
出版時間:2012-9  出版社:陜西師范大學出版總社有限公司  作者:胡選恩  頁數(shù):152  




IntroductionA.E.L.Doctorow' s Life and Literary CareerB.Doctorow Studies in America and ChinaC.Theoretical Frame, Structure and Main Contents of the DissertationChapter 1 The Characteristics of E.L.Doctorow' s Postmodern Historical FictionA.The Nature of Historical FictionB.Doctorow' s Coverage of Almost All Periods of American HistoryChapter 2 The March:A Literary Representation of the American Civil WarA.Inventing the PastB.History as MythChapter 3 The Waterworks:A True Picture of the Political Corruption of Capitalism in the 19th and 20th CenturiesA.The Historical SituatiorB.From the Real World to the Artistic WorldC.Anti - IndustrialismChapter 4 Ragtime:A Literary Representation of America in the 1910sA.The Trarformation of Pre - World War I America into ImagesB.The Fragments of Time into a Series of Perpetual PresentsC.Verisimilitude Irtead of Objective TruthD.The American DreamChapter 5 World' s Fair:The Historical Writing of the Great Depression in the1930s and Its IndeterminacyA.A Historical Writing about the Great DepressionB.Indeterminacy:World's Fair as an Innovative AutobiographyChapter 6 The Book of Daniel:The Politics of Polyphony of McCarthyism in the 1950sA.The Red Scare and McCarthyismB.The Politics of PolyphonyChapter 7 Postmodern Artistic Devices in E.L.Doctorow' s Historical FictionA.Doctorow' s Faith in His Postmodern Historical FictionB.Mixture of Genres:Fiction, Autobiography, Play and Detective StoriesC.Blending Fact and FictionD.History, Culture and PoliticsE.Doctorow's Narrative ArtConclusionWorks CitedAcknowledgements



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