
出版時間:2008-12  出版社:四川大學(xué)出版社  作者:趙鵬芳 編  頁數(shù):64  


  Standard English,即美國普通話(General American),是美國人日常使用的規(guī)范英語。VOA使用“Standard English”這一詞是為了區(qū)別于“Special English”。Standard English的播音速度每分鐘不低于140個單詞,詞匯量在4 000以上,句子較長,結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜,內(nèi)容翔實?! 『蚐pecial English節(jié)目一樣,Standard English也分為新聞和專題兩大類。新聞節(jié)目主要有:News Now(即時新聞),這是一個24小時播出的節(jié)目;News Review(新聞回顧),則是對過去一周所發(fā)生的美國和國際上的重大新聞事件作一回顧報道?! tandard English的專題節(jié)目與新聞節(jié)目相比,選題較為固定,但內(nèi)容更為生動詳盡,剖析更為深刻;多采用現(xiàn)場錄音或現(xiàn)場直播,播音也完全不受死板的播音間歇的限制,而是隨著情感的起伏自由處理。有的地方邊想邊說,時斷時續(xù);有的地方則流暢如同行云流水,輕聲慢語,使聽眾感到十分親切。在報道中,各地記者的電話錄音和發(fā)音都不如播音員清晰純正,被訪者大都能說英語,不乏南腔北調(diào),這樣也增加了收聽難度,但能聽懂這些內(nèi)容才是英語聽力學(xué)習(xí)的最終目標(biāo)?!  睹绹⒄Z聽力活頁教程》第三冊精選2001—2007年的專題節(jié)目與新聞節(jié)目64篇,分4個專題,編為4個單元;每單元4課,每課4篇新聞節(jié)目,課堂上用前3篇,課外用1篇,表達(dá)同一主題,以第一篇之名為該課名稱。課堂篇分為3個段落4個步驟處理,第一步是為學(xué)習(xí)1、2篇的10個生詞而設(shè)置;第二、三、四步分別處理這3篇文章,具體要求是選擇正確答案、判斷正誤和聽寫填空。課外篇為家庭作業(yè)(Homework),有3個要求,第一是學(xué)習(xí)10個單詞,第二是泛聽全文后簡答問題,第三是精聽后聽寫(教師可以酌情處理,改變要求,靈活布置)。


  Standard English的專題節(jié)目與新聞節(jié)目相比,選題較為固定,但內(nèi)容更為生動詳盡,剖析更為深刻;多采用現(xiàn)場錄音或現(xiàn)場直播,播音也完全不受死板的播音間歇的限制,而是隨著情感的起伏自由處理。有的地方邊想邊說,時斷時續(xù);有的地方則流暢如同行云流水,輕聲慢語,使聽眾感到十分親切。在報道中,各地記者的電話錄音和發(fā)音都不如播音員清晰純正,被訪者大都能說英語,不乏南腔北調(diào),這樣也增加了收聽難度,但能聽懂這些內(nèi)容才是英語聽力學(xué)習(xí)的最終目標(biāo)。


