
出版時間:2011-4  出版社:郭愛萍 四川大學(xué)出版社 (2011-04出版)  作者:郭愛萍  頁數(shù):235  


  在我們使用的語言中“比較”幾乎無處不在,“明喻”和“隱喻”正是學(xué)者們賜予“比較”這一極為普通的語言現(xiàn)象的兩個學(xué)名。對明喻和隱喻的研究歷史悠久,在歐洲可以追溯到古希臘時代,甚至更早。不過對一般的語言使用者來說,在進行比較時用明喻還是用隱喻完全是一個自發(fā)的,可以說是無意識的選擇,很少有人會在使用前先認真想一想該用明喻還是隱喻,只有學(xué)者們才會設(shè)法對這種看上去是無意識的選擇作出合理的解釋。在我的學(xué)生時代,老師對這兩者的區(qū)別所給的解釋是“用like或as的就是明喻,否則就是隱喻”,當然這只是個高度簡單化的、最最表層的識別方式。在這兩個學(xué)名下面隱藏著許多亟待有識之士去挖掘和發(fā)現(xiàn)的真理。本書的作者郭愛萍女士便是其中之一?! τ诿饔骱碗[喻的異同,學(xué)界存在兩種相反的觀點,即兩者或同或異,但本書作者卻贊同異同論。不過這并不是折中主義的立場,作者認為對明喻或隱喻的選擇是語言使用者心理活動的結(jié)果,而影響這個心理活動過程的是一系列相關(guān)因素,包括語言的和使用者個人的心理認知方面的因素。為了給自己的論點尋找支持,作者對三百多名大學(xué)生進行了問卷調(diào)查,并做了定量分析以證明這些因素的存在以及它們對比較方式的選擇所起的作用。




AbStract 摘要Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Impetus of the study 1.2 Assumptions about simile and metaphor1.3 Purpose and rationale of the study1.4 Theoretical foundation of the studv1.5 Research methodology1.6 The organization of the dissertationChapter 2 Definitions of Simile and Metaphor and Some Related Notions2.1 Definitions of simile and metaphor2.1.1Simile in relation to metaphor2.1.2Simile as a version of metaphor2.2 Different names for topic and vehicle 2.3 Typical and atypical structures 2.4Identification of simile and metaphor2.5 SummaryChapter 3 Comparison between Simile,Metaphor and Their Literal Counterparts3.1 Indirect process and direct processChapter 4 A Sruvey of the Relationship between Simile and MetaphorChapter 5 Research DescriptionChapter 6 Experiments and Analyses


版權(quán)頁:插圖:The distinction between simile and metaphor is among the oldestand most widely recognized issues in rhetorical theory. It is also one ofthe most tenuous. For many analysts it is, in fact, a distinction almostwithout a difference. As Aristotle puts it in his Rhetoric (III, 4), "thesimile also is a metaphor ... the difference is but slight" (see Braun,1992).  Traditionally,  what difference there is has been seen as amatter of form: a simile, so the story goes, simply makes explicit whata metaphor merely implies. Since the difference between the two isapparently so superficial, theorists have tended to define one figure interms of the other.  Most of the modern-day dictionaries adopt suchviews in the definition of simile and metaphor.Take Webster's New World Dictionary.  It defines simile as "afigure of speech in which one thing is likened to another dissimilarthing by the use of like, as, etc. "(p. 1250), and a metaphor as "afigure of speech containing an implied comparisons, in which a wordor phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied toanother"(p. 852) .Richards, J. Platt and H. Platt (1992),  in their LongmanDictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics,  definesimile as an expression in which something is compared to somethingelse by use of a function word such as like or as, and a metaphor as acomparison without such words.These definitions, which are fairly typical of what one finds indictionaries  and  rhetorical  handbooks,   share  some  commoncharacteristics. One is that both are expressions that use words not intheir literal sense but to produce a fanciful or vivid impression. Theother is that both of them involve some form of comparison, a certain.





    明喻和暗喻的認知動態(tài)研究 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計1條)


  •   本書為作者博士論文,列入“博士外語學(xué)術(shù)專著金黃色系列”。明喻和暗喻是修辭學(xué)的兩個術(shù)語,在這里作者將其置入心理語言學(xué)的大范疇之下進行研究。作者采用實證法證明后,提出明喻和暗喻的異同是多元素——謂詞的類型、本喻體的相似度等共同作用的結(jié)果?;诖?,作者認為,明喻和暗喻雖有不同的特點,但二者之間的界限較模糊,具有一定的互換性;因此,二者之間的對立并非非此即彼的二元對立,而是一種共處同樣連續(xù)體中的對立,即分別為該連續(xù)體的兩個方面。借用認知語言學(xué)“原型”術(shù)語,作者獨創(chuàng)性地提出“原型性明喻”和“原型性隱喻”及其位于中間地帶的“邊緣性明喻”和“邊緣性隱喻”。這種動態(tài)的觀點對現(xiàn)有異同論做了必要的補充和完善,具有一定的理論價值。讀者對象:外語相關(guān)專業(yè)研究人員。

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