
出版時(shí)間:2001-7  出版社:四川大學(xué)出版社  作者:劉麗華,任軍,李暉,方云軍,唐樹成  頁數(shù):182  字?jǐn)?shù):288000  




Unit 1 Early Bird
Unit 2 Suntan and Society
Unit 3 Settling down in England
Unit t 4 The Planet Mercury
Unit 5 Where to Eat, Drink and Meet?
Unit 6 I3alance of Nature
Unit 7 A Story in a Cold Day
Unit 8 Pygmalion
Unit 9 Have You Ever Seen a Flyin;g Saucer?
Unitl0 Newspaper and Other Mass Media
Unit 11 The Calculation of Averages
Unit 12 Plastic-Man's Most Useful Material
Unit 13 The Empire State Building
Unit 14 Medical Treatment
Unit 15 How New York Became America's Largest City?
Unit 16 South American Indians
Unit17 Who Killed the Ballet Star?
Unit 18 The Electric Telegraph
Unit 19 Sleep
Unit 20 The Death of Socrates
Band Ⅱ
Unit 1 Museums in the Modern World
Unit 2 Sales Representative
Unit3 Engineer
Unit 4 Contemporary American Society
Unit 5 A Marriage of Convenience
Unit 6 Clocks Through Time
Unit 7 Henry Ford
Unit 8 Why Do We Study Math?
Unit 9 Education in the United States
Unit 10 Americans and the World
Unit 11 Two Ways of Life
Unit 12 Population Growth and Industry
Unit 13 Artificial Waterway
Unit 14 The University, Past and Present
Unit 15 Noise in Hospital
Unit 16 Civilization and the History
Unit 17 . Religions in the U. S. A.
Unit 18 What Use Is Philosophy?
Unit 19 How Well Do You See?
Unit 20 American Stores



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