出版時間:2008-11 出版社:廈門大學出版社 作者:林元富 頁數(shù):224
記得2004年7月,我重訪哈佛大學時,發(fā)現(xiàn)原先英文系的辦公小樓已換成美國黑人文學研究所的牌子,后來聽說杜克、康奈爾和艾默里等名校也建立類似的黑人文學研究中心。我又到波士頓幾家大書店走走,看到黑人女作家托妮·莫里森、艾麗絲·沃克和瑪雅·安吉拉以及黑人男作家伊什梅爾·里德的作品都擺在突出的位置,很吸引讀者。我想,這也許是莫里森1993年榮獲諾貝爾文學獎帶來的旋風吧!美國黑人文學研究出現(xiàn)了新熱潮,值得我們關(guān)注和重視?! 』貒?,我細讀了幾本重要的外國文學雜志,感到國內(nèi)學界也有新變化:評析莫里森小說的論文增多了,解讀艾麗絲·沃克小說的論文也不少,但對里德,一篇論文都難找到。我覺得可以做點工作。我對美國黑人文學很感興趣,曾譯過沃克的長篇小說《紫色》,多次與她通信,請教過她許多問題;我也寫過評莫里森長篇小說《最藍的眼睛》的論文,還指導過兩位博士生評論莫里森和沃克的兩篇學位論文。我讀過里德的小說《芒博瓊博》,深感其內(nèi)容和形式都很有特色,曾想好好地評一評,總擠不出時間。望著書房里書架上里德的小說《黃后蓋的收音機破了》、《逃往加拿大》、《可怕的兩歲娃娃》、《可怕的三歲娃娃》、《春季日語班》等,我陷入了沉思:要是有一位博士生來寫里德。那該多好! 不久,林元富同志來找我討論博士論文的選題,我問他自己看上了哪位美國作家?他說還沒呢!他希望我?guī)兔Τ龀鲋饕?。我隨口向他推薦了德里羅、蘇克尼克、歐芝克等作家,然后不經(jīng)意地提到伊什梅爾·里德。我接著說,寫里德,難度極大,他的小說不算多,但結(jié)構(gòu)怪誕。想象奇特,英文深奧難懂,難怪國內(nèi)至今難見一篇評里德的論文,更看不到他小說的中譯本。
序List of AbbreviationsIntroductionA. Ishmael Reed and the Literary TokenismB. Ishmael Reed and His WorksC. Ishmael Reed and His CriticsD. Reed Study in China and the Framework of the Present StudyChapter 1 Satire's Edge: Ishmael Reed and the Postmodernist ParodyA. Postmodernist Parody as Pastiehe——Reedian parody in Fredrie Jameson's Model 1. Pastiche, Schizophrenia and the Loss of Historicity2. Simulacra, Historical Fiction and Crisis in Historicity3. Reification, Bricolage, and the Random Play of Signifiers4. Pastiche and Textual Play in Ishmael Reed's FictionB. Postmodernist Parody as "Double-Coded" ParadoxmReedian Parody in Linda Hutcheon's Model 1. A Poetics of Paradox and the Representation of History2. Historiographic Metafiction and the Problematization of History3. Postmodernist Parody and Its Double-Coded Politics4. Parody and Cultural Critique in Ishmael Reed's FictionC. Towards a Pluralizing Interpretation of Postm0dernist Parody Chapter 2 The Black Cowboy in the Marlboro World: Ishmael Reed's Parody of the American WesternA. Generic Conventions of the American WesternB. Parodic Transgressions in Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down1. Narrative Innovation and Cultural Rewriting2. The Apocryphal History and the Triumph of VoodooChapter 3 The Voodoo Houngan on the Case:Ishmael Reed's Parody of the Detective FictionA. Detective Fiction and Its Generic ConventionsB. Detective Fiction and the Postmodernist Proliferation of the Anti-Detective FictionC. Detective Fiction and Its Revision by the African American NovelistsD. Mumbo Jumbo as a Text of Black Anti-Detective Fiction1. The Elusive Mystery, the Missing Text and the Cuhural Connotation of the Crime2. The HooDoo Trickster Detective Persona and His Metaphysical Detection of History3. The "Amphibious" Text and the "Game" of DecodingChapter 4 The Black Raven in the South: Ishmael Reed's Revision of the Slave NarrativeA. The Slave Narrative and Its Paradigmatic GesturesB. The Slave Narrative and Its Contemporary Revision the Neo-Slave NarrativeC. Flight to Canada and Its Revision of the Slave Narrative1. Parodic Revision and Reed's Rewriting of Antebellum History2. Character Reversal and Reed's Reexamination of the Dynamics of Slavery and Freedom3 Non—literaiy Refe~~nees and Reed’s Critique of Cultural MisappntpriationChapter 5 The Black Junior Professor Amidst the Cultural Wars:Ishmael Reed's Parody of the Academic FictionA Academic Fiction and Its Satire of the Ivory TowerB.The Muhicultural Movement and the American Cultural Wars C Japanese by Spring and the American Cultural Wars1 Jack London College and the Malaise of Muhicuhuraiism 2 Cipher Characters and the Monoculturai Factions in Jack London College3 Jazz Inspired Plot Improvisation and Reed’s Critique of Monoculturaiism4 The Authorial Intrusion and Reed’s Vision of MuhicuhuralismConclusionWorks Cited伊什梅爾·里德生平大事記后記
African American cultural construct, and a literary method employed byReed as well (Martin 80). Since the 1990s, booklength studies haveexpanded the Reed critical canon both in range and in diversity, as inIshmael Reed (1993) by Jay Buyer, Ishmael Reed and the Ends of Race(1997) by Patrick McGee, and The Critical Response to Ishmael Reed(1999) by Bruce Allen Dick, who facilitated criticism on Reed with abulky, collected Conversations with Ishmael Reed (1995). At the turn ofthe century, studies on Reed's canon have related Reed's works tospecific genres of the academic fiction, of the neoslave narrative and theAfrican American satire. Worth noting is Darryl DicksonCarr's studythat leads him to conclude that Reed's fictions already have "had asignificant impact upon at least some of the younger satirical novelists ofthe 1980s and 1990s, most notably in their irreverence towardconstructions of history that consciously exclude for the sake ofmaintaining inequalities, oppressive hierarchies, and false dichotomies" (163) In retrospect, DicksonCarr's analysis reiterates Gates' 1993observation that Reed is the precursor to a number of young black artists who proclaim themselves " The New Black Aesthetic " in both philosophical orientation and artistic vision (Loose Canons 145 ). ……