
出版時(shí)間:2010-12  出版社:曹順慶 四川大學(xué)出版社 (2010-12出版)  作者:曹順慶 編  頁數(shù):172  


  《比較文學(xué):東方與西方》由四川大學(xué)比較文學(xué)研究所主辦,為國內(nèi)外公開出版發(fā)行的學(xué)術(shù)集刊,主要刊登有關(guān)比較文學(xué)、文學(xué)研究、文學(xué)及文化理論、翻譯研究與文化研究的學(xué)術(shù)論文。  《比較文學(xué):東方與西方(13)》為第13分冊(cè),適合從事相關(guān)研究工作的人員參考閱讀。


FEATURE ARTICLESCAO ShunqingVariation 7heory:A Breakthrough in Research of World ComparativeLiterature T heoryCHRIsZIE Stuart“The Sounds an Atomic Bomb Makes:John HerseyS Hiroshima and the Birth of'Asian'Modernity”WUFushengThe Concept ofDecadence in Fin de Si6cle English Literature20 CENTURY BRITISH wOMEN wRITERSLIU FanInvited editor'S noteA Special Forum on“20*Century British Women Writers” MA JianjunVirginia woolf'S Aesthetics of Feminism and Androgyny:A Re-readingofA Room ofOne's OwnFU JingfingA Kristevan Reading of Carol Ann Duffy,'S“The Grammar ofLight”CAIXiaoyanReading the Maternal in The Fifth Child by Doris LessingWANGQiongUrban Geography forYard GalsINFFULUENCE STUDIES&CANON FORMATIONLI WeifangThe Influence of Johnson on Liang Shiqiu,S Human Nature Theoryof Shakespeare CriticismJI ZhengThe Construction and Revision of American Literary Canon——A Study of The Norton Anthology of American Literature 1979——2003ECO-CRITICISMSLOVIC Scott and YANG Ying yuFuture of Ecocriticism: Strategic-openness and Sustainability——An Interview with Scott SlovicZHANG BailingArticle Complex and its Ecology: Reconstructing Writers' Identity in Consumer AgeGENDER, CULTURE & LITERATUREZHAN JunfengStudies of Male Identity in the West a Theoretical OverviewLIU YiGothic Architecture and Gothic Fiction: An Intertextual ApproachNARRATOLOGYZHANG XinjunFraming Possible-worlds NarratologyHU LidanThe Narrator in Look Homeward, AngelBOOK REVIEWHUANG WeUiangChinese and American Scholars on the "Path of Comparative Literature——Preface to 1979-2009: Retrospect of the Development of ComparativeLiterature Studies of ChinaNOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS


版權(quán)頁:Pity and fear are regarded as inherent in the structure of tragedy, and thisstructural requirement overwhelms other considerations. To punish evil and toreward virtue no doubt will satisfy our moral sense, but Aristotle considers this tobe a defect in tragedy because tragedy to him is not the fulfillment of a moralpurpose as it is in Plato's system; rather it is a verbal construct with its own rules.The significance of this passage is that Aristotle is consciously separating moralityfrom literature by claiming that they have very different, even incompatible, needs.It is this separation that prompts Aristotle to indicate that literature has nothing todo with reality, as morality has, and that literature imitates what is to come, notwhat it is. He makes it clear that common sense or moral standards should not beapplied to judge literary works, for The element of the irrational, and similarly,depravity of character, are justly censured when there is no inner necessity forintroducing them.





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