
出版時間:2009-5  出版社:四川大學(xué)出版社  作者:左紅珊  頁數(shù):322  


探討我國學(xué)生如何學(xué)習(xí)英語習(xí)語,無疑有助于深化我們對語言學(xué)習(xí)過程的認(rèn)識,而左紅珊的研究正是在這一領(lǐng)域作出了有價值的貢獻(xiàn)?! ∽蠹t珊的貢獻(xiàn)在哪里呢?她的研究告訴我們:我國學(xué)習(xí)者初學(xué)英語時意識不到習(xí)語是不可分割的,只是隨著英語水平的提高才傾向于把習(xí)瓖作為整體來處理;在加工習(xí)語的過程中,語境的作用十分突出,習(xí)語義與語境的吻合程度是決定習(xí)語識別的重要變量,學(xué)習(xí)者理解習(xí)語的策略多與語境有關(guān)。本書詳細(xì)描述了她開展研究的過程以及研究的發(fā)現(xiàn),概括了我國學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)語的過程,指出了需要深入開展研究的問題。她的研究對有興趣了解和探討外語學(xué)習(xí)心理的研究生和教師一定會有啟發(fā)和借鑒作用。


序AcknowledgmentsAbstractChapter 1  Introduction  1.1  Research orientation  1.2  English verbal idioms: The object of research  1.3  Rationale  1.4  Key research questions   1.5  Organization of the dissertationChapter 2  Idiom Processing in L2 Reading:Issues, Studies, and Problems 2.1  English verbal idioms  2.1.1  Defining "idiom"    2.1.2  Classification of idioms  2.1.3  English verbal idioms  2.1.4  Cross-linguistic studies of idioms   2.1.5  Classification of English verbal idioms in the  present study 2.2  Previous research on idiom processing  2.2.1  Lower-level and higher-level processing in I2 reading  2.2.2  Lower-level processing of idioms in L2 reading-- Idiom recognition  2.2.3  Higher-level processing of idioms in reading-- Idiom comprehension 2.3  SummaryChapter 3  Predictions on L2 Learners' Processing of Unfamiliar Idioms in Reading  3.1  Operationalizing "idiom processing"   3.1.1 Operationalizing "idiom recognition".  3.1.2  Operationalizing "idiom comprehension"    3.2  Predictions on L2 learners' processing of idioms in reading  3.2.1  Effect of idiom type  3.2.2  Effect of proficiency level  3.3  Research hypotheses  3.4  SummaryChapter 4  Methodology  4.1  Study 1  4.1.1  Participants  4.1.2  Instrumentation  4.1.3  The computerized idiom recognition task  4.1.4  Data analysis    4.2  Study 2    4.2.1  Participants    4.2.2  Instrumentation    4.2.3   The computerized idiom comprehension task    4.2.4  Data analysis   4.3  Study 3    4.3.1  Participants    4.3.2  The think-aloud procedures    4.4  Summary  Chapter 5  Results and AnalysisChapter 6 General DiscussionsChapter 7 ConclusionBibiography后記



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