
出版時間:2012-7  出版社:張穎 陜西師范大學出版總社有限公司 (2012-07出版)  作者:張穎 編  頁數(shù):423  




上編 美國文學簡史 Part One A Survey of American Literature  Chapter One Early American Literature and American Romanticism  SeCtion One Early American Literature  Section Two American Romanticism  Section Three Important Writers and Works in Early Romanticism  Section Four Important Writers and Works in Late Romanticism  Chapter Two American Realism and Naturalism  Section One American Realism  Section Two Representatives of Realism:Mark Twain and Henry James  Section Three American Naturalism Section Four Representatives of Naturalism:Stephen Crane and Theodore Dreiser Chapter Three American Literature between the Two World Wars Section One Historical Background and Literary Scene Section Two Imagism  Section Three Important Poets:T.S.Eliot and Robert Frost Section Four The Lost Generation and Ernest Hemingway Section Five The Jazz Age and F.Scott Fitzgerald Section Six 1930s and John Steinbeck Section Seven Southem Literature and William Faulkner  Chapter Four Contemporary American Literature  Section One Historical Background and Literary Scene Section Two The Bcat Generation  Section Three Black Humour and Joseph Heller  Section Four Postmodern Fiction and Thomas Pynchon Section Five Jewish Literature and Saul Bellow  Section Six New Realism in Contemporary Literature  Chapter Five African-American Literature and Chinese-American Literature Section One African-American Literature  Section Two Representatives of African-American Literature:Wright,Ellison and Morrison Section Three Chinese-American Literature  Section Four Representatives of Chinese-American Literature:Kingston and Tan Chapter Six American Drama Section Onc Introduction to American Drama  Section Two Important Dramatists:O'Neill,Williams and Miller  下編 美國文學選讀 Part Two Selected Readings in American Literature Chapter Seven American Fiction  Section One Introduction to Fiction Section Two Fiction in Romantic Period  Section Three Fiction in Realist Period Section Four Fiction between the Two World Wars Section Five Contemporary American Fiction  Section Six Muhiethnic Fiction  Chapter Eight American Poetry  Section One Introduction to Poetry  Section Two Important Poets and Their Poems  Chapter Nine American Drama  Section OBe Introduction to Drama  Section Two Important Dramatists and Their Plays Chapter Ten Practice in Literary Appreciation  Section One Short Stories  Section Two Poetry  Section Three Drama Selected Bibliography


版權(quán)頁:   In his novels,Crane started the modern tradition of telling the truth at all costs about the elementalhuman situation,and writing about war as a real human experience.This was a revolutionary event bothin theme and technique.It produced a far-reaching influence on later writers:Hemingway,Dos Passos,and in recent history,Kurt Vonnegut and other writers.It is no exaggeration to say that Crane anticipa.ted the chief phenomena of American literature in the first few decades of the 20th century.He was alsoa pioneer in the field of modem poetry.His early poems were brief,quotable,and had unrhymed,unor-thodox conciseness and impressionistic imagery.These put a significant influence off modem poetry.Heand Emily Dickinson are now recognized as the two precursors of Imagist poetry. 3)Introduction to The Red Badge of Courage (1)Plot Overview Stephen Crane's way novel,the Red Badge of Courage,is not an ordinary Civil War novel.It is a-bout a young farm boy Henry Fleming's experience in the war. Henry dreams of becoming a hero in the battlefield.He joins the army,regardless of his mother'swarning.But his dreams disappear when he comes to the real battlefield.In the first attack,Henry isboxed in by his fellow soldiers,realizes that he could not run even if he wants to.He fires mechanical-ly,feeling like a cog in a machine. A second attack causes his sudden panic and flight.He is driven by shame and wanders on thefringe of the battle field.He seems to be helplessly wandering in a nightmarish atmosphere.He meets a"tattered soldier"whose wounds seem"a red badge of courage"to Henry.He repeatedly asks Henrywhere he is wounded.





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