsible for the negative impacts made by their discoveries?
有些科學家應對其科學發(fā)現所產生的負面影響負責嗎? 36
16. Is advertising the main cause of unhealthy eating habits?
廣告是導致不健康飲食習慣的主要原因嗎? 38
17. Does playing sports teach us about life?
體育運動教給人們人生的道理嗎? 40
18. Are environmental issues too complex to be handled by the individual?
由于環(huán)境問題過于復雜,個人是無法應對的嗎? 42
19. The most important things for governments to do to improve health care
政府為改善醫(yī)療保健需做的最重要的工作 44
20. The only way the government can conserve energy
政府保護能源的唯一途徑 46
21. Were people friendlier in the past than they are today?
過去的人們比現在的人們更友好嗎? 48
22. Is visiting museums the best way to learn about a country?
了解一個國家最好的方法就是參觀博物館嗎? 50
23. Choosing a subject that interests you or one preparing you for a better job or career?
選擇一門你感興趣的學科還是選擇職業(yè)傾向性強的學科? 52
24. Is traveling in a group led by a tour guide the best way to travel?
跟團旅行是最好的旅行方式嗎? 54
25. Should the government focus its budget more on young children’s education rather than on universities?
政府應將更多預算投入到青少年教育上而非高等教育上嗎? 56
26. A large company or a small one, which do you want to work for?
就職于大公司還是小公司? 58
27. Making friends with intelligent people or with humorous people?
與聰明人交朋友還是與幽默的人交朋友? 60
28. Letting a friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something that may destroy your friendship?
讓一個朋友犯錯誤勝過說一些可能傷害友情的話或做一些可能傷害友情的事? 62
29. Advice: from friends older than you or from those of your age?
建議:采納來自年長朋友的還是同齡朋友的? 64
30. Do some people like to spend time alone when relaxing?
放松的時候,有些人喜歡獨處? 66
31. Are students more influenced by their teachers than by their friends?
學生受老師的影響比受朋友的影響更多嗎? 68
32. Should the most important education for students be conducted in the classroom, but not out of the classroom?
對學生最重要的教育是在教室里進行的,而不是教室外? 70
33. Is knowledge gained through study more important than the ability to be creative?
通過學習收獲的知識比創(chuàng)新能力更重要? 72
34. Finishing a project completely then to another one or doing two or several projects at a time?
先徹底完成一個項目再轉向另一個項目,還是同時進行兩個或兩個以上的項目? 74
35. Solving questions using our own knowledge and experience or asking other people for advice?
利用自己的知識和經驗還是詢問他人的建議來解決問題? 76
36. Is it a good method to give the same grade to all the members who do the same project together?
每個組員都獲得相同的分數是評價他們的好辦法嗎? 78
37. Is it better to select broad subjects than specialize in a specific subject?
選擇寬泛的學科比專注于一門學科更好? 80
38. Should drivers pay a certain amount of fees in order to be permitted to drive out in traffic busy time?
司機應該繳納一定的費用以獲得在交通高峰時段駕駛的許可嗎? 82
39. Is the extended family less important than it was before?
大家庭沒有過去重要了嗎? 84
40. Will people reduce car use in 20 years?
20年后,人們會減少對汽車的使用嗎? 86
41. Spending money on something that lasts for a long time, or something that provides a short-term pleasure?
把錢花在保存時間較長的物品上還是短期享受上? 88
42. Is it difficult for people to know whom to believe or who is telling the truth because of so many sources of information
