出版時(shí)間:2011-8 出版社:天津大學(xué)出版社 作者:江濱 主編,呂莉 等分冊主編 頁數(shù):120
Chapter 1 Company
Chapter 2 Money
Chapter 3 Trading
Chapter 4 Marketing
Chapter 5 Service
Chapter 6 corporate Culture
Chapter 7 Business Ethics
Chapter 8 Electronic Business
Chapter 9 Public Relations
Chapter 10 Recruitment and Interview
The conventional marketing mix can no longer be the prime considera。tion now that customers may be influenced by the social and environmentalrecord.and the degree of corporate responsibility,demonstrated by thecompany behind the product or brand.The public will be more interestedin what a company actually does than in what it says and advertises.Ethi-cal marketers should ideally embrace such principles as honesty and fair-ness where products arc fit for purpose and accurately described;taking re’sponsibility for their products and strategies;transparency encompassmg openness,good communication and accountability;and respect in relationto consumer rights,their rights of redress and privacy. The American Marketing Association commits itself to promoting the highest stalndard of professional ethical norms and values for its members(practitioners,academics and students).Norms are established standards of conduct that are expected and maintained by society and/or professional organizations.Values represent the collective conception of what communi。ties find desirable,important and morally proper. Ethical Norms ·Do no harm.This means consciously avoiding harmful actions or omissions by embodying high ethical standards and adhering to all applica'ble laws and regulations in the choices we make. ·Foster trust in the marketing system.This means striving for goodfaith and fair dealing so a8 to contribute toward the efficacy ofthe exchange process as well as avoiding deception in product design,pricing,communi·cation,and delivery of distribution. ......