出版時間:2007-12 出版社:四川大學 作者:曹順慶
《比較文學:東方與西方(第9輯)》為中外比較文學論文集。全書包括西方文論、小說研究、文學評論研究、翻譯研究等幾個部分。內(nèi)容包括:Literature and National Identity;The Poetic World ofJing: A Study of Chinese Poetics from Western Perspectives;The Rise of Literary Criticism as a Modern Discipline in China等等。
曹順慶(1954年2月——),男,生于貴陽,1980年畢業(yè)于復旦大學,現(xiàn)任四川大學文學與新聞 學院院長、教授、博士生導師,教育部“長江學者獎勵計劃”特聘教授(比較文學),國家級重點學科比較文學與世界文學學科帶頭人,教育部跨世紀優(yōu)秀人才,霍英東教師基金獲得者,做出突出貢獻的中國博士學位獲得者。
INTERNAIONAL PERSPECTIVESTom CohnCritical Climate Change——Minority Report on 21st Century Western StudiesPeter HajduLiterature and National IdentityTimothy C. WongOn Its Own Terms: Butterfly-Saturday Fiction in the Xiaoshuo TraditionCHINESE PERSPECTIVESCao ShunqingThe Discourse of Chinese Literary Theory and the Dialogue between Western Literary Theory and the Chinese Literary TheoryYah DuThe Fire and the Rose Are One: the Dantesque Purification of Language in T. S. Eliots Little Gidding.Duan LianThe Poetic World ofJing: A Study of Chinese Poetics from Western PerspectivesYuan XinAn Old Issue the New Challenge: From Sidney to ShelleyCULTUREL THEORY AND MODERNITYMa RuiThe Rise of Literary Criticism as a Modern Discipline in ChinaXu PeiLandscape and Its Representation in Early Modern Chinese Pictorials: 1884—1937Wang XiaoluCultural Theory and Multi-Modernity—A Study of Key Words in Cultural Theory as a CaseETHNIC LITERATURE STUDIESJiang XinxinTranscending the Bluest Eye: An Analysis of Toni Morrisons Body BeautyRen WenEsperanzas Home Is in Her HeartRong GuoA Dialogue between Different Voices: A Tentative Interpretation of Ha Jins In Broad Daylight.TRANSLATION STUDIESJia LiuOn Postcolonial Perspectives in Translation StudiesLuo LieTranslating New Woman——The Different Images of Portia in the Translated Literature in Early Twentieth-century ChinaYu Zheng]ingDifferentiations and Transformations Existed in the English Translation of Tao Te ChingEDITORS NOTES