
出版時間:2008-5  出版社:克斯伯根 (Kersbergen.K.V.)、 張崇富 四川大學(xué)出版社 (2008-05出版)  作者:克斯伯根,張崇富 著  頁數(shù):146  




作者:(荷蘭)克斯伯根 (Kersbergen.K.V.) 張崇富


1  Christian Democracy and the Idea of European Integration2  The History of Christian Democracy: How Social and Cultural Cleavages Affect Politics2.1  Introduction2.2  The Theoretical Underpinnings of Political Sociology2.3  Social, Cultural and Religious Divisions in Europe as Sources of Political Mobilization2.4  The Origins and Strength of Christian Democracy as a Cleavage-Based Political Movement2.5  Conclusion: Remarkable Heights of Power3  The Distinctiveness of European Christian Democracy3.1  Introduction3.2  Arguments Against Distinctiveness3.3  Arguments in Favour of Distinctiveness3.4  Conclusion: Social Capitalism and Christian Democratic Distinctiveness4  Christian Democracy and the Idea of Integration:The National Dimension4.1  Introduction4.2  Germany4.2.1  The Origins of Integration4.2.2  Constitutional Decisions4.3  Italy4.3.1  The Origins of Integration4.3.2  Constitutional Decisions4.4  The Netherlands4.4.1  The Origins of Integration4.4.2  Constitutional Decisions4.5  Conclusion5  Christian Democracy and the Idea of European Integration:The Transnational Dimension5.1  Introduction5.2  The Re-Christianization of Europe5.3   ' Third Way' Thinking5.4  Franco-German Reconciliation5.5  Shaping a ' Core Europe'5.5.1  The Geneva Circle and ECSC5.5.2  NEIandEEC6  The Contribution of the Christian Democracy to European Integration6.1  Introduction6.2  From Economic Integration to Political Integration6.3  Strengthening the Community's Institutions6.4  The Contribution of the Christian Democrats to EU Enlargement6.4.1  Attitude of the Christian Democrats to EU Enlargement6.4.2  Contribution of the Christian Democrats to EU Enlargement6.4.3  Turkey's Accession to the European Union6.5  Conclusion: An Important Part of the EU Multi-layered Governance System7  ConclusionReferences后記


2.2 The Theoretical Underpinnings of Political SociologyTo a great extent,the politics of Europe are direct translations of the social,cultural,ethnic and religious divisions within the realm of political power.How can webest understand this process of social cleavage-based political mobilization and partyformation?Theories from the field of political sociology inform US about the relationshipbetween social cleavages and politics and how to understand political changes.In 1967Seymour Martin Lipset and Stein Rokkan published a study of the development of partysystems in Western Europe in which they elaborated a theory of the relationshipbetween the cleavage structure of a society,the development of the party system andelectoral relations.How do they define a social cleavage.9 A social cleavage is afundamental social division on the basis of which people organise and articulatepolitical movements and has three specific connotations:‘First,a cleavage involves a social division that separates people who can be distinguished from one another in termsof key social-structural characteristics(…).Second,the groups involved in the division must be conscious of their collective identity(…)and be willing to act n this basis.This sense of collective identity is of crucial importance in the emergence and maintenance of cleavages.Without it no‘objective’social division will be transformedinto a salient sociopolitical cleavage(…).Third,a cleavage must be expressed in organizational terms(…)(Gallagher et a1.2001:235-236)such as a trade-union,a pressure organization or a political party.Politicisation,then,is the result f actively and consciously linking relevant political issues to a specific social cleavage,connecting them along the lines of the above mentioned three characteristics of social cleavages.






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