
出版時間:2010-11  出版社:西北工大  作者:周春艷//王國棟|主編:吳耀武  頁數(shù):173  字?jǐn)?shù):131000  




  吳耀武,英語副教授,(英語)課程與教學(xué)論博士生,全國公共英語等級考試(PETS)考官,多次參加國家、省、市英語考試命題和閱卷工作,現(xiàn)為西安外國語大學(xué)國際學(xué)院副院長(主持工作)?! ∠群笤谖靼餐鈬Z大學(xué)、香港嶺南大學(xué)、上海外國語大學(xué)、陜西師范大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)或進(jìn)修;近年來訪問過美國、西班牙、法國和韓國十余所國外知名大學(xué)。


Unit 1 ABCs of a Hotel
 Model Dialogue 1
 Model Dialogue 2
 Model Dialogue 3
 Useful Sentences
 Supplementary Vocabulary
Unit 2 Room Reservations
 Model Dialogue 1
 Model Dialogue 2
 Model Dialogue 3
 Useful Sentences
 Supplementary Vocabulary
Unit 3 At the Reception
 Model Dialogue 1
 Model Dialogue 2
 Model Dialogue 3
 Useful Sentences
 Supplementary Vocabulary
Unit 4 Housekeeping
 Model Dialogue 1
 Model Dialogue 2
 Model Dialogue 3
 Useful Sentences
 Supplementary Vocabulary
Unit 5 Telephone Service
 Model Dialogue 1
 Model Dialogue 2
 Model Dialogue 3
 Useful Sentences
 Supplementary Vocabulary
Unit 6 Asking for Information
 Model Dialogue 1
 Model Dialogue 2
 Model Dialogue 3
 Useful Sentences
 Supplementary Vocabulary
Unit 7 At the Cashier
 Model Dialogue 1
 Model Dialogue 2
 Model Dialogue 3
 Useful Sentences
 Supplementary Vocabulary
Unit 8 Food & Beverage
 Model Dialogue 1
 Model Dialogue 2
 Model Dialogue 3
 Useful Sentences
 Supplementary Vocabulary
Unit 9 Recreation & Shopping Arcade
 Model Dialogue 1
 Model Dialogue 2
 Model Dialogue 3
 Useful Sentences
 Supplementary Vocabulary
Unit 10 Handling Complaints
 Model Dialogue 1
 Model Dialogue 2
 Model Dialogue 3
 Useful Sentences
 Supplementary Vocabulary


  Old Tom is a lightly sweetened Gin popular in 18th-centuryEngland that now is rarely available. It is slightly sweeter thanLondon Dry, but slightly drier than ,Dutch/Holland Gin/Jenever, and is thus sometimes called The Missing Link. Thename "Old Tom Gin" purportedly came from wooden plaquesshaped like a black cat (an "Old Tom") mounted on the outsidewall of some pubs above a public walkway in the 1700s England.Old Tom Gin was formerly made under license by a variety ofdistillers around the world however one was recently relaunchedby Haymans distillery based on an original recipe. The firstwritten record of Old Tom Gin being used in the Tom Collinscocktail was the 1891 book, The Flowing Bowl. When and whatto Drink.




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