由于太多的信息資源,人們已經很難分辨誰是可以信任的,誰說的是真話? 90
43. Do people benefit more from traveling in their own country than in a foreign country?
比起國外游,人們更得益于國內游? 92
44. Choosing a job: one with more vacation time, or one with high paying but less vacation time?
選擇何種工作:較多假期的工作,還是高薪但假期短的工作? 94
45. Has technology made children less creative than they were in the past?
科技是否使孩子們不如以前那么有創(chuàng)造力了? 96
46. Should governments spend more money in support of arts than in support of athletics?
政府應該投入更多資金支持藝術,而不是競技體育? 98
47. Is one’s working more important than being with one’s family?
工作比與家人共處更重要嗎? 100
48. Won’t students use printed books any more in 20 years?
20年以后,學生將不再使用紙質圖書? 102
49. Is physical exercise more important for older people than younger people?
比起年輕人,體育鍛煉對老年人更重要? 104
50. Could people learn more from watching television than reading books?
比起讀書,人們可以從看電視中學到更多的東西? 106
51. Should people be taught how to manage money at an early age?
人們應該在很小的時候就學習如何理財嗎? 108
52. Should teachers be paid according to their students’ performance?
教師應根據他們學生的表現優(yōu)劣拿工資嗎? 110
53. Be more like others or be different from everyone else?
更從眾還是與眾不同? 112
54. Does technology make people’s lives simpler rather than more complicated?
技術使人們的生活變得更加簡單而不是更加復雜嗎? 114
55. Should people live in a city or a country all their lives instead of moving to another place?
人們應該終生住在同一座城市或者同一個國家,而不應搬遷到其他地方去嗎? 116
56. Does telephone have greater influence on people’s lives than TV?
電話對人們生活的影響大于電視嗎? 118
57. Is it more important to have rules about the types of clothing that people wear at work or at school?
設立規(guī)定以限制人們工作或上學時的著裝類型有必要嗎? 120
58. Are most business people motivated only by the desire for money?
大多數企業(yè)家只受金錢欲的驅使嗎? 122
59. Is it desirable to know events from all over the world?
了解全世界發(fā)生的事件有必要嗎? 124
60. Children should not be allowed to play computer games?
不應該允許孩子們玩電腦游戲嗎? 126
61. People buy things not because they need them, but because others buy them?
人們買東西并非因為需要,而是由于別人也買? 128
62. Is university education the most important factor in a person’s success?
大學教育是個人成功的最重要因素嗎? 130
63. Shouldn’t people be permitted to use mobile phones on public transportation vehicles?
應當禁止人們在公共交通工具上使用手機嗎? 132
64. Should students in all fields be required to take basic science courses?
應該要求所有專業(yè)的學生都學習基礎科學課程嗎? 134
65. The most important investment for a big company
對大公司來說最重要的投資 136
66. Are people now easier to become educated than in the past?
現在,人們接受教育比過去容易嗎? 138
67. Choosing friends that have fun with or that help you when you need them?
選擇能與你一起玩樂的朋友還是選擇能在你需要時給予幫助的朋友? 140
68. Should children play and study rather than learn how to do household chores?
孩子們應該好好學習、開心玩耍,而不必學做家務? 142
69. People would be happier with fewer possessions?
所得較少的人會更幸福? 144
70. Should people buy things that are made in their own country?
人們應該購買國產商品嗎? 146
71. Is it impossible to succeed if one cannot accept criticism in teamwork?
在團隊協作中,如果一個人無法接受批評,就不可能成功? 148
72. Should all teachers be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge?
應該要求教師每5年進修相應課程以更新其知識儲備嗎? 150
73. Should high school students take a course on basic economics?
中學生應該學習基礎經濟學課程嗎? 152
74. The best way to teach children about responsibility
教會孩子何謂責任的最好方法 154
75. Watching a movie: in a cinema or at home?
看電影:去電影院還是在家? 156
76. Does an effective leader try to make others feel that they are part of decision-making?
一位高效的領導者總是讓下屬感覺他們也加入到了決策制定的過程之中嗎? 158
77. Should parents reward their children with money for the high grades?
家長應該對孩子的高分給予金錢形式的獎勵嗎? 160
78. Will people feel happier when they finish a challenging or difficult work?
人們在完成有挑戰(zhàn)性或艱難工作時幸福感更強烈嗎? 162
79. Should parents help to determine the future of their children?
父母應當幫助決定孩子的未來嗎? 164
80. A job with low salary and more security or one with high salary but easier to lose?
選擇工資低但穩(wěn)定的工作還是工資高但容易失去的工作? 166
81. Are younger school children (age 5 -10) required to study art and music?
應該要求5至10歲的已入學兒童學習美術和音樂嗎? 168
82. Which are more interesting, movies and TV programs made in your own country or ones made in other
哪些更有趣:國產的電影電視節(jié)目還是國外的電影電視節(jié)目? 170
83. What should movies and televisions show the audience?
電視或電影應該向觀眾傳達些什么? 172
84. Shouldn’t teachers show their political or social views to students in the class?
教師不應該在課堂上把自己的政治或社會觀念傳達給學生嗎? 174
85. Helping students gain self-confidence or teaching specific knowledge?
幫助學生獲得自信還是教授他們基本知識? 176
86. Should teachers be paid at least as much as lawyers, doctors, and business leaders are paid?
教師的工資至少要和律師、醫(yī)生和企業(yè)家一樣高? 178
87. Should university students be required to take at least one course that teaches them the culture of a country
rather than their own?
