
出版時間:2009-7  出版社:廈門大學(xué)出版社  作者:肯·詹遜  頁數(shù):341  譯者:陳穎崢  


This book is the result of my experienceteaching career management and business courses tothousands of Chinese university students over thepast several years. As a teacher and advisor ofmany students, I have personally witnessed thechallenges and difficulties that most Chinesestudents face when they make the transition fromschool to work. I have felt their confusion over choosing the right career, their anxietyin trying to find a job, and their disappointment in not realizing their dreams of a richand rewarding future. I have also shared the excitement of students who havesuccessfully used the ideas and skills of the marketing approach to get good jobs andbegin rewarding careers. As a teacher, I have learned much by listening to the stories ofboth failure and success that students have shared with me.My classroom approach is more like training than traditional teaching: trainingmeans helping students acquire the practical skills and motivation they need to choosetheir direction, develop themselves and successfully compete in the job market so theycan begin satisfying careers; traditional teaching mainly provides abstract knowledge andtheories that are often useless when they face social reality after graduation. Chinesestudents need more training, not more traditional teaching. I have been gratified bynumerous students who have applied the practical skills to managing their careers andsucceeded in getting good jobs and have started their careers with bright futures.This book is more like training manuals than a traditional textbook. You will notfind many theories, complex ideas or big words to learn. There is nothing to memorizeand repeat for an examination. Rather, this book guides you through a series of practicalexercises (contained in the Career Portfolio Workbook, at the end of this book)designed to develop your practical knowledge and skills, to give you a clear sense of yourcareer direction, and help you to understand your unique value, so that you can competeand shine above the millions of others desperately trying to find jobs and start theircareers.


This book is designed especially for anyone who finds themself in any one or more of thefollowing situations: Are university students and want to get the most suitable job when they graduate; Recent graduates who have been working less than five years; Those who want to use English to enhance their opportunities and add value to their careers; Anyone who wants to improve practical career skills such as interviewing, resume- writing, andjob search strategies; Students and recent graduates who find themselves without direction in their future; Anyone who wants to compete more effectively and promote their careers faster.


作者:(美國)肯·詹遜(Johnson.K)Dr.Ken Johnson is an American who has grown up in Miami, Brazil and Argentina. He received his Bachelor degree from Emory University (Atlanta), and his masters and doctorate degrees from Tulane University (New Orleans). He has traveled to 22 countries and has taught economics, politics, international relations, business and career management. He has also done consulting for Price Waterhouse Coopers and directed job placement program for students in Kentucky and Ohio.  He currently lives in Xiamen, China, where he teaches business and career management for the Keuka College China Program at its four partner schools: Jimei University, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Yunnan University of Economics and Finance, and Wenzhou University. He has given numerous speeches at several Chinese universities about career planning and has also participated in career planning work'shops and seminars.


PrefaceIntroductionPart 1:Self-Marketing for Career Success: How to Win the Job Competition in China Chapter 1 : A New Way of Thinking  Old Thinking about Jobs and Careers  The Job Competition Crisis  New Problems Need New Thinking  New Thinking, New Choices  New Thinking about Career  Managing Your Career with Self-Marketing Chapter 2 : Self-Marketing  The Art of War  Your Career, Your Business  Applying Marketing Concepts to Your Career  The 5Ps of Marketing  Fortune in Your Future  Innovation  Branding  Competitive Advantage   Career Portfolio. Your Personal Marketing Plan Chapter 3 : Preduct  Who Are You?  Self-Assessment:Discovering Your Product Value  What Employers Want:The Whole Person  The Whole Person:The Concept of Multiple Intelligences   Multiple Talents and Career Choice  Skills Employers Want   People Skills   Thinking Skills   Task Skills   Technical Skills Employers Want   Experience Employers Want     School Experience   Part-time Jobs   Volunteer Experience     Internships & Social Practices   Personal Achievement and Personal Hardships   Education Employers Want   Character Employers Want   Positive Attitude   Self-confidence   Honest & Ethical   Responsible   Loyal   Ability to Work under Pressure   Willing to Learn   Flexible   Interests Employers Want   Values Employers Want Chapter 4 : Positionging  Positioning   Positioning Yourself in the Job Market  Creating a Personal Brand.Dare to Be Different!   How to Create a Personal Brand?   Self-Introduction. Communicating Your Brand  Finding Your Career Direction  Personal Mission Statement.Finding Your Passion & Purpose   How to Write a Personal Mission Statement  Identifying Your Target Market   Positioning According to Your Major  Informational Interviewing  Researching Information about Careers  Developing Your Personal Strategic Plan  SWOT Analysis  SWOT Matrix   Writing Your Personal Strategic Plan Chapter 5 : Price Chapter 6 : Promotion Chapter 7 : Placement Chapter 8:Career Management For Life Conelusion..Self-Marketing for Life-long Career SuccessPart 2. Career Portfolio Workbook Part 1 :Talents and Skills Part 2 : Experience Assessment Part 3 : Education Assessment Part 4 : Character Assessment Part 5 : Interests Assessment   Part 6 : Values  Appendix I : Career PortfolioAppendix II :Internet Career & Job ResourcesReferences


插圖:It is the same situation with trying to find a iob and the dream of a satisfyingcareer. While students, many young people study hard, do well on exams and graduatewith good marks. Upon graduation, they dream of becoming managers, CEOs, CFOs,starting their own business or studying abroad.They are hungry for money, forsuccess, or a life that is not only rich, but also rewarding. Yet, 90 of universitygraduates say they cannot find a suitable job. And 300/00 cannot find any job at all. Andmost people below the age of 30 engage in "job-hopping" as they search for a better job.Why do they fail in making their dreams come true? Because many young people fail toresearch the job market and understand the needs of companies; still others do not knowtheir own strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, so they choose jobs that are notsuitable for their skills and character. And there are many more who simply do notknow how to compete. As a result, many young people fail to realize their dreams of asuccessful and rewarding career because they do not know how to market themselves.Without a plan, one's goals will remain empty dreams.As introduced in the Chapter 1, your career is like a business; in fact it is your firstand most important life-long business. Just as every business needs a marketing plan tobe successful, so too does your career need a marketing plan in order to be successful.This chapter will introduce some basic marketing concepts and explain how theseconcepts can be applied to your career. If you make a marketing plan, then your abilityto compete for a job will improve considerably and your dreams of a successfu andhappy career will have the chance to come true.


《成功職業(yè)生涯的自我營銷(英文版)》:This book is more like a training manualthan a traditional textbook. You will not findmany theories, complex ideas or big words tolearn. There is nothing to memorize and repeatfor an examination. Rather, this book guidesyou through a series of practical exercises(contained in the Career Portfolio Workbook, atthe end of this book) designed to develop yourpractical knowledge and skills, to give you aclear sense of your career direction, and helpyou understand your unique value, so that youcan compete and shine above the millions ofothers desperately trying to find jobs and starttheir careers.




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