
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:北京語言大學(xué)出版社  作者:張涓  頁數(shù):196  




第一部分 雅思閱讀考試題型及應(yīng)試技巧 Unit 1 雅思閱讀考試題型 Unit 2 閱讀應(yīng)試技巧(一) Unit 3 閱讀應(yīng)試技巧(二)第二部分 雅思閱讀練習(xí) Unit 4 閱讀練習(xí)(一) Unit 5 閱讀練習(xí)(二) Unit 6 閱讀練習(xí)(三) Unit 7 閱讀練習(xí)(四) Unit 8 閱讀練習(xí)(五) Unit 9 閱讀練習(xí)(六) Unit 10 閱讀練習(xí)(七) Unit 11 閱讀練習(xí)(八) Unit 12 閱讀練習(xí)(九) Unit 13 閱讀練習(xí)(十) Unit 14 閱讀練習(xí)(十一) Unit 15 閱讀練習(xí)(十二) Unit 16 閱讀練習(xí)(十三) Unit 17 閱讀練習(xí)(十四)第三部分 雅思閱讀模擬綜合練習(xí)題 Unit 18 模擬綜合練習(xí)(一) Unit 19 模擬綜合練習(xí)(二)答案總詞匯表


  四、注重文章首、末段  對(duì)文章首、末段應(yīng)該認(rèn)真細(xì)讀。因?yàn)槭锥纬3i_宗明義,通過它可預(yù)測文章大意,在心理上做好準(zhǔn)備;而末段常起歸納總結(jié)的作用。中間部分則可快速掃視。  Example:  Social workers are often the first people met by a person in need of human services.Social workers spend part of their day in an office setting or group residence and the rest of it going to people’S homes.  Children welfare workers help children and teens in abusive situations.They investigate and report instances of neglect or abuse and take action if necessary to place children in foster homes.  Medical social workers help patients and their families when diseases such as AIDS or Alzheimer’S cause suffering.They help a patient and his family adjust to the new situation.  School social workers work within school systems to help children who have emotional problems.These students are often put into special education classrooms simply because they can’t control their behaviors.A school social worker works with the family of such a student to try to integrate him or her back into the general school population.  Industrial Ot occupational social workers work within a personnel department of a business to help employees cope with job pressures Ot personal problems that affect the quality of their work.  Gerontology social workers run support groups for the elderly.They also advise the elderly and their family members on the subjects of long-term housing and health care.  A bachelor’S degree,and often a master’S degree,is the minimum requirement for a professional position in social work.However,small agencies may accept some community college courses in psychological or sociology.In such places,you may find a position available as a record keeper or an aide to one of the social workers on the staff.Salaries usually start at$1 8,000.  這是一篇介紹社會(huì)工作者的文章。首段對(duì)社會(huì)工作者下一個(gè)簡單定義,大致介紹了社工的工作特點(diǎn)和性質(zhì)。末段提到要想成為一名社工所需的條件。而中間的五個(gè)段落則分別介紹不同種類的社工的工作特點(diǎn)。通過首末段可知文章大意,做題前不必在闡述細(xì)節(jié)的中間部分上浪費(fèi)太多時(shí)間?! ∥濉⒆プ《温渲黝}句  文章中概括段落中心思想的句子叫段落主題句。快速尋找出各段落主題句有助于在最短的時(shí)間內(nèi)掌握了解文章大意以及各段落的中心思想?!  段落主題句在段首  段落主題句大多是段落首句。在閱讀過程中仔細(xì)閱讀段落首句常??赏茰y出段落的中心大意。


  《閱讀(修訂版)》讓您提高語言基礎(chǔ)、增強(qiáng)英語實(shí)力、補(bǔ)充文化知識(shí)、強(qiáng)化應(yīng)試技能?! 〗坛毯喗椋骸  堆潘碱A(yù)備教程》是為需要加強(qiáng)英語基礎(chǔ)的雅思考生編寫的一套教程?! ⊥ㄟ^本教程的學(xué)習(xí),考生可以奠定扎實(shí)的英語基礎(chǔ),擴(kuò)大詞匯量,補(bǔ)充和雅思考試相關(guān)的文化知識(shí),訓(xùn)練雅思答題技能,將自己的英語綜合能力提高到與目標(biāo)雅思分?jǐn)?shù)相當(dāng)?shù)乃?,為下一步備考雅思鋪平道路?! 〗坛烫厣 ⊥耆凑昭潘伎荚嚨膬?nèi)容、模式和要求編寫  反映最新雅思題型  符合讀者的起點(diǎn)和學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)  內(nèi)容新穎、翔實(shí)、有趣  叢書組成  含核心教程4本和配套聽力及閱讀練習(xí)6本:  《雅思預(yù)備教程·聽力》  《雅思預(yù)備教程·閱讀》  《雅思預(yù)備教程·寫作》  《雅思階梯聽力》(1)(2)(3)  《雅思階梯閱讀》(1)(2)(3)



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  •   第二天就收到了,書質(zhì)量非常非常好!
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250萬本中文圖書簡介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