大學生應該選修至少一門有關其他國家文化的課程? 180
88. Do most of the advertisements make products appear better than they really are?
大多數廣告都美化了商品嗎? 182
89. Working 3 days a week with long hours or working 5 days a week with short hours?
每周工作3天、每天工作時間較長,還是每周工作5天、每天工作時間較短? 184
90. Can people take care of their family members better when they live in big cities than in the countryside?
與在農村居住相比,人們在大城市居住可以更好地照顧自己的家人嗎? 186
91. Is it better for children to choose jobs similar to their parents’?
孩子選擇與父母相同的工作更好嗎? 188
92. In order to achieve happiness for yourself, you have to try to make other people happy?
為了獲得個人幸福,你必須使他人幸福? 190
93. Should people have hobbies and do physical activities different from their work?
人們應該擁有與自己工作截然不同的愛好或進行與自己工作截然不同的體育運動嗎? 192
94. Should advertisements targeting children aged between 2 and 5 be banned?
應該禁止針對2到5歲兒童的廣告嗎? 194
95. Do what you already do well or try new things?
輕車熟路還是勇于創(chuàng)新? 196
96. A big party with many people or a small party just with family?
舉辦很多人參加的大型聚會還是只有家人參加的小型聚會? 198
97. To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than success?
在失敗時保持樂觀比成功本身更重要? 200
98. Should university students in all fields be required to take history courses?
應該要求所有專業(yè)的大學生都選修歷史課嗎? 202
99. Should a person make an important decision alone?
人們應該獨自作出重要決定嗎? 204
100. Is the ability to cooperate well with others more important today than it was in the past?
如今,與他人良好合作的能力比過去更重要了嗎? 206
101. Will people spend less time on cooking food in 20 years?
20年以后,人們用在做飯上的時間會變得更少嗎? 208
102. Should governments spend more money on developing Internet access instead of public transportation?
政府應該將更多資金投入到互聯網建設而不是公共交通建設之中嗎? 210
103. We only do what we like to do rather than what we should do?
我們只做我們喜歡做的而不做應該做的嗎? 212
104. Students who can keep their own rooms organized are more likely to succeed?
將自己的房間整理得井然有序的學生更有可能成功嗎? 214
105. Should children only play sports for fun rather than in competitions or contests?
孩子們參加體育活動應該僅僅以玩耍為目的而不應以比賽為目的嗎? 216
106. People who are interested in different things cannot be friends?
興趣不同的人很難成為朋友嗎? 218
107. People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team?
持有不同觀點的人組成的團隊無法取得成功嗎? 220
108. Challenging plans or practical plans?
選擇挑戰(zhàn)性的計劃還是實際的計劃? 222
109. There’s no need for the government to help those who can help themselves?
政府沒有必要幫助那些可以自救的人嗎? 224
110. Does the way a person is dressed indicate his character or personality?
一個人的著裝風格是其性格或個性的體現嗎? 226
111. Should students spend a year on traveling or working before they go to colleges or universities?
在上大學之前,學生應該用一年時間旅行或工作嗎? 228
112. Solving problems using personal knowledge and experience or asking for others’ advice?
運用自己的知識和經驗還是詢問他人的建議來解決問題? 230
113. Today’s parents do not understand their children as well as parents did 50 years ago?
