出版時間:2001-8-1 出版社:天津大學(xué)出版社 作者:張鳳玲,張玉環(huán),姚妙新 頁數(shù):253
《微積分學(xué)(英文)》是根據(jù)國內(nèi)高等學(xué)校對數(shù)學(xué)教學(xué)的要求,并參考國外一些優(yōu)秀的微積分教程而編寫的一本英文高等數(shù)學(xué)教材。在內(nèi)容的深度及廣度方面,它包括了一元函數(shù)微積分學(xué)、多元函數(shù)微積分學(xué)、級數(shù)及空間解析幾何的有關(guān)內(nèi)容,并給出了相關(guān)概念在幾何、物理及經(jīng)濟(jì)方面的應(yīng)用實(shí)例?! 段⒎e分學(xué)(英文)》可以作為高等學(xué)校科技英語專業(yè)的高等數(shù)學(xué)課程教科書,也可以作為文科類專業(yè)采用英文教學(xué)的高等數(shù)學(xué)課程教材。
1 Functions1.1 Sets1.1.1 Definition of Set1.1.2 Operations upon Sets1.1.3 The Set of Real Numbers1.2 Functions1.2.1 Definition1.2.2 Some Properties of Functions1.3 Composite Functions and Inverse Functions1.3.1 Composite Functions1.3.2 Inverse Functions1.4 Elementary Functions1.4.1 Constant functions1.4.2 Power functions1.4.3 Exponential functions1.4.4 Logarithmic functions1.4.5 Trigonometric functions1.4.6 Anti-trigonometric functions1.5 Exercises2 Limits and Continuity2.1 Limits of Sequences2.1.1 Definition2.2 Limits of Functions2.2.1 A Limit of a Function f(x) as x Tends to a Real Number xo2.2.2 Limits Involving Infinity2.3 Techniques for Finding Limits2.4 Continuous Functions2.5 Exercises3 The Derivative3.1 Tangent lines and Rates of Change3.2 Definition of Derivative3.3 Differentiation Formulas3.4 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions3.5 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions3.6 The Chain Rule3.7 Derivatives of Inverse Functions and Implicit Differentiation3.8 Higher Derivative3.9 Differentials and Linear Approximations3.9.1 Differentials3.9.2 Linear Approximations3.10 Exercises4 Applications of Derivative4.1 The Mean Value Theorem4.2 Indeterminate Forms and L'HOSPITAL'S Rule4.2.1 The Forms4.2.2 The Forms4.3 Monotonic Functions4.4 Concavity and Points of Inflection4.5 Extrema of Functions4.6 Applications to Economics4.7 Exercises5 Indefinite Integrals5.1 Antiderivatives and the Indefinite Integral5.2 Substitution Rules5.3 Integration by Parts5.4 ExercisesDefinite Integrals6.1 Area and the Definite Integral6.2 Properties of the Definite Integral6.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus6.4 Techniques of Integration6.4.1 Formula for integration by substitution6.4.2 Formula for integration by parts6.5 Improper Integrals6.5.1 Type 1: Infinite Intervals6.5.2 Type 2: Discontinuous Integrand6.6 Exercises7 Applications of Definite Integrals7.1 Area between Curves7.2 Volume7.3 Arc Length7.4 Area of a Surface of Revolution7.5 Work7.6 Applications in Business and Economics7.6.1 Continuous Income Stream7.6.2 Consumers' and Producers Surplus7.7 Exercises8 Series8.1 Numerical Series8.1.1 Fundamental Concepts8.1.2 Elementary Properties8.1.3 Infinite Series of Nonnegative Terms8.1.4 Alternating Series8.1.5 Absolute and Conditional Convergence8.2 Functional Series8.2.1 Power Series8.2.2 Properties of Power Series8.3 Taylor Series8.4 ExercisesVector Algebra and Space Analytic Geometry9.1 Rectangular Coordinates in Space9.2 Vector Algebra9.2.1 Operations of Vectors9.2.2 The Coordinates of a Vector9.2.3 The Scalar Product9.2.4 The Vector Product9.3 The Planes and Lines in Space9.3.1 The Point-Normal Form Equations of a Plane9.3.2 Distance from a Point to a Plane9.3.3 The Angle between Two Planes9.3.4 The General Equation of a Line in Space9.3.5 Equations of a Line9.3.6 The Angle between Two Lines9.4 Equations for a Surface or a Curve9.4.1 The Equation for a Sphere9.4.2 The Equation of a Cylindrical Surface with Generators Paralleling to a Coordinate Axis9.4.3 Equation for the Intersection of Two Curved Surfaces9.4.4 The Parametric Equation of a Space Curve9.4.5 Equation for the Projecting Curve on a Coordinate Plane of a Space Curve9.5 Surfaces of Revolution9.6 Quadratic Surfaces9.6.1 Ellipsoids9.6.2 Hyperboloids of One Sheet9.6.3 Hyperboloids of Two Sheets9.6.4 Quadratic Cones9.6.5 Paraboloids9.6.6 Quadratic Cylinders9.7 Exercises10 Functions of Several Variables10.1 Fundamental Concepts10.2 Limits and Continuity10.3 Partial Derivatives10.4 The Chain Rule10.5 Approximation and Total Differential10.6 Applications of Partial Derivatives10.6.1 Geometric Application10.6.2 Extreme Values of Functions of Two Variables10.7 Exercises11 Multiple Integrals11.1 Double Integrals11.2 Properties of Double Integral11.3 Evaluation of Double Integrals11.4 Triple Integrals11.4.1 The Mass of an Object of Nonhomogeneous Density11.4.2 The Definition of Triple Integral11.4.3 Evaluation of Triple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates11.5 Exercises
微積分學(xué)(CALCULUS with Space Analytic Geometry) PDF格式下載