
出版時間:2005-3  出版社:廈門大學出版社  作者:雷天放  頁數(shù):187  字數(shù):135000  


美國之音的新聞節(jié)目(正常語速)采用國際流行英語,用詞簡單,通俗易懂,題材廣泛,內容豐富,因此是進一步提高英語水平的絕佳選擇。    本書從美國之音的新聞節(jié)目中精選了部分熱點新聞,接內容的難易程序由淺入深編排成37個單元,以使讀者循序漸進地提高聽懂標準美語的能力。本書附有《提高英語聽力的策略》和《國際組織和國外機構名稱》,并配有兩盒音質清晰的錄音帶。


前言提高英語聽力的策略PART 1 Notes and Exercises Unit 1 News Summary Unit 2 News Summary Unit 3 News Summary Unit 4 News Summary Unit 5 News Summary Unit 6 News Summary Unit 7 News Summary Unit 8 News Summary Unit 9 News Summary Unit 10 News Summary Unit 11 Propsed Resolution to Lift UN Sanction against Iraq Unit 12 Peace Plan for Aceh Close to Collapse Unit 13 Bush Propsed US-Middle East Free Trade Area Unit 14 Palsetinians Killed in the Gaza Strip Unit 15 WHO Investigates SARS in China Unit 16 First Suspect of Bali Bombing on Trial Unit 17 Economic Talks Between North and South Dorea in Pyongyang Unit 18 Sharon Accepts Road Map&Iraqi Unit 19 Bush Declarse Major Combat Operations in Iraq Over Unit 20 US-China Trade Grows Despits SARS Unit 21 India Offers to Restore Full Diplomatic Unit 22 Democrats Question Bush's Speech aboard the Aircraft Carrier Unit 23 Powell Warns Syria not to Support Terrorism Unit 24 Bombing Plot against Foreigh Embassies in Thailand Uncovered Unit 25 Paris Air Show Unit 26 Speculations on Saddam Hussein's Whereabouts Unit 27 Appeals for the Relaease of Burmese Opposition Leradr Unit 28 Meetiongs Fail to Curb Violence in Middle East Unit 29 Two major Japanses Oppostions Parties are to Merge……PART 2 Key to ExercisesPART 3 Tapescripts for VOA News Reports常見國際組織和國外機構名稱



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用戶評論 (總計1條)


  •   今天聽了幾個單元,正文部分音質不錯,就是材料時間太久遠了,03年新聞的選材。不過聽聽也受益。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
