
出版時間:2011-8  出版社:西北工業(yè)大學出版社  作者:丁西亞 編  頁數(shù):178  




Unit 1 Campus( 校園內(nèi)外)Part 1 Radio NewsPart 2 Print NewsPart 3 TV NewsPart 4 Home ReadingPart 5 Related InformationUnit 2 Disasters(災難回顧)Part 1 Radio NewsPart 2 Print NewsPart 3 TV NewsPart 4 Home ReadingPart 5 Related InformationUnit 3 Society(社會廣角)Part 1 Radio NewsPart 2 Print NewsPart 3 TV NewsPart 4 Home ReadingPart 5 Related InformationUnit 4 Health and Care(醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生)Part 1 Radio NewsPart 2 Print NewsPart 3 ~ TV NewsPart 4 Home ReadingPart 5 Related InformationUnit 5 Personal Profile(人物特寫)Part 1 Radio NewsPart 2 Print NewsPart 3 TV NewsPart 4 Home ReadingPart 5 Related InformationUnit 6 Politics(政治風云)Part 1 Radio NewsPart 2 Print NewsPart 3 TV NewsPart 4 Home ReadingPart 5 Related InformationUnit 7 Sports and Entertainments(體育娛樂)Part 1 Radio NewsPart 2 Print NewsPart 3 TV NewsPart 4 Home ReadingPart 5 Related InformationUnit 8 History and Culture(文化點擊)Part 1 Radio NewsPart 2 Print NewsPart 3 TV NewsPart 4 Home ReadingPart 5 Related InformationUnit 9 Science and Technology (科技掠影)Part 1 Radio NewsPart 2 Print NewsPart 3 TV NewsPart 4 Home ReadingPart 5 Related InformationUnit 10 Family Life(生活視點)Part 1 Radio NewsPart 2 Print NewsPart 3 TV NewsPart 4 Home ReadingPart 5 Related InformationUnit 11 Economy(經(jīng)濟瞭望)Unit 12 Opinions(專欄采擷)



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