
出版時(shí)間:2011-10  出版社:陜西師大  作者:泰戈?duì)?nbsp; 頁(yè)數(shù):224  譯者:冰心  






  28  你的疑問的眼光是含愁的。它要追探了解我的意思,好像月亮探測(cè)大海。  我已經(jīng)把我生命的終始,全部暴露在你的眼前,沒有任何隱秘和保留。因此你不認(rèn)識(shí)我?! 〖偃缢且粔K寶石,我就能把它碎成千百顆粒,穿成項(xiàng)鏈掛在你的頸上?! 〖偃缢且欢浠?,圓圓小小香香的,我就能從枝上采來戴在你的發(fā)上?! 〉撬且活w心,我的愛人。何處是它的邊和底?  你不知道這個(gè)王國(guó)的邊極,但你仍是這王國(guó)的女王?! 〖偃缢瞧痰臍g娛,它將在喜笑中開花,你立刻就會(huì)看到、懂得了?! 〖偃缢且魂囃纯啵鼘⑷诨删К摰难蹨I,不著一字地反映出它最深的秘密?! 〉撬菒?,我的愛人。  它的歡樂和痛苦是無邊的,它的需求和財(cái)富是無盡的。  它和你親近得像你的生命一樣,但是你永遠(yuǎn)不能完全了解它?! our questioning eyes are sad. They seek to know my meaning as the moon would fathom the sea.  I have bared my life before your eyes from end to end, with nothing hidden or held back. That is why you know me not.  If it were only a gem, I could break it into a hundred pieces and string them into a chain to put on your neck.  If it were only a flower, round and small and sweet, I could pluck it from its stem to set it in your hair.  But it is a heart, my beloved. Where are its shores and its bottom?  You know not the limits of this kingdom, still you are its queen.  If it were only a moment of pleasure it would flower in an easy smile, and you could see it and read it in a moment.  If it were merely a pain it would melt in limpid tears, reflecting its inmost secret without a word.  But it is love, my beloved.  Its pleasure and pain are boundless, and endless its wants and wealth.  It is as near to you as your life, but you can never wholly know it.  29  對(duì)我說吧,我愛!用言語告訴我你唱的是什么。  夜是深黑的,星星消失在云里,風(fēng)在葉叢中嘆息?! ∥覍⑴⑽业念^發(fā),我的青藍(lán)的披風(fēng)將像黑夜一樣地緊裹著我。我將把你的頭緊抱在胸前;在甜柔的寂寞中在你心頭低訴。我將閉目靜聽。我不會(huì)看望你的臉?! 〉鹊侥愕脑捳f完了,我們將沉默凝坐。只有叢樹在黑暗中微語?! ∫箤l(fā)白。天光將曉。我們將望望彼此的眼睛,然后各走各的路?! ?duì)我說話吧,我愛!用言語告訴我你唱的是什么?! peak to me, my love! Tell me in words what you sang.  The night is dark. The stars are lost in clouds. The wind is sighing through the leaves.  I will let loose my hair. My blue cloak will cling round me like night. I will clasp your head to my bosom; and there in the sweet loneliness murmur on your heart. I will shut my eyes and listen. I will not look in your face.  When your words are ended, we will sit still and silent. Only the trees will whisper in the dark.  The night will pale. The day will dawn. We shall look at each other's eyes and go on our different paths.  Speak to me, my love! Tell me in words what you sang.  30  你是一朵夜云,在我夢(mèng)幻中的天空浮泛?! ∥矣肋h(yuǎn)用愛戀的渴想來描畫你?! ∧闶俏乙粋€(gè)人的,我一個(gè)人的,我無盡的夢(mèng)幻中的居住者!  你的雙腳被我心切望的熱光染得緋紅,我的落日之歌的搜集者!  我的痛苦之酒使你的唇兒苦甜。  你是我一個(gè)人的,我一個(gè)人的,我寂寥的夢(mèng)幻中的居住者!  我用熱情的濃影染黑了你的眼睛,我的凝視深處的祟魂!  我捉住了你,纏住了你,我愛,在我音樂的羅網(wǎng)里?! ∧闶俏乙粋€(gè)人的,我一個(gè)人的,我永生的夢(mèng)幻中的居住者!  You are the evening cloud floating in the sky of my dreams.  I paint you and fashion you ever with my love longings.  You are my own, my own. Dweller in my endless dreams!  