
出版時(shí)間:2012-3  出版社:西北工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社  作者:李冰雯 編  頁數(shù):282  




Chapter 1 Panoramic View1.1 Overview1.2 Geography of the United States1.3 Climate & Environment1.4 American DreamChapter 2 A Nation of Immigration2.1 The Colonial Period2.2 The Old Immigration2.3 New Immigration2.4 Most Recent Immigration2.5 Contemporary immigrationChapter 3 Ethnic Groups in the United States3.1 White Americans3.2 Black Americans3.3 Asian Americans3.4 Native Americans and Alaska Natives3.5 Hispanic and Latino AmericansChapter 4 History of the United States4.1 Colonial Period4.2 Formation of the United States of America4.3 Civil War Era4.4 Two World Wars4.5 The Cold War Era4.6 The World SuperpowerChapter 5 Politics of the United States5.1 Federal, State and Local Governments5.2 Political Culture5.3 Political Parties and Elections5.4 Law of the United StatesChapter 6 Religion in the United States6.1 Christianity6.2 Other Religions6.3 Religion and PoliticsChapter 7 Education in the United States7.1 Elementary and Secondary Education7.2 College and University7.3 Contemporary Education IssuesChapter 8 Society and Customs8.1 Social Class and Race8.2 American Social Life8.3 National Holidays8.4 Food and Sport CulturesChapter 9 Media of the United States9.1 Radio9.2 Newspapers and Magazines9.3 Television in the United States9.4 Cinema of the United StatesChapter 10 American Literature10.1 Colonial Literature10.2 American Poetry10.3 Realism Post-World War Ⅱ10.4 Contemporary American LiteratureBibliography



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