
出版時間:2008-10  出版社:四川大學(xué)出版社  作者:張貫之  頁數(shù):125  


  這是一部講述英國英語語調(diào)理論發(fā)展過程的著作。作者著重對Henry Sweet(1877),Daniel Jones(1909),H.E.Palmer(1924),Armstrong及Ward(1931),Roger Kingdon(1958),OConnor及Amold(1961,1973),M.A.K.Halliday(1967,1978),Brazil,Couhhard,Johns(1980)等7大體系的代表性著作沿著歷史順序展開了概括性的評論。這些學(xué)者的理論體系、研究方法、標調(diào)符號不僅在19世紀以來的英語語調(diào)理論發(fā)展歷程中占據(jù)重要地位,而且對中國英語語音教學(xué)都產(chǎn)生過或正在發(fā)揮著一定影響。該書材料豐富,評價公允,為英語語調(diào)教學(xué)與研究提供了寶貴的理論與背景知識。


  《英國英語語調(diào)理論發(fā)展概貌》試圖簡要地闡述英國英語語調(diào)發(fā)展演變的這一歷史進程,總結(jié)各個時期英語語調(diào)研究的重要成果,以引起大家對語調(diào)學(xué)研究的興趣和重視,特別是引起廣大英語教學(xué)工作者對語調(diào)教學(xué)重要性的認識,克服教學(xué)中“重音輕調(diào)”和“調(diào)型單一”等現(xiàn)象,加強語調(diào)理論的研究和學(xué)習(xí),增加語調(diào)教學(xué)在整個教學(xué)中的比重,并博取諸長,探索我國英語語調(diào)教學(xué)的有效途徑和辦法。英國英語語調(diào)研究的歷史,可以追溯到16世紀;最初是在討論標點符號時,附帶把語調(diào)提出來的。17世紀,Charles Butler首次提出了降調(diào)和升調(diào)的概念。19世紀,Henry Sweet在其著作’中已使用8種語調(diào)符號,被尊稱為近代英語語調(diào)研究的鼻祖。20世紀,英語語調(diào)研究專家輩出,成果紛呈。Palmer,Armstrong,Ward,Jones,Kingdon,OConnor,Arnold,Gimson,Halliday,CIystal,Brazil,Cruttenden,Wells等人的文章或?qū)V嗬^問世,不同流派的觀點百家爭鳴,語調(diào)研究空前活躍,徹底改變了它在語言科學(xué)中“灰姑娘”的地位。




Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Intonation Studies Before the 19 th Century2.1 John Hart2.2 Charles Butler2.3 Joshua SteeleChapter 3 Early Period: Henry Sweet and Daniel Jones3.1 Henry Sweet3.1.1 Intonation in English syntax3.1.2 Sentence-tone vs.word-tone3.2 Daniel Jones3.2.1 Daniel Jones, Intonation Curves (1909)Chapter 4 Development Period: Palmer, Armstrong and Ward4.1 Introduction4.2 Palmers descriptions of intonation4.3 Palmers system of intonation4.3.1 Palmers four tone-groups4.3.2 Palmers six tone-patterns4.4 Armstrong & Ward, Handbook of English Intonation (1931 )4.4.1 Introduction4.4.2 Armstrong &Wards two English intonation tunes4.4.3 Combination of the two tunes4.4.4 Emphatic intonationChapter 5 Roger Kingdon5.1 Introduction5.2 Tone patterns5.2.1 The kinetic tones5.2.2 The static tones5.3 The constituent parts of tone structure5.4 Intonation notationChapter 6 OConnor and Arnold6.1 Introduction6.2 The structure of intonation6.3 The ten tone groups6.4 Intonation and attitudeChapter 7 M.A.K.Hallidays Intonation System7.1 Masterworks of Halliday7.2 The structure of tone group7.3 Tonality, tonicity and toneChapter 8 D.Brazil et als Contributions in Intonation Study8.1 The structure of the tone unit8.2 Tone8.3 Key and terminationChapter 9 ConclusionBibliographyIndex


  Three variants of the low prehead are also distinguished. Kingdonregards the low rising prehead as a softer version of the low levelprehead. It suggests a feeling of impatience if used in statements, andin yes-no questions it sounds excessively friendly. This prehead isoften used in talking to children. The low level prehead takes a pitchbelow the bottom of the normal voice range. The low falling one startson a very low pitch and descends to the absolute bottom of thespeakers voice limit, giving greater emphasis to the idea expressed.  Roger Kingdon makes a detailed classification and analysis ofprehead, showing its variants by visual diagrammatic examples. Inaddition to the normal prehead, the six special preheads have theirown symbols, and their principal use is to express emphasis, surprise.Therefore they are frequently followed by emphatic tones.  R. Kingdon terms the first full stress of any tune as Head. Anormal head uses the high level tone when the nuclear tone is of thehigh variety, or a low level tone when the nucleus is a low variety.Besides, he identifies other pitch possibilities in the head which maybe any of the kinetic tones, such as the high/low rising head, thefalling head and the full-rise head.




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