
出版時間:2009-11  出版社:廈門大學(xué)出版社  作者:王祖友  頁數(shù):216  


  秋風(fēng)送爽,催人奮進(jìn)。在歡慶祖國六十華誕的熱潮中,王祖友同志的專著《后現(xiàn)代的怪誕——海勒小說研究》終于問世了,可喜可賀!  這是以他的博士學(xué)位論文《美國后現(xiàn)代社會的荒誕與約瑟夫·海勒后現(xiàn)代主義文本的怪誕》為基礎(chǔ)修訂而成的。它體現(xiàn)了幾年來王祖友同志對海勒潛心研究的成果,也記錄了他在美國文學(xué)研究征途上勤苦鉆研的足跡?! ⊥踝嬗淹驹不瘴幕L(fēng)景名勝之鄉(xiāng)——和縣,1998年廣西師范大學(xué)碩士生畢業(yè)后到廣東佛山教育學(xué)院任教三年,2001年考取我校博士生,隨我研習(xí)美國小說。入學(xué)后不久,佛山教育學(xué)院并入其他高校,他成了一個“無家可歸的人”,但他情緒穩(wěn)定,安心學(xué)習(xí),成績優(yōu)良。他業(yè)余抽空寫了中文論文16篇,英文論文6篇,刊于《東北師大學(xué)報》、《外國文學(xué)》、《山東外語教學(xué)》、《語言與文學(xué)研究》和《跨文化交流》等雜志。他多次參加全國性的學(xué)術(shù)會議。學(xué)術(shù)水準(zhǔn)有了明顯的提高。  在論文選題時,我與祖友同志多次溝通,共同分析了選擇海勒的有利條件和各種困難。海勒是第一個劃時代的美國后現(xiàn)代派小說家,他受到中美兩國學(xué)界的重視。一方面,他的作品比較早就被譯介到我國,國內(nèi)對他的評論較多,已發(fā)表的論文比其他美國后現(xiàn)代派作家的論文多得多,要寫出有自己創(chuàng)見的論文是不容易的;另一方面,美國學(xué)者至今仍不斷有新的論著出現(xiàn),資料浩如煙海,要系統(tǒng)收集和梳理確非易事。但這兩個問題并不是不可克服的。祖友同志經(jīng)過一年多的學(xué)習(xí),已把握美國后現(xiàn)代派小說的特色、它的代表作家及其作品。讀過海勒的代表作《第二十二條軍規(guī)》后,他倍感興趣,信心十足。選題就這么定下來了。






序IntroductionChapter 1 The Making of Joseph Heller as a Postmodernist Writer:His Mind and ArtA.Joseph Heller’S Childhood LifeB.Joseph Heller’S Views on ArtChapter 2 The Absurdity of Postmodern American Society Deconstructed in HeHerS FictionA.Absurdity Prevailing as Normality in Catch Heller’S Deconstruction of the Military BureaucracyB.1he Company’S Pervasive Absurdity:Heller’S Deconstruction of the Corporate Establishment in Something HappenedChapter 3 The Grotesqueness of the Postmoderuist Texts Constructed in Hellers FictionA.Black Humor in Catch-22B.Dialogism in No Laughing MatterC.Carnivalization in Closing TimeD.Decanonization in God KnowsE.Hybridization in Good as G0ld and Picture ThisF.Metafiction in Portrait ofan Artist,as an Old ManChapter 4 The Comparisons Between HeHer and Other Postmoderu WritersA.Heller’S Black Humor Stressing Irrationality and AbsurdityB.Vonnegut’s Black Humor Leaning to CynicismC.Barth’s Black Humor Exercising Farce and ParodyD.Pynchon’S Black Humor Centering Entropy Conclusion Works Cited附錄一 狂歡化視角中的《最后一幕》附錄二 顛覆《圣經(jīng)》之作附錄三 我國學(xué)者對海勒的解讀和接受后記


  (19).The disharmony inhering in Jewish humor makes it a propervehicle for the postmodern humor which is blacker than previous humor.The principle of the disharmony——the most distinguished characteristic ofthe grotesque——runs wild in Hellers black humor which mixesamusement with horror, attraction with repulsion, liberation withtension, life with death. All in all, Hellers black humor is Jewishhumor in a dialogie relationship with postmodernist reflection ofcontemporary American society. Hellers black humor is the most absurdJewish humor, which his Catch-22 exemplifies.  B. Dialogism in No Laughing Matter  If Joseph Hellers black humor is a dialogue between Jewishsensibility and postmodernist reflection, No Laughing Matter(1986)can be interpreted as dialogism between Heller and his friend Speed.  Named No Laughing Matter, Hellers serious nonfictional narrationof his hospitalization opens our eyes to the psychological grotesqueexperience of the laughable and the horrible at the same time. In thismemoir of calamitous illness named Guillain-Barre syndrome, JosephHeller and Speed Vogel told alternately an eye-opening true story asterrifying and eye-opening as any fiction Joseph Heller has ever written.  At the opening of this story of "no laughing matter," Joseph Helleris as healthy as health could be. He was jogging an average of four milesa day, working on his novel God Knows, coping with the complicationsof his complicated divorce, dining with members of his " GourmetClub. " Then one morning his grapefruit tasted wrong. Later he could notswallow his hash browns. By the afternoon he could not raise his armshigh enough to remove his sweater. Within twenty-four hours he was tobe in intensive care at Manhattans Mount Sinai Hospital.



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