Your feet are rosy-red with the glow of my heart's desire. Gleaner of my sunset songs!  Your lips are bitter-sweet with the taste of my wine of pain.  You are my own, my own. Dweller in my lonesome dreams!  With the shadow of my passion have I darkened your eyes, Haunter of the depth of my gaze!  I have caught you and wrapt you, my love, in the net of my music.  You are my own, my own. Dweller in my deathless dreams!  31  我的心,這只野鳥,在你的雙眼中找到了天空?! ∷鼈兪乔鍟缘膿u籃,它們是星辰的王國(guó)?! ∥业脑?shī)歌在它們的深處消失?! ≈蛔屛以谶@天空中高飛,翱翔在靜寂的無限空間里?! ≈蛔屛覜_破它的云層,在它的陽光中展翅吧。  My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes.  They are the cradle of the morning, they are the kingdom of the stars.  My songs are lost in their depths.  Let me but soar in that sky, in its lonely immensity.  Let me but cleave its clouds and spread wings in its sunshine.  32  告訴我,這一切是否都是真的,我的情人,告訴我,這是否真的。  當(dāng)這一對(duì)眼睛閃出電光,你胸中的濃云發(fā)出風(fēng)暴的回答?! ∥业拇絻?,是真像覺醒的初戀的蓓蕾那樣香甜嗎?  消失了的五月的回憶仍舊流連在我的肢體上嗎?  那大地,像一張琴,真因著我雙足的踏觸而顫成詩(shī)歌嗎?  那么當(dāng)我來時(shí),從夜的眼睛里真的落下露珠,晨光也真因?yàn)閲@我的身軀而感到喜悅嗎?  是真的嗎,是真的嗎,你的愛貫穿許多時(shí)代,許多世界來尋找我嗎?  當(dāng)你最后找到了我,你天長(zhǎng)地久的渴望,在我的溫柔的話里,在我的眼睛嘴唇和飄揚(yáng)的頭發(fā)里,找到了完全的寧?kù)o嗎?  那么“無限”的神秘是真的寫在我小小的額上嗎?  告訴我,我的情人,這一切是否都是真的?! ell me if this be all true, my lover, tell me if this be true.  When these eyes flash their lightning the dark clouds in your breast make stormy answer.  Is it true that my lips are sweet like the opening bud of the first conscious love?  Do the memories of vanished months of May linger in my limbs?  Does the earth, like a harp, shiver into songs with the touch of my feet?  Is it then true that the dewdrops fall from the eyes of night when I am seen, and the morning light is glad when it wraps my body round?  Is it true, is it true, that your love travelled alone through ages and worlds in search of me?  That when you found me at last, your age-long desire found utter peace in my gentle speech and my eyes and lips and flowing hair?  Is it then true that the mystery of the Infinite is written on this little forehead of mine?  Tell me, my lover, if all this be true.  33  我愛你,我的愛人。請(qǐng)饒恕我的愛。  像一只迷路的鳥,我被捉住了?! ‘?dāng)我的心抖戰(zhàn)的時(shí)候,它丟了圍紗,變成赤裸。用憐憫遮住它吧,愛人,請(qǐng)饒恕我的愛?! ∪绻悴荒軔畚?,愛人,請(qǐng)饒恕我的痛苦?! 〔灰h(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)地斜視我?! ∥覍⑼低档鼗氐轿业慕锹淅锶?,在黑暗中坐地?! ∥覍⒂秒p手掩起我赤裸的羞慚。  回過臉去吧,我的愛人,請(qǐng)饒恕我的痛苦。  如果你愛我,愛人,請(qǐng)饒恕我的歡樂?! ‘?dāng)我的心被快樂的洪水卷走的時(shí)候,不要笑我的洶涌的退卻?! ‘?dāng)我坐在寶座上,用我暴虐的愛來統(tǒng)治你的時(shí)候,當(dāng)我像女神一樣向你施恩的時(shí)候,饒恕我的驕傲吧,愛人,也饒恕我的快樂。  I love you, beloved. Forgive me my love.  Like a bird losing its way I am caught.  When my heart was shaken it lost its veil and was naked. Cover it with pity, beloved, and forgive me my love.  If you cannot love me, beloved, forgive me my pain.  Do not look askance at me from afar.  I will steal back to my corner and sit in the dark.  