UNIT 1 9·11 SHoCK THE WoRLD (9·11震驚世界)Lesson 1 Another Pearl Harbor(又一珍珠港事件)1—1 Historian Compares Terror Attacks to Pearl Harbor1—2 Preliminary Number of People Killed at Pentagon Stands at 1901—3 Eyewitnesses Describe Pentagon Attack 1—4 Terrorists Attack US Military Symbol Lesson 2 Rescuing the Survived&Mourning the Dead(救援幸存,哀悼死難)2—1 New York Begins to Bury Dead 2—2 Bush Attends Memorial Service at Washington’S National Cathedral 2—3 Rescuers Search Trade Center Wreckage2—4 US West Marks the Tragedy on the East CoastLesson 3 Consensus Condemns Terrorist Attacks(輿論斥責(zé)恐怖襲擊)3—1 Security Council Condemns Terrorism3—2 NATO&Russia Pledge Cooperation Against Te~orism3—3 Blair Calls Britain’S Parliament into Session3—4 Asian Leaders Condemn Terrorist Attacks in USLesson 4 Who Is Responsible?(誰之罪耶?) 4—1 PoweH Confirms bin Laden as Key Suspect4—2 Taleban Continue to Defend bin Laden4—3 Arab Worid Nervous About Possible US Terror Backlash4—4 What Lessons Have Been Learned from Te~orist Attack? UNIT 2 THE ANTI-TERRoRISM WAR IN AFGHANISTAN (阿富汗反恐戰(zhàn)爭)Lesson 5 America’S Declaration of War(美國的宣戰(zhàn))^5—1 President Bush Says“America Is at War5—2 US Takes Measures Following A~acks5—3 Bush Tells Americans to“Be Prepared for War5—4 Dateline:A Declaration of War Lesson 6 Altitudes from Different Countries(各國的表態(tài))6—1 Russia——Partner,Opponent or Bystander?6—2 NATO Supports US with Certain Reservations6—3 Pacific Rim Leaders Agree to Cooperate on Fighting Terrorism6—4 Islamic Nations Support Anti—Terrorism EffortLesson 7 A Fast War(速決的戰(zhàn)爭)7—1 Northern Alliance Is Ready to Capture Strategic Airport7—2 Pentagon Officials Satisfied with the War in Afghanistan7—3 US Special Forces Interrogating Captured Taleban Officials7—4 Northern AHiance in Firm Control of KabulLesson 8 Post-War Afghanistan(戰(zhàn)后的阿富汗)8—1 Afghans Face Dilemma of Creating Post—War Government in Kabul 8—2 In Short of Food and Security in Afghanistan8—3 Alliance Seeking UN Help in Building Broad—Based Government·I8—4 Taleban Collapse Leaves Power VacuumUNIT 3 MAQ WAR Ⅰ(伊拉克戰(zhàn)爭風(fēng)云Ⅰ)Lesson 9 The Irresistible Will(無法阻擋的意志)9—1 US Asks Other Nations to Shut down Iraqi Embassies9—2 Anti.War Protests Continue W0rldwide9—3 Thousands of Demonstrators Stage Anti—War Protest in Los Angeles 9-4 US Ready to Attack Iraq With or Without Allied SupportLesson 10 US.Led Forces Approaching Baghdad(兵臨巴格達(dá))10—1 Plan for War Keep the Peace 10—2 Coalition Troops Control Baghdad Airport10—3 Thousands of Iraqi Republican Guard Soldiers Surrender During AlKut Battle10—4 Coalition Planes Hit New Targets In and Around Baghdad Lesson 11 Tony Blair Following Closely《托尼·布萊爾步步緊跟) 11—1 British Military Encouraging Iraqi Surrender in Basra11—2 Blair Urges Britons to Unite in Support of Troops11—3 Britain Defends Legality of Iraq Invasion11—4 Blair Suggests British Public Should Prepare for Long Haul in IraqLesson 12 Saddam Hnssein Disappearing and Appearing(薩達(dá)姆時隱時現(xiàn))12—1 Iraq Rejects President Bush’S Ultimatum 12—2 Red Cross Representatives Visit Detained Iraqi Leader,Saddam Hussein12—3 Saddam Calls on Iraqis to Defeat Coalition Forces During TV Appearance12—4 Rumsfeld:“Where Are Iraq’S Leaders?UNIT 4 IRAQ WAR Ⅱ(伊拉克戰(zhàn)爭風(fēng)云Ⅱ)Lesson 13 The Bloody Anniversary of the Iraq War(伊拉克戰(zhàn)爭血腥周年)13—1 Demonstrators Mark Anniversary of Iraq War13—2 One of Deadliest Days of Violence Against Coalition in Weeks13—3 At Least 12 US Marines Die in Ramadi Attack13—4 US Faces Another Deadly Day of Violence in IraqLesson 14 Prisoner Abuse Scandal(虐俘丑聞) 14—1 Jury Sentences US Army Soldier to 10 Years for Abusing Detainees in Iraq14—2 US Announces First Court Martial in Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Scandal14—3 Senior US Commander Again Apologizes for Prisoner Abuse14—4 Red Cross Warned Bush Administration of Widespread Mistreatment of Iraqi PrisonersLesson 15 Where Are Banned Weapons7(違禁武器今何在?)15—1 Bush Again Defends Decision to Go to War with Iraq15—2 Powell Defends US Stance on Iraq’S WMD15—3 US Inspector Concludes Iraq Had No Banned Weapons15—4 Rumsfeld Defends Intelligence on Iraq’S Weapons of Mass DestructionLesson 16 Hold General Elections and Transfer Sovereignty(大選還政)16—1 Iraqi Elections to Be Held January 3016—2 Baghdad Residents Ponder New Way of Life on Second Anniversaryof Iraq War16—3 Bush Speaks About Iraq Power Transfer16—4 Dr Ibrahim al—Jaafari:The Man Who May Lead IraqAnswer Keys and Tapescripts(答案及錄音文本)


  8-1 Afghans Face Dilemma of Creating Post-War Government in Kabul  1. What is a complex task now in Afghanistan?  A. To take over the capital, Kabul.  B. To retreat from Kabul.  C. To make a postwar government.  D. To satisfy all opposition groups.  2. What fears are there among the people?  A. The opposition forces will start fighting.  B. The opposition forces will quarrel again.  C. The Taleban will return into power,  D. All of A, B, and C.  3. Which Side doesn't like others to share power?  A. The United Nations.  B. The Northern Alliance.  C. Top Russian officials,  D. The Taleban forces.  4. What does the United Nations like to do?  A. It will serve as an observer.  B. It wants to build a broad-based government.  C. It will support the Northern Alliance.  D. It will support a minor ethnic group.  5. Which nationality has highest percentage of the populatioh?  A. Pashtun.  S. Tajik.  C. Uzbek.  D. Hazara.   ……



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