
出版時間:2005-4  出版社:陜西師范大學(xué)出版社  作者:阿倫茲  頁數(shù):514  


現(xiàn)代西方教育思想不僅源流學(xué)派異彩紛呈,而且顯示出深層轉(zhuǎn)變并日益走向綜合發(fā)展的趨勢同時,這一令人捉摸難定的趨勢,又隱約展示出深刻的歷史淵源、文化背景以及學(xué)理的傳承相繼。我國教育理論界歷來重視對國外優(yōu)秀教育思想的引入和借鑒,從赫爾巴特教學(xué)法到凱洛夫的教育學(xué),從杜威的進步主義教育運動到后現(xiàn)代主義教育思潮等等應(yīng)時而生的教育思想都對我國教育理論界產(chǎn)生了或大或小或顯或隱的影響??梢哉f,我國教育理論界從來沒有“閉關(guān)鎖國”、“妄自尊大”的夜郎心態(tài),總是自覺地融入世界教育理論發(fā)展的潮流之中。    當(dāng)前,我國教育理論工作者積極地關(guān)注國外教育思想的發(fā)展動態(tài),這從不斷涌現(xiàn)的大量國外教育思想的譯著和評價中可以窺見一斑。這樣的譯著為我們提供了接觸國外優(yōu)秀教育理論的平臺,尤其對于受外語水平限制的研究人員來說,更有其存在的必然性與合理性。但是,按照闡釋學(xué)的觀點來看,人們對對象的思維總是滲透著主體的意向性,對文本的理解總是以譯者的前見、成見、回憶、想象、符號思維等“前知識結(jié)構(gòu)”為前提的理論重構(gòu)過程,也就是說,這樣的譯著往往是譯者的視界與文本或知識的視界融合的結(jié)果,這樣,當(dāng)我們對譯著再次解讀時,我面對的已經(jīng)不是“原汁原味”的東西了。在解讀的過程中,我們也會遭遇譯文觀點的模棱兩可而無法釋懷,費盡心機地揣測是作者原文的紕漏還是翻譯過程中造成的誤解。因此,嚴肅的外國教育理論研究倡導(dǎo)選用原版著作,研究生的培養(yǎng)也應(yīng)力求通過外文資料來把握國外教育理論動態(tài),從而為我們的教育理論界理解和借鑒西方教育思想,保證一個良好的心態(tài),奠定一個扎實的基礎(chǔ),以期不久的將來看到我們的教育理論界在荊棘與鮮花并見的求索道路上前進一步。


Part 1 Teaching and Learning in Today's Classrooms   Chapter 1 The Scientific Basis for the Art of Teaching  Chapter 2 Student Learning in Diverse ClassroomsPart 2 The Leadership Aspects of Teaching  Chapter 3 Teacher Planning  Chapter 4 Classrooms As Learning Communities  Chapter 5 Classroom Management  Chapter 6 Assessment and EvaluationPart 3 The Interactive Aspects of Teaching  Chapter 7 Presenting and Explaining  Chapter 8 Direct Instruction  Chapter 9 Concept Teaching  Chapter 10 Cooperative Learning  Chapter 11 Problem-Based Learning  Chapter 12 Classroom DiscussionPart 4 The Organizational Aspects of Teaching  Chapter 13 School Leadership and CollaborationResource Handbook Unit 1     Reading and Using Research Unit 2     Action Research for Classroom Teachers


  Cassandra Garda5th and 6th GradeThis is the type of situation that demands action on twofronts, one short-term, the other more long-term. For the shortterm, I would have some of the special education and coun-seling personnel provide human relations training for stu-dents in the dass. I would want them to emphasize how to getalong with one another, how to communicate in positiveways, and how to resolve conflict situations without resortingto anger or force. I would also like them to provide studentswith experiences through which they would get to know eachother on a personal level. I think this would help students lis-ten to each other a little better and display less indifference to-ward one another.  On a longer-term basis, I would work to establish an envi-ronment of trust between the students and myself and amongthe various groups of students. I would use "classroom meet-ings" to help students discuss their problems and differences.I would start using cooperative learning groups on a regularbasis. I would make sure that each group had representativesfrom the three racial and ethnic groups and that each grouphad one of the special-needs students. I would make sure thatall assignments were set up in such a way that students hadto work together and each students success was tied to thegroups accomplishments.  I know that it will take a long time to develop the type oflearng environment I envision. I will have to remain patientand to expect many setbacks along the way.




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用戶評論 (總計9條)


  •   《學(xué)會教學(xué)》是一本不錯的書,值得相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的研究人員收藏。
  •   在書店看到中文版于是到當(dāng)當(dāng)訂了英文版,很厚實紙質(zhì)很舒服,作為一名教師,怎么樣對待工作和面對學(xué)生,教學(xué)是一門藝術(shù)也是一門學(xué)問。
  •   書不錯,價格公道,雖然有中文版,還是喜歡看看原版的
  •   本書介紹的一些教學(xué)方法對老師的教學(xué)有啟迪。
  •   沒看清楚,錯買了英文版。重新買了中文版的。不過,當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)耐藫Q貨服務(wù)非常好,是自己錯買了,但是當(dāng)當(dāng)免費上門來退貨。很感謝!
  •   買錯了,英文版的,看不太懂,又買了本中文的。收藏了
  •   是正版,不過感覺有點舊呀。
  •   很厚的一本,內(nèi)容不錯。實用
  •   本書為英文,請購買者注意,也請當(dāng)當(dāng)網(wǎng)能在此書介紹中注明,以免退貨。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