With both hands I will cover my naked shame.  Turn your face from me, beloved, and forgive me my pain.  If you love me, beloved, forgive me my joy.  When my heart is borne away by the flood of happiness, do not smile at my perilous abandonment.  When I sit on my throne and rule you with my tyranny of love, when like a goddess I grant you my favour, bear with my pride, beloved, and forgive me my joy.  34  不要不辭而別,我愛。  我看望了一夜,現(xiàn)在我臉上睡意重重?! ≈豢治以谒邪涯銇G失了?! 〔灰晦o而別,我愛?! ∥殷@起伸出雙手去摸觸你,我問自己說:“這是一個(gè)夢(mèng)嗎?”  但愿我能用我的心系住你的雙足,緊抱在胸前!  不要不辭而別,我愛?! o not go, my love, without asking my leave.  I have watched all night, and now my eyes are heavy with sleep.  I fear lest I lose you when I am sleeping.  Do not go, my love, without asking my leave.  I start up and stretch my hands to touch you. I ask myself, “Is it a dream?”  Could I but entangle your feet with my heart and hold them fast to my breast!  Do not go, my love, without asking my leave.  35  只恐我太容易地認(rèn)得你,你對(duì)我?;ㄕ??! ∧阌脷g笑的閃光使我目盲來掩蓋你的眼淚?! ∥抑?,我知道你的妙計(jì),  你從來不說出你所要說的話?! ≈豢治也徽鋹勰?,你千方百計(jì)地閃避我。  只恐我把你和大家混在一起,你獨(dú)自站在一邊?! ∥抑?,我知道你的妙計(jì),  你從來不走你所要走的路?! ∧愕囊蟊葎e人的都多,因此你才靜默。  你用嬉笑的無心來回避我的贈(zèng)與?! ∥抑溃抑滥愕拿钣?jì),  你從來不肯接受你想接受的東西?! est I should know you too easily, you play with me.  You blind me with flashes of laughter to hide your tears.  I know, I know your art,  You never say the word you would.  Lest I should not prize you, you elude me in a thousand ways.  Lest I should confuse you with the crowd, you stand aside.  I know, I know your art,  You never walk the path you would.  Your claim is more than that of others, that is why you are silent.  With playful carelessness you avoid my gifts.  I know, I know your art,  You never will take what you would.  36  他低聲說:“我愛,抬起眼睛吧。”  我嚴(yán)厲地責(zé)罵他說:“走!”但是他不動(dòng)?! ∷驹谖颐媲袄∥业碾p手。我說:“躲開我!”但是他沒有走?! ∷涯樋拷业亩叀N业伤谎壅f:“不要臉!”但是他沒有動(dòng)。  他的嘴唇觸到我的腮頰。我震顫了,說:“你太大膽了!”但是他不怕丑?! ∷岩欢浠ú逶谖野l(fā)上。我說:“這也沒有用處!”但是他站著不動(dòng)?! ∷∠挛翌i上的花環(huán)就走開了。我哭了,問我的心說:“他為什么不回來呢?”  He whispered, “My love, raise your eyes.”  I sharply chid him, and said “Go!” But he did not stir.  He stood before me and held both my hands. I said, “Leave me!” But he did not go.  He brought his face near my ear. I glanced at him and said, “What a shame!” But he did not move.  His lips touched my cheek. I trembled and said, “You dare too much.” But he had no shame.  He put a flower in my hair. I said, “It is useless!” But he stood unmoved.  He took the garland from my neck and went away. I weep and ask my heart, “Why does he not come back?”  37  你愿意把你的鮮花的花環(huán)掛在我的頸上嗎,佳人?  但是你要曉得,我編的那個(gè)花環(huán),是為大家的,為那些偶然瞥見的人,住在未開發(fā)的大地上的人,住在詩(shī)人歌曲里的人?! ‖F(xiàn)在來請(qǐng)求我的心作為答贈(zèng)已經(jīng)太晚了?! ≡幸粋€(gè)時(shí)候,我的生命像一朵蓓蕾,它所有的芬芳都儲(chǔ)藏在花心里?! ‖F(xiàn)在它已經(jīng)遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)地噴溢四散?! ≌l曉得有什么魅力,可以把它們收集關(guān)閉起來呢?  