
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:北京語言大學(xué)出版社  作者:李亞賓  頁數(shù):161  字?jǐn)?shù):257000  


  《雅思預(yù)備教程·聽力》是專門為準(zhǔn)備參加雅思考試的高中畢業(yè)生、人學(xué)低年級學(xué)生或水平相當(dāng)者而編!寫的。通過對此教材的學(xué)習(xí),考生能夠清楚地了解雅思聽力考試的要求和題型,在此基礎(chǔ)上做針對性強的雅思聽力練習(xí),并為進入雅思考前強化培訓(xùn)班學(xué)習(xí)或者自學(xué)各種雅思強化教材打下語言基礎(chǔ)?! ”窘坛贪凑昭潘悸犃荚嚨膬?nèi)容分為五個單.元進行練習(xí)。在提供語言和英語國家社會文化背景知識的同時重點培養(yǎng)學(xué)生邊聽邊記的能力,改變聽完后再做題的習(xí)慣?! 〉谝粏卧?以練習(xí)人名、地名和國家名稱為主,通過字母游戲和口常對話的形式幫助考生熟悉26個字母及其在實際生活中的應(yīng)用,了解英國的城市和地區(qū)?! 〉诙卧?以數(shù)字練習(xí)為主,通過數(shù)字游戲和與數(shù)字有關(guān)的口常對話等形式聽寫數(shù)字、電話號碼、時間、日期,并幫助考生了解英國的主要節(jié)假日。從第二單元開始增加邊聽、邊讀、邊記的綜合能力訓(xùn)練。




概述——如何備考雅思聽力考試 一、了解雅思聽力考試 二、雅思聽力考試中必須注意的幾個細(xì)節(jié)Unit One Names and Places Part One The Letters of the Alphabet  Exercise 1 Identifying the letters of the alphabet  Exercise 2 Common abbreviations  Exercise 3 Names of placesUnit Two Getting to Know Each Other Part Two Getting to Know Each Other  Exercise 1 What is his name?  Exercise 2 Where are they from?  Exercise 3 What is your subject?  Exercise'4 Introducing yourself  Exercise 5 Are you from Australia?  Exercise 6 What'S your last name?  Exercise 7 The maps of some countries  Exercise 8 That sounds interesting. Part One Cardinals  Exercise 1 Reading the numbers  Exercise 2 Number dictation  Exercise 3 Ticking the numbers you hear  Exercise 4 Which number is it?  Exercise 5 Number practice  Exercise 6 Discriminating between teens and tens  Exercise 7 Reading the numbers  Exercise 8 Number dictation  Exercise 9 Circulation of British newspapers  Exercise 10 Airports in the Southeast of Britain  Exercise 11 Practical problem-solving Part Two Ordinals  Exercise 1 Reading the ordinal numbers  Exercise 2 Ordinal number dictation  Exercise 3 Practice with ordinals Part Three Decimal Fractions  Exercise 1 Traffic at Britain's main airports  Exercise 2 Household expenditure  Exercise 3 Migration  Exercise 4 Interview about the earthquake  Exercise 5 British trade Part Four Money  Exercise 1 How much is this?  Exercise 2 How much does this cost?  Exercise 3 Living in London (1)  Exercise 4 Living in London (2)  Exercise 5 Living in London (3) Part Five Time  Exercise 1 Can you tell me the time?  Exercise 2 What time does the next train arrive?  Exercise 3 Daily schedules  Exercise 4 Mike and Ellen's day Part Six The Telephone  Exercise ! Inquiry  Exercise 2 Making an appointment  Exercise 3 Telephone message (1)  Exercise 4 Telephone message (2)  Exercise 5 Telephone message (3) Part Seven Dates  Exercise 1 Days and months  Exercise 2 Accommodation  Exercise 3 When does school start?  Exercise 4 Great names in British history  Exercise 5 Find the differenceUnit Three Survival EnglishUnit Four Popular ScienceUnit Five Acadimic English錄音文本答案詞匯表


  《雅思預(yù)備教程聽力(修訂版)》特色完全按照雅思考試的內(nèi)容、模式和要求編寫,反映最新雅思題型,符合讀者的起點和學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo),內(nèi)容新穎、翔實、有趣?! 矔M成,含核心教程4本和配套聽力及閱讀練習(xí)6本:《雅思預(yù)備教程·口語》、《雅思預(yù)備教程·閱讀》、《雅思預(yù)備教程·寫作》、《雅思階梯聽力》(1)(2)(3)、《雅思階梯閱讀》(1)(2)(3)。提高語言基礎(chǔ)、增強英語實力、補充文化知識、強化應(yīng)試技能。




    雅思預(yù)備教程聽力 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計19條)


  •   既有l(wèi)isten to this的基礎(chǔ)又滲透了雅思考試的題型,基礎(chǔ)同時兼顧能力。比單純聽listen to this效果好,不過某些題目設(shè)置上有問題,不容易找到答案
  •   準(zhǔn)備考雅思的基礎(chǔ)弱的同學(xué)可以看這個系列 我全套都在看 看完了再看劍橋雅思
  •   不錯,認(rèn)真學(xué)習(xí),突破雅思必備~
  •   反正就是拿來練下聽力的吧。應(yīng)該不錯我想的話。
  •   還送光盤,光盤應(yīng)該是真人說的,對聽力很有幫助
  •   書很好,聽力難度適中,很合理
  •   這本聽力和黑眼睛很贊啊 很細(xì)致
  •   老師推薦的,對于聽力比較差的來說,聽這本會有很大幫助
  •   題目看似簡單但做起來還是會錯...基礎(chǔ)做起??!
  •   還沒有看。。但是感覺比較基礎(chǔ)。。。
  •   第四次購買了,挺好的
  •   想到不錯。
  •   東西不錯,幫別的小孩買的,但物流啊,真是要吐槽。到了派送站兩天追也沒反應(yīng),到派件公司總部電話追也找不到派送人員....
  •   挺好的 用途很大。
  •   對要考試的同學(xué)幫助很大,內(nèi)容不錯
  •   書不錯,對要考試的人幫助很大,可是總?cè)必?/li>
  •   老師要求買的,上課要用,書的質(zhì)量不錯,到貨很快.
  •   內(nèi)附CD有些劃損
  •   有缺頁情況

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