出版時間:2010-4 出版社:廈門大學出版社 作者:程麗霞 頁數:250 字數:250000
共時層面的語言現象是語言歷時演化的產物。作為一種研究方法,語法化為歷時比較和語言間的比較提供了新的思路與視角。作者指出,英、漢第一人稱認識性插入語的演化呈現一定程度的規(guī)律性:它們經過轉喻化、隱喻化、主觀化、交互主觀化及引發(fā)性推理等過程,由原來的內容義發(fā)展為內容義和程序義并存直至最后的程序義。重新分析、類推和語言接觸是結構式句法變化的主要機制。重新分析使其內部結構關系發(fā)生變化,最終導致規(guī)則的改變。類推改變的是表層形式,與規(guī)則的擴散有關。語言接觸使得一種語言結構受另一語言的影響而導致語用規(guī)則發(fā)生嬗變?! ≌Z法研究的最終目標是對語言現象做出解釋和預測。語言現象是有理據的,這一理據受傾向性原則的支配。找到規(guī)約背后的理據并對規(guī)約做出解釋,也是完成了預測。作者發(fā)現,英漢第一人稱認識性插入語的演化路徑同樣存在于其他語法范疇的演化進程中,如情態(tài)動詞、話語標記等的語法化。作者指出,形式語言學所探求的語言共性可以在歷時演化中找到解釋。很多語言現象都有一個歷時的維度,而非形成于一朝一夕。探索共時層面下歷時變化的普遍機制不僅可以解釋共時層面的語言現象,還可以預測將來的語言面貌?! ≌Z言比較研究絕大多數集中在語言內部或語言間的共時比較層面,而語言間的歷時比較在國內研究較少。作者對第一人稱認識性插入語的歷時研究發(fā)現,語言在共時層面上顯現的共性或個性往往是歷時作用的結果,語言間的歷時比較既可以探索語言間的共性和共同的變化機制以及規(guī)律性原則,又可以為共時層面的差異尋找合理的解釋。
本書是廈門大學英漢語言文化博士文庫中的一本。該書嘗試對結構式的演化進行語法化的推測與假設。同時,還嘗試將認知語言學和語用學所關注的傳信義和認識義區(qū)分開來。 本書選題新穎,邏輯清晰,具有較強的學科前沿性和較高的理論價值。
Introduction 0.1 The term FPEP 0.2 Problems and aims 0.3 Assumptions and methods 0.4 Evidence and conventions 0.5 Summary and outline of this bookChapter 1 The Theoretical Framework 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Meaning and grammar 1.3 Mechanisms of historical change 1.4 Grammatiealization and diachronie comparison 1.5 SummaryChapter 2 Prior and Current Work on FPEPs and Grammaticalization 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Studies on grammaticalization 2.3 Backgrounds of the study on FPEPs 2.4 Major contemporary issues 2.5 SummaryChapter 3 The Development of FP + MSV Epistemic Parentheticals 3.1 Introduction 3.2 FP + MSV epistemie parentheticals in PDE & MdMand/97 3.3 The development of FP + MSV EPs in English 3.4 The development of FP + MSV EPs in Chinese 3.5 SummaryChapter 4 The Development of FP + SAV Epistemic Parentheticals 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Speech act verbs and performative verbs 4.3 FP + SAV epistemic parentheticals in PDE & MdMand/ 4.4 The development of FP + SAV EPs in English 4.5 The development of FP + SAV EPs in Chinese 4.6 SummaryChapter 5 The Development of FP + SPV Epistemic Parentheticals 5.1 Introduction 5.2 FP + SPV epistemic parentheticals in PDE & MdMand 5.3 The development of FP + SPV EPs in English 5.4 The development of FP + SAV EPs in Chinese 5.5 SummaryChapter 6 Comparison: Diaehronie Universals and Diaehronie Typology 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Diachronic comparison : granmaaticalization of FPEPs 6.3 Synchronic comparison: FPEPs in the two languages and three sources 6.4 Diachronic universals and diachronic typology 6.5 SummaryConclusionAppendicesBibliographyAcknowledgements
The emptiness of Quadrant III is partly due to the difficulty inhandling the comparative study between languages over such a long timeas hundreds or thousands years. It needs a theoretical framework tocover the stages of development. The grammaticalization theory seemsto fit well in this field of study, but it has not been widely used in thediachronic comparison between languages. So this book tends to addsomething to Quadrant III by conducting a diachronic comparative studyof FPEPs between English and Chinese, to fred the universalmechanisms of change and explore the reasons for the similarities anddifferences presenting on the synchronic level. On the basis of the similarities and differences between the twolanguages in a historical perspective, a diachronic typology betweenEnglish and Chinese will also be proposed here. This is an attempt toexplore the deep mechanisms for the synchronic similarities anddifferences between the two languages. There are two main reasons forproposing such a study of diachronic typology. First is the diachronyitself. Language change is a universal and essential feature of humanlanguage, and by studying the general laws of language change, scholarscan explore much more about human language. Secondly, diachronictypology helps to understand synchronic language states better. Alllanguages are constantly in a process of change, in a kind of flux, andmany features that do not fit neatly into a synchronic system begin tomake sense once a diachronic point of view is taken. This applies bothto recent innovations and to remnants of earlier regularities that are nolonger synchronically motivated. Language can carry such synchronicirregularities for many generations, and if the goal of linguistic study isthe explanation of linguistic structures, then the diachronicconsiderations must be taken into account.