
出版時間:2008-11  出版社:四川大學(xué)出版社  作者:趙鵬芳 編  頁數(shù):64  


  Special:English即“慢速英語”,是VOA電臺專為全世界非英語國家初學(xué)英語的聽眾安排的一種簡易、規(guī)范的英語廣播節(jié)目。該節(jié)目始創(chuàng)于20世紀(jì)50年代末期,是VOA電臺的專家們?yōu)槭澜绺鞯氐挠⒄Z學(xué)習(xí)者所研究開發(fā)的節(jié)目。它正式開播于1959年10月。當(dāng)時只面向歐洲和中東,后來因?yàn)檫@個節(jié)目適合許多國家英語學(xué)習(xí)者的需要,所以它的廣播對象就擴(kuò)大到世界其他地區(qū),并很快在全球范圍內(nèi)產(chǎn)生了廣泛的影響。如今這個節(jié)目對歐洲、非洲和拉丁美洲每晚廣播一次,對加勒比地區(qū)每晚廣播一次(星期天除外),對東南亞廣播的次數(shù)最多,每天上午兩次,晚上三次?! ∷氖嗄陙?,VOA電臺為了辦好這個節(jié)目,進(jìn)行了大量的調(diào)查研究工作,對播音速度、內(nèi)容及用詞范圍都作了具體規(guī)定,基本上達(dá)到了既能為英語學(xué)習(xí)者提供信息,又不損害英語本身風(fēng)格的目的,使之成為VOA電臺獨(dú)具特色、擁有最大量聽眾的節(jié)目。美國著名詞匯學(xué)家S.B.Flexmer指明了Special English的三條標(biāo)準(zhǔn),也就是它之所以“特別”的地方:(1)它是一種由美國人最常用的1 500個基本單詞為主體構(gòu)成的美國英語;(2)它用簡短、明晰的句子寫作和廣播;(3)它以每分鐘90個單詞的速度,即Standard English速度的2/3進(jìn)行廣播。


  《美國英語聽力活頁教程(第2冊)》直接錄自《美國之音》Special English節(jié)目,從《今日美國》《美國風(fēng)情》《美國人物》《教育新聞》四個專題中精選出內(nèi)容健康、情節(jié)動人、發(fā)音清晰的部分,組合為4單元16課,每課選擇5個短篇或者2個長篇。所選內(nèi)容具有完整性。《美國英語聽力活頁教程(第2冊)》1-4冊在用詞和讀音速度上循序漸進(jìn),可為學(xué)生聽懂標(biāo)準(zhǔn)英語打下堅(jiān)實(shí)基礎(chǔ)。本套叢書一、二冊可解決基礎(chǔ)聽力問題。本冊適用于英語專業(yè)低年級學(xué)生。