我的心不容我只給一個(gè)人,它是要給與許多人的?! ould you put your wreath of fresh flowers on my neck, fair one?  But you must know that the one wreath that I had woven is for the many, for those who are seen in glimpses, or dwell in lands unexplored, or live in poets' songs.  It is too late to ask my heart in return for yours.  There was a time when my life was like a bud, all its perfume was stored in its core.  Now it is squandered far and wide.  Who knows the enchantment that can gather and shut it up again?  My heart is not mine to give to one only, it is given to the many.  38  我愛,從前有一天,你的詩(shī)人把一首偉大史詩(shī)投進(jìn)他心里?! “。也恍⌒?,它打到你的叮當(dāng)?shù)哪_鐲上而引起悲愁?! ∷殉稍?shī)歌的碎片散撒在你的腳邊?! ∥覞M載的一切古代戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的貨物,都被笑浪所顛簸,被眼淚浸透而下沉?! ∧惚仨毷惯@損失成為我的收獲,我愛?! ∪绻业乃篮蟛恍嗟臉s名的希望都破滅了,那就在生前使我不朽吧?! ∥覍⒉粸檫@損失傷心,也不責(zé)怪你。  My love, once upon a time your poet launched a great epic in his mind.  Alas, I was not careful, and it struck your ringing anklets and came to grief.  It broke up into scraps of songs and lay scattered at your feet.  All my cargo of the stories of old wars was tossed by the laughing waves and soaked in tears and sank.  You must make this loss good to me, my love.  If my claims to immortal fame after death are shattered, make me immortal while I live.  And I will not mourn for my loss nor blame you.  39  整個(gè)早晨我想編一個(gè)花環(huán),但是花兒滑掉了?! ∧阕谝慌酝低档貜膫伤诺难劢强粗??! 栠@一對(duì)沉黑的惡作劇的眼睛,這是誰的錯(cuò)?! ∥蚁氤恢Ц?,但是唱不出來。  一個(gè)暗笑在你唇上顫動(dòng);你問它我失敗的緣由?! ∽屇阄⑿Φ拇絻喊l(fā)一個(gè)誓,說我的歌聲怎樣地消失在沉默里,像一只在荷花里沉醉的蜜蜂?! ∫雇砹?,是花瓣合起的時(shí)候了?! ∪菰S我坐在你的旁邊,容許我的唇兒做那在沉默中、在星辰和微光中能做的工作吧?!  try to weave a wreath all the morning, but the flowers slip and they drop out.  You sit there watching me in secret through the corner of your prying eyes.  Ask those eyes, darkly planning mischief, whose fault it was.  I try to sing a song, but in vain.  A hidden smile trembles on your lips; ask of it the reason of my failure.  Let your smiling lips say on oath how my voice lost itself in silence like a drunken bee in the lotus.  It is evening, and the time for the flowers to close their petals.  Give me leave to sit by your side, and bid my lips to do the work that can be done in silence and in the dim light of stars.  40  一個(gè)懷疑的微笑在你眼中閃爍,當(dāng)我來向你告別的時(shí)候。  我這樣做的次數(shù)太多了,你想我很快又會(huì)回來?! 「嬖V你實(shí)話,我自己心里也有同樣的懷疑。  因?yàn)榇禾炷昴昊貋?;滿月道過別又來訪問,花兒每年回來在枝上紅暈著臉,很可能我向你告別只為的要再回到你的身邊?! 〉前堰@幻象保留一會(huì)吧,不要冷酷粗率地把它趕走?! ‘?dāng)我說我要永遠(yuǎn)離開你的時(shí)候,就當(dāng)做真話來接受它,讓淚霧暫時(shí)加深你眼邊的黑影?! ‘?dāng)我再來的時(shí)候,隨便你怎樣地狡笑吧?! n unbelieving smile flits on your eyes when I come to you to take my leave.  I have done it so often that you think I will soon return.  To tell you the truth I have the same doubt in my mind.  