
出版時(shí)間:2008-6  出版社:華東師范大學(xué)出版社  作者:李鑫,程文華,鞏湘紅 主編  頁(yè)數(shù):163  字?jǐn)?shù):131000  




Unit 1 Food,Health and Family  Passage 1 Vegetarianism  Passage 2 Healthy Eating Begins at the Supermarket  Passage 3 Seven Ways to Create a Happy Household Unit 2 Computer and Internet  Passage 1 Computer Viruses  Passage 2 How Hackers Work  Passage 3 Is Cyberbullying Getting out of Control Unit 3 Media  Passage 1 Blogging and Podcasting  Passage 2 E-Commerce  Passage 3 Newspapers Unit 4 Education  Passage 1 Faith Fuels Home Education Boom  Passage 2 School Vouchers  Passage 3 Struggles in Reading Unit 5 People and Cities  Passage 1 Who's the (New) Richest Person in the World  Passage 2 Subway: No Experience Needed  Passage 3 Austin City Guide Unit 6 Human and Nature  Passage 1 Service Animals Help Humans Live Fuller Lives  Passage 2 Gardening  Passage 3 Birds' Importance to Human Society, Unit 7 Environment  Passage 1 Global Warming  Passage 2 Recycling  Passage 3 Could Salt Water Fuel Cars Unit 8 Humanities and Sports  Passage 1 Race and Racism  Passage 2 Challenges of Globalization  Passage 3 0lympics Unit 9 Science and Technology  Passage 1 Atavism  Passage 2 Flying Cars  Passage 3 What Is the Apple iPhone Unit 10 Culture  Passage 1 Tipping in the United States  Passage 2 Feng Shin  Passage 3 Prom Keys for Reference



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