UNIT 1 THE MAKING OF A NATION(合眾國的造就)Lesson 1 Road to Pearl Harbor(珍珠港之路)1—1 Road to Pearl Harbor(1) 1—2 Road to Pearl Harbor(2) 1—3 Road to Pearl Harbor(3) 1—4 Synopsis:1920——1940Lesson 2 US/Japan Relations Before World War Two(二戰(zhàn)前的美日關(guān)系)2—1 US/Japan Relations Before World War Two(1)2—2 US/Japan Relations Before World War Two(2)2—3 US/Japan Relations Before World War Two(3)2—4 Pearl Harbor t0 Europe Lesson 3 The War in Europe(歐洲戰(zhàn)場)3—1 The War in Europe(1)3—2 The War in Europe(2)3—3 The War in Europe(3)3—4 The War in Europe(4)Lesson 4 The War in the Pacific(太平洋戰(zhàn)爭)4—1 The War in the Pacific(1)4—2 The War in the Pacific(2)4—3 The War in the Pacific(3)4—4 World War Two/HOITle FrontUNIT 2 DEVELoPMENT REPoRT(發(fā)展報(bào)道)Lesson 5 Tobacco in Developing Countres(發(fā)展中國家的煙草業(yè))5—1 Tobacco in Developing Countries5—2 New TB Vaccine to Be Tested5—3 Economics and Health5—4 UN Report on Aging5—5 Selling Kidneys Lesson 6 Bushmeat Hunting in.Ghana(偷獵在加納)6—1 Bushmeat Hunting in Ghana 6—2 Infectious Diseases6—3 Indian Medical Camp6—4 WHO and Smallpox6—5 Health Problems in AfghanistanLesson 7 Tools for Development(工具的發(fā)展)7—1 Tools for Development7—2 Factsfor Life7—3 Gates Foundation7—4 Pot—in-Pot Cooling Device 7—5 Solar Cookers Lesson 8 Vitamin-Enriched Drinks(富含維生素的飲料)8—1 Vitamin—Enriched Drinks8—2 Campaign Against Polio8—3 UN World Food Report 8—4 Human Development Report8—5 Child Nutrition ProgramUNIT 3 EXPLoRATIoNS (開發(fā)與探索)Lesson 9 Software Theft(盜版軟件)9—1 Software Theft(1)9—2 Software Theft(2)9—3 Software Theft(3)9-4 Shopping on the InternetLesson 10 Spacesuit History(宇航服的歷史)10—1 Spacesuit History(1)10—2 Spacesuit History(2)10—3 Spacesuit History(3)10—4 Space DigestLesson 11 Silk Road Folldife Festival(絲綢之路民間文化節(jié))11—1 Silk Road Folklife Festival(1)11—2 Silk Road Folklife Festival(2)11—3 Silk Road Folklife Festival(3)11—4 Wade Davis Lesson 12 Soaring(滑翔)12—1 Soaring(1)12—2 Soaring(2)12—3 Soaring(3)12—4 Sport ParachutingUNIT 4 ENVIRONMENT REPORT(環(huán)境報(bào)道)Lesson 13 World’S Forests Endangered(森林岌岌可危)13—1 World’S Forests Endangered13—2 UN Fishing Treaty13—3 rornadoes 13—4 Saving Sea Turtles13—5 Less Gas from Farm AnimalsLesson 14 Nuclear Waste(核廢物)14—1 Nuclear Waste 14—2 Global Warming Threatens Himalayas14—3 Nuclear Pollution and Cancer 14—4 Eastern US Drought 14—5 Health Effects at Ground ZeroLesson 15 Rooftop Gardens(屋頂花園)15—1 Rooftop Gardens15—2 Arctic Refuge Drilling 15—3 Olympics Doing Harm in Salt Lake?15—4 International Whaling Commission15—5 UN Environment Prize Lesson 16 Medicinal Plant Conservation(保護(hù)藥用植物)16—1 Medicinal P1ant Conservation16—2 Pollution Threatens Water Cycle 16—3 Monarch Butterfly Deaths in Mexico16—4 Endangered Tulles Rescued16—5 Effects of GlobM WanningAnswer Keys and Tapescripts(答案及錄音文本)


  11—1 SiIk Road Folklire Festival(1)  1.What were exchanged along the,silk road for about 2,000 years?  A.Goods and ideas.  B.Art and music.  C.Silk material from China.  D.A,B and C.   2.What is the Smithsonian Folklife Festival celebrating?  A.It is celebrating its 2000anniversary.  B.It is celebrating the friendship between China and America.  C.It is celebrating the living traditions of the Silk R0ad.  D.It is celebrating the happy life that silk material has brought.  3.Which statement is NOT true to those who will take part in this year's Folklife Festival?  A.There are 400 people.  B.They are from over 20 countries.  C.They include musicians,artists,cooks,presenters and SO on.  D.They are all the first time outside their countries.  4.What did the Folklife Festival center on?  A.It centered on the silk.   B.It centered on living people.  C.It centered on the model of the museum exhibit.  D.It centered on the well—known people.  5.What does NOT Mr Kennedy say?  A.Arts and traditions help hold a community together.  B.These traditions and arts disappear,then the communities disappear.  C.Many skills and arts of the people at the festival are as worthy as that in a museum.  D.Planning began almost 14 years ago for what is most complex and costly festival yet.  ……



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