For the spring days come again time after time; the full moon takes leave and comes on another visit, the flowers come again and blush upon their branches year after year, and it is likely that I take my leave only to come to you again.  But keep the illusion awhile; do not send it away with ungentle haste.  When I say I leave you for all time, accept it as true, and let a mist of tears for one moment deepen the dark rim of your eyes.  Then smile as archly as you like when I come again.  41  我想對(duì)你說出我要說的最深的話語,我不敢,我怕你哂笑。  因此我嘲笑自己,把我的秘密在玩笑中打碎?! ∥野盐业耐纯嗾f得輕松,因?yàn)榕履銜?huì)這樣做。  我想對(duì)你說出我要說的最真的話語,我不敢,我怕你不信?! ∫虼宋遗娉杉?,說出和我的真心相反的話?! ∥野盐业耐纯嗾f得可笑,因?yàn)槲遗履銜?huì)這樣做?! ∥蚁胗米顚氋F的名詞來形容你,我不敢,我怕得不到相當(dāng)?shù)某陥?bào)?! ∫虼宋医o你安上苛刻的名字,而夸示我的硬骨?! ∥覀δ?,因?yàn)榕履阌肋h(yuǎn)不知道我的痛苦?! ∥铱释o默地坐在你的身旁,我不敢,怕我的心會(huì)跳到我的唇上。  因此我輕松地說東道西,把我的心藏在語言的后面?! ∥掖直┑貙?duì)待我的痛苦,因?yàn)槲遗履銜?huì)這樣做。  我渴望從你身邊走開,我不敢,怕你看出我的懦怯?! ∫虼宋译S隨便便地昂首走到你的面前?! 哪阊劾镱l頻擲來的刺激,使我的痛苦永遠(yuǎn)新鮮?!  long to speak the deepest words I have to say to you; but I dare not, for fear you should laugh.  That is why I laugh at myself and shatter my secret in jest.  I make light of my pain, afraid you should do so.  I long to tell you the truest words I have to say to you; but I dare not, being afraid that you would not believe them.  That is why I disguise them in untruth, saying the contrary of what I mean.  I make my pain appear absurd, afraid that you should do so.  I long to use the most precious words I have for you; but I dare not, fearing I should not be paid with like value.  That is why I gave you hard names and boast of my callous strength.  I hurt you, for fear you should never know any pain.  I long to sit silent by you; but I dare not lest my heart come out at my lips.  That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words.  I rudely handle my pain, for fear you should do so.  I long to go away from your side; but I dare not, for fear my cowardice should become known to you.  That is why I hold my head high and carelessly come into your presence.  Constant thrusts from your eyes keep my pain fresh for ever.  42  啊,瘋狂的、頭號(hào)的醉漢;  如果你踢開門戶在大眾面前裝瘋;  如果你在一夜倒空囊橐,對(duì)慎重輕蔑地彈著指頭;  如果你走著奇怪的道路,和無益的東西游戲,  不理會(huì)韻律和理性;  如果你在風(fēng)暴前扯起船帆,你把船舵折成兩半,  那么我就要跟隨你,伙伴,喝得爛醉走向墮落滅亡。  我在穩(wěn)重聰明的街坊中間虛度了日日夜夜?! ∵^多的知識(shí)使我白了頭發(fā),過多的觀察使我眼力模糊?! 《嗄陙砦曳e攢了許多零碎的東西:  把這些東西摔碎,在上面跳舞,把它們散擲到風(fēng)中去吧?! ∫?yàn)槲抑篮鹊脿€醉而墮落滅亡,是最高的智慧。  讓一切歪曲的顧慮消亡吧,讓我無望地迷失了路途?! ∽屢魂囆L(fēng)吹來,把我連船錨一齊卷走?! ∈澜缟献≈呱械娜耍瑒趧?dòng)的人,有用又聰明?! ∮械娜撕軓娜莸刈咴谇邦^,有的人莊重地走在后面?! ∽屗麄兛鞓贩睒s吧,讓我傻呆地?zé)o用吧?! ∫?yàn)槲抑篮鹊脿€醉而墮落滅亡,是一切工作的結(jié)局?! ∥掖丝淌膶⒁磺械囊?,讓給正人君子。  我拋棄我學(xué)識(shí)的自豪和是非的判斷?! ∥掖蛩橛洃浀钠繅?,揮灑最后的眼淚?! ∫约t果酒的泡沫來洗澡,使我歡笑發(fā)出光輝?! ∥視呵宜毫褱毓Ш驼J(rèn)真的標(biāo)志?! ∥覍l(fā)誓做一個(gè)無用的人,喝到爛醉而墮落滅亡下去。  