出版時間:1970-1 出版社:語言大 作者:王新紅 頁數(shù):272
This book will merge the financial theory you have learned from investments with financial practices.This book embarks on an interesting journey ——a journey into the complex and exciting world of the modern investment bankers, a place where financial theory and financial practice merge as nowhere else.
Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 What Is Investment Banking?1.2 Investment Banking Activities1.3 Investment Banking versus Commercial Banking 1.4 Industry Overview1.5 The Investment Banker as an Individual1.6 A Brief History of the Industry1.7 Scope of This BookChapter 2 Financial Securities2.1 Bonds2.2 Stocks2.3 Derivative Securities2.4 International Securities2.5 Risks of Bonds and StocksChapter 3 Investment Analysis3.1 Maeroeeonomie Analysis3.2 Industry Analysis3.3 Financial Statements Analysis3.4 Technical Analysis3.5 Efficient Market TheoryChapter 4 Primary Market Making I: Equity Financing4.1 Public Offerings and Private Placements4.2 Motivations of Issuers4.3 The IPO Team4.4 The Public Offering Process4.5 Agreements of an IPO4.6 Risks of an IPO4.7 Revenues of Underwriters4.8 The Costs of Going Public4.9 Aftermarket Trading4.10 Direct Offerings, Shells, and Equity Takedowns4.11 International Listings4.12 China' s PracticesChapter 5 Primary Market Making lI : Debt Financing5.1 Government Securities5.2 Treasury Securities Markets5.3 Municipal Securities Markets5.4 Corporate Debt Markets5.5 Corporate Bonds5.6 Private Placements5.7 Foreign Bonds5.8 Eurobonds5.9 Treasury Bond Transactions in China5.10 China' s Enterprise BondsChapter 6 Secondary Market Making6.1 Dealing versus Brokering6.2 Dealer Activities in the Financial Markets6.3 Managing Dealer Risks6.4 Financing Dealer Inventory6.5 Brokering Activities in the Financial Markets6.6 Possible AbusesChapter 7 Trading: Speculation and Arbitrage7.1 Speculation7.2 Arbitrage TradingChapter 8 Mergers and Acquisitions8.1 Market Overview8.2 Motivations8.3 Strategic Planning and Intermediary8.4 Investment Banking Fees and Agreements8.5 Valuation and Financing8.6 Closing and Regulatory Issues8.7 Takeover Defenses8.8 Legal Considerations in Buying Public Targets8.9 Post-Acquisition IntegrationChapter 9 Venture Capital9.1 Venture Capital Investing9.2 Market Overview9.3 Historical Development9.4 Setting up Venture Capital Operations9.5 Investing Strategy9.6 Venture Capital Transactions9.7 Legal Documentation9.8 Exit StrategiesChapter 10 Asset Securitization10.1 Market Overview10.2 Benefits and Costs10.3 Structure and Basic Elements10.4 Mortgage-Backed Securities10.5 Asset-Backed SecuritiesChapter 11 Money Management11.1 Money Management Business11.2 Types of Money Management Operations11.3 Organization and Operation of a Mutual Fund11.4 Development and Growth of Mutual Funds11.5 The Institutional and Retirement Markets11.6 Hedge FundsChapter 12 China' s Market and Future Trends12.1 China's Market12.2 Future Trends