當今的父母不如50年前的父母理解自己的孩子? 232
114. Should the government support scientific research that does not have any practical use?
政府應該支持那些無任何實際用途的科學研究嗎? 234
115. Are newspapers and magazines the best ways to learn about a foreign country?
報紙和雜志是了解外國的最佳途徑嗎? 236
116. Do professional athletes deserve high salaries?
職業(yè)運動員理應得到高薪嗎? 238
117. The advantages and disadvantages of moving to a new city or a new country
搬到另一座城市或另一個國家居住的利與弊 240
118. Is it important for families to have meals together regularly?
家人經常聚餐很重要嗎? 242
119. Are our lives better than our grandparents’ lives when they were young?
我們現在的日子比祖父母小時候的日子要好嗎? 244
120. Should schools ask students to evaluate their teachers?
學校應該讓學生評價他們的老師嗎? 246
121. Planning or not planning for your leisure time?
對閑暇時間計劃與否? 248
122. Should people read only those books that deal with real matters?
人們應該只閱讀那些描寫真人真事的書籍嗎? 250
123. Only people who earn a lot of money are successful?
只有有錢人才是成功的? 252
124. Items made by hand or items by machine, which do you prefer?
你喜歡手工制品還是機器制品? 254
125. Complain in writing or in person?
書面投訴還是當面投訴? 256
126. Why is music important to many people?
音樂為什么對很多人非常重要? 258
127. Buy a house or a business?
買房子,還是買企業(yè)? 260
128. Living in university housing or an apartment in the community?
住在大學宿舍還是社區(qū)公寓? 262
129. Living in places that have the same climate all year long, or in areas where the climate changes several times a year?
住在氣候終年不變的地方,還是住在氣候一年數變的地方? 264
130. Which famous person from history would you like to meet?
你希望遇到歷史上的哪位名人? 266
131. Have telephone and email made communication between people less personal?
電話和電子郵件使得人們之間的溝通缺少人情味兒了? 268
132. Should children begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school?
孩子是否應該一上學就開始學外語? 270
133. Hire an inexperienced worker with a lower salary or an experienced one with a higher salary?
雇用無經驗低薪酬的員工還是有經驗高薪酬的員工? 272
134. Are games equally important for adults and children?
游戲對成年人和兒童來說一樣重要嗎? 274
135. What makes a good son or daughter?
好兒子或好女兒需具備哪些重要素質? 276
136. Which do you prefer, getting up early or late?
你喜歡早起還是晚起? 278
137. Travel alone or with a companion?
單獨旅行還是結伴旅行? 280
138. Do we need “Never, never give up”?
我們是否需要 “永不,永不放棄”? 282
139. Is progress always good?
進步總是好事嗎? 284
140. A transportation vehicle that has changed people’s lives
一種改變人類生活的交通工具 286
141. Live performance or television broadcast, which is more enjoyable?
現場表演和電視轉播哪個更精彩? 288
142. Do you like a new high school to be built in your community?
你贊成在你的社區(qū)建一所新的高中嗎? 290
143. Should people sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing?
人們有時應該做自己不喜歡做的事情嗎? 292
144. The advantages and disadvantages of my city
我的城市的優(yōu)點與缺點 294
145. The causes of people’s longevity today
現代人長壽的原因 296
第三章 綜合寫作高分范文 298




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