O mad, superbly drunk;  If you kick open your doors and play the fool in public;  If you empty your bag in a night, and snap your fingers at prudence;  If you walk in curious paths and play with useless things;  Reck not rhyme or reason;  If unfurling your sails before the storm you snap the rudder in two,  Then I will follow you, comrade, and be drunken and go to the dogs.  I have wasted my days and nights in the company of steady wise neighbours.  Much knowing has turned my hair grey, and much watching has made my sight dim.  For years I have gathered and heaped up scraps and fragments of things:  Crush them and dance upon them, and scatter them all to the winds.  For I know 'tis the height of wisdom to be drunken and go to the dogs.  Let all crooked scruples vanish, let me hopelessly lose my way.  Let a gust of wild giddiness come and sweep me away from my anchors.  The world is peopled with worthies, and workers, useful and clever.  There are men who are easily first, and men who come decently after.  Let them be happy and prosper, and let me be foolishly futile.  For I know 'tis the end of all works to be drunken and go to the dogs.  I swear to surrender this moment all claims to the ranks of the decent.  I let go my pride of learning and judgment of right and of wrong.  I'll shatter memory's vessel, scattering the last drop of tears.  With the foam of the berry-red wine I will bathe and brighten my laughter.  The badge of the civil and staid I'll tear into shreds for the nonce.  I'll take the holy vow to be worthless, to be drunken and go to the dogs.  ……






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  •   園丁集是泰戈?duì)柕牧硪徊恐匾拇碜髦?,是一部“生命之歌”,它更多地融入了?shī)人青春時(shí)代的體驗(yàn),細(xì)膩地描敘了愛情的幸福,煩惱與憂傷,可以視為一部青春戀歌。詩(shī)人在回首往事時(shí)吟唱出這些戀歌,在回味青春心靈的悸動(dòng)時(shí),無疑又與自己的青春保有一定距離,并進(jìn)行理性的審視與思考,使這部戀歌不時(shí)地閃爍出哲理的光彩。閱讀這些詩(shī)篇,如同漫步在暴風(fēng)雨過后的初夏里,一股擋不住的清新與芬芳,仿佛看到一個(gè)亮麗而清透的世界,一切都是那樣的純凈、美好,使人與不知不覺中體味愛與青春的味道。
  •   泰戈?duì)栆约?xì)膩靈動(dòng)的筆觸,充滿深情地歌頌了愛情的激情浪漫、純潔唯美、憂傷惆悵,將自己青春時(shí)代的體驗(yàn)滲透其中,同時(shí)進(jìn)行了理性的審視與思考,使這部戀歌不時(shí)地閃爍出哲理的光彩。
  •   泰戈?duì)柕挠⑽脑?shī)真的很美很美
  •   外觀:不管是顏色還是搭配都很漂亮
  •   質(zhì)量很好,中英文對(duì)照,適合孩子學(xué)習(xí)詩(shī)歌,值得推薦。
  •   書殼是我最愛的果綠顏色,嘿嘿?。?!很期待呀!!
  •   插畫很精美,中英對(duì)照可以受到英語熏陶,更加接近作者的本意,不會(huì)因?yàn)榉g而失真
  •   我個(gè)人覺得以后買書還是買軟皮的吧 我這次一下買了十二本有好幾本是這種硬皮的 有的精裝版的 我覺得里面紙張并不是多好,所以還是買軟皮的版本
  •   挺喜歡的。像一本名著的手感,不錯(cuò)哦
  •   英文版名著名譯,名副其實(shí)!
  •   給孩子買的,能讓她既提高了文學(xué)修養(yǎng),又溫習(xí)了英語。
  •   很精致。推薦閱讀。很滿意。
  •   非常喜歡這本書,每天早晨起來讀一讀,身心舒爽!
  •   紙張質(zhì)量不錯(cuò),內(nèi)容也挺好。
  •   心得歷程,美文準(zhǔn)譯。
  •   !好
  •   雙語書,不錯(cuò)
  •   挺好的 和我在書店看的是一樣的 滿意
  •   是本好書,印刷也不錯(cuò)
  •   書真的很不錯(cuò),是買給朋友的
  •   很好 ??!
  •   本來想習(xí)著先放著的,感覺對(duì)于二年級(jí)的孩子怕看不懂。沒想到剛買回來她就翻看了幾頁(yè),如果字能大些就更好啦。
  •   還行。速度夠快,書還可以
  •   朋友買的,但收到貨的時(shí)候發(fā)現(xiàn)多買了一本,就自己拿了。書的紙張很一般,是雙譯的。還行吧,自己不太喜歡這種類型的書
  •   不咋的啊。

250萬本中文圖書簡(jiǎn)介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
