
出版時間:2008-3  出版社:華東師范大學出版社  作者:井升華 編  頁數(shù):333  字數(shù):411000  




Unit 1 汽車與交通
 Topic-based Content:Automobiles and Transportation
 Topic Readin9:Extracts of Automobiles and Transportation
 Extract 1:Automobile Industry
  [相關鏈接] Related Link:Brands of Cars
 Extract 2:Traffic Congestion and Its Solution
  [文化鏈接] Culture Link:Carpool/Vanpool
 Extract 3:China’S Drive for Local Car Brands
 Extract 4:China Starts Driving in Style
  [文化鏈接] Culture Link:Driving Through
  [實例鏈接] Link to Authentic Document:Car Exchange Agreement
Unit 2 “租”出好生意
 Topic-based Content:Leasing
 Topic Readin9:Extracts of Leasing
 Extract 1:How to Choose an Equipment Leasing Company
 Extract 2:Equipment Leasing
  [實例鏈接] Link to Authentic Document:Rental Agreement
 Extract 3:Leasing Advantages
  [相關鏈接] Related Link:租約小知識
 Extract 4:How Do I Buy My Car at the End of the Lease?
  [實例鏈接] Link to Authentic Document:LEASE
Unit 3 觀光“財?shù)馈?br /> Topic-based Content:Tourism
 Topic Readin9:Extracts of Tourism
 Extract 1:Tourist Industry
 Extract 2:Planning Your Trip
  [文化鏈接] Culture Link:To Be Time Travelers
  [相關鏈接] Related Link:China to Become the Second Largest Tourism
Economy with in the Decade
 Extract 3:Safety and Security Warning
 Extract 4:Cultural Tourism
  [實例鏈接] Link to Authentic Document·A Tourist Promotional
Unit 4 商貿(mào)經(jīng)典路——絲綢之路
 Topic-based Content:Silk Route
 Topic Readin9:Extracts of Silk Route
 Extract 1:The Story and Its Significance
 Extract 2:Foreign Influence
  [相關鏈接] Related Link:The Region of the Silk Route
 Extract 3:Marco Polo on the Silk Route
 Extract 4:Living In Silk:Chinese Textiles through 5,000
  [文化鏈接] Culture Link:Digital Silk Road
Unit 5 創(chuàng)意掘金
 Topic-based Content:Creative Industry
 Topic Readin9:Extracts of Creative Industry
 Extract 1:Definition and Boundaries of Creative Industry
 Extract 2:Significance of Creative Industry
  [文化鏈接] Culture Link:The Best Product Design of 2006
 Extract 3:Creative Industry in the Wodd
 Extract 4:Creative Industry in UK
  [相關鏈接] Related Link:An 0仟1cla]Measure of Innovation
Unit 6 服務至上&休閑招財
 Topic-based Content:Service&Leisure Industry
 Topic Readin9:Extracts of Service&Leisure Industry
 Extract 1:Leisure Industry
 Extract 2:Services
  [文化鏈接] Culture Link:The Forgotten Pioneer of Corporate
 Extract 3:Service Industries
 Extract 4:Leisure Society
  [相關鏈接] Related Link:Public Utilities 
Unit 7 商界談吃
Unit 8 期中復習
Unit 9 商界英雄記
Unit 10 企業(yè)及其系統(tǒng)
Unit 11 管理科學管窺
Unit 12 聚焦企業(yè)文化
Unit 13 “交往”手段制勝
Unit 14 兼并浪潮
Unit 15 證券英語趣談
Unit 16 期末復習



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