出版時(shí)間:2008-7 出版社:華東師范大學(xué)出版社 作者:鄧文杰 頁數(shù):353
本書打破傳統(tǒng)語法把“詞法”和“句法”分開講解的形式,從短語切入,圍繞句子的擴(kuò)展和轉(zhuǎn)換逐項(xiàng)論述。它有利于學(xué)生完整地把握句法,并從句法引導(dǎo)到段落組織和文章安排,使語法和語言表達(dá)有機(jī)地結(jié)合起來。 本書力求突出創(chuàng)新與實(shí)用的特點(diǎn),既注意吸取傳統(tǒng)語法教學(xué)的精華,又重視融入轉(zhuǎn)換生成語法和教學(xué)語法的新思想,同時(shí)注重理論與實(shí)踐的結(jié)合。 本書可供英語專業(yè)本科生、研究生使用。
Introduction 0.1 Purpose and approaches 0.2 Hierarchical structure of English grammarChapter One Composition of NP and VP 1.1 Two formulae 1.2 Composition of NP 1.3 Composition of VPChapter Two NP: The Determiner 2.1 Membership 2.2 Collocation 2.3 Simple and compound determinerChapter Three NP: The Article 3.1 Reference 3.2 Idiomatic useChapter Four NP: Number,Case and Gender 4.1 Number 4.2 Case 4.3 GenderChapter Five NP: Modifiers and Pronoun 5.1 Modifiers 5.2 PronounChapter Six VP: The Tense 6.1 Two tenses and no more 6.2 Sense of time 6.3 Tense and timeChapter Seven VP: The Aspect 7.1 Progressive 7.2 Perfective 7.3 Perfective progressiveChapter Eight VP: The Passive Voice 8.1 Form of the passive 8.2 Condition and constraints for the use of the passive 8.3 Expressions active in form but passive in meaningChapter Nine VP: The Mood and The Means of Denoting The Future Time 9.1 The mood and the moods 9.2 Mandative and formulaic 9.3 Means of denoting the future timeChapter Ten VP: Modal Auxiliaries 10.1 Orientation 10.2 Significance of the distinction of the two orientations 10.3 Main modals 10.4 Comparisons 10.5 NegationChapter Eleven NP and VP: The Adjective and The Adverb(1) 11.1 Syntactic functions of the adjective 11.2 Syntactic classification 11.3 Semantic classification: stative vs.dynamic,gradable vs. Non-gradable 11.4 Adverb as phrasal element 11.5 Adverb clausal elementChapter Twelve NP and VP: The Adjective and The Adverb(2),The Preposition 12.1 Adverb“with two forms” 12.2 Degrees of adjective and adverb 12.3 Preposition 12.4 Collocation 12.5 Idiomatic use and ellipsis of the prepositionChapter Thirteen Transformation: Varieties to The Clause Patterns 13.1 Transformation and expansion 13.2 Existential sentence and sentence in which it is involved 13.3 Transformed sentences where it is involvedChapter Fourteen Transformation: Statement,Question,Command and Exclamation 14.1 Statement 14.2 Question 14.3 Command 14.4 ExclamationChapter Fifteen Transformation: Fronting and Postponement 15.1 Fronting 15.2 Inversion 15.3 Postponement 15.4 Fronting and postponementChapter Sixteen Transformation: Substitution and Ellipsis 16.1 Substitution for noun phrases and their constituents 16.2 Substitution for clauses or clause constituents 16.3 EllipsisChapter Seventeen Expansion: From NP to Clause 17.1 NP1 realized by finite and non-finite clauses 17.2 (NP4) realized by finite and non-finite clauses 17.3 (NP2) realized by finite and non-finite clauses 17.4 Finite and non-finite clauses as objects of prepositionsChapter Eighteen Expansion : From(C)to Clause 18.1 Nominal clauses as(Cs) 18.2 Adjectival clauses as(Co)Chapter Nineteen Expansion: From(M)to clause 19.1 Clauses as(M1) 19.2 Finite clauses as(M2) 19.3 Non-finite clauses as (M2)Chapter Twenty Expansion: From [ A ] to Clause(1) 20.1 Semantic classification and descriptionChapter Twenty-one Expansion: From[A] to Clause(2) 21.1 Position in clause 21.2 Dangling clause and its acceptability 21.3 Syntactic classificationChapter Twenty-two Expansion: Coordination and Apposition 22.1 Syndetic and asyndetic coordination 22.2 Syntactic features and semantic implications of coordinators 22.3 Correlatives and some other points about coordination 22.4 AppositionChapter Twenty-three Sentence Analysis: Phrase Structure Rules 23.1 Phrase structure rules(1—3) 23.2 Supplementary features provided by the phrase rules 23.3 Practice of sentence analysisChapter Twenty-four Sentence Analysis: Transformed Sentences 24.1 Transformed sentences 24.2 Practice of sentence analysisChapter Twenty-five Sentence Analysis: Ambiguous Sentences 25.1 Ambiguous sentences 25.2 Practice of sentence analysisKey to ExercisesBibliographyIndex
4. Read the following paragraphs and then classify each sentence in view ofits formation and function. ?。?) Grammar is the structure system of a language. The grammar of the Englishlanguage is organized into five ranks: the sentence, the clause, the phrase, the wordand the morpheme. Each rank is composed of one or more than one grammatical unitof the immediate lower rank. Thus the sentence is a grammatical unit that consists ofone or more than one clause; the clause, one or more than one phrase; the phrase,one or more than one word; and the word, one or more than one morpheme. Thesentence is the highest rank of grammatical unit while the morpheme is the minimumor the lowest rank. A full sentence can generally be segmented rank by rank down toits smallest constituents —— the morphemes. ?。?) How can time be measured? Length, volume, mass, energy- almost allthe physical values of the world around us submit to our manipulations. Time is anexception. It is impossible to cut out a segment of time and compare it with anothersegment taken from somewhere else. To measure time, we must select some otherphenomenon which we can manipulate and which recurs in identical fashion. We donot measure time itself, but its manifestation through a physical phenomenon of ourchoice. ?。?) Hes working himself up to it, maybe. Maybe Augustine is going to do it.He certainly hates him enough. I dont hate him, he thought. No, I dont hate him.He is disgusting but I dont hate him. Though that blinding business puts him in aspecial class. Still this is their war. But he is certainly nothing to have around for thenext two days. I am going to keep away out of it, he thought. I made a fool of myselfwith him once tonight and I am perfectly willing to liquidate him. But I am not goingto fool with him beforehand. And there are not going to be any shooting matches ormonkey business in here with that dynamite around either. Pablo thought of that, ofcourse. "And did you think of it?" he asked himself. No, you did not and neither didAugustine. You deserve whatever happens to you, he thought.