
出版時間:2008-7  出版社:西北工業(yè)大學出版社  作者:李慶明 主編  頁數(shù):245  字數(shù):908000  


《大學英語閱讀教程(I—II)》是高等學校非英語專業(yè)的閱讀教材,旨在幫助大學生盡快適應(yīng)大學英語閱讀的模式及難度,為最終突破大學英語四、六級閱讀難關(guān)打下堅實的基礎(chǔ)。各分冊均有12個單元,每單元均包含4篇文章:1篇快速閱讀、1篇選詞填空仔細閱讀、2篇多項選擇仔細閱讀,并配有詞匯、注釋及其練習。  本教程可作為高等學校英語閱讀教材,尤其適合在校大學生備考大學英語四、六級使用,同時對自學者提高英語閱讀能力也有大裨益。


Unit 1   Passage 1  How to Talk to Your Kids Passage 2  Tips on Safe Driving Passage 3  Mountain Climbing Passage 4  Changes of Society Unit 2 Passage 1  Getting on with Your Kids Passage 2  Writers and Railways   Passage 3  Noah Webster and His Dictionary Passage 4  IQ and EQUnit 3   Passage 1  Ozone and Your Health Passage 2  Pearl S. Buck--a Popular American Writer Passage 3  Job-hunting Tips Passage 4  Confusing MeasurementsUnit 4 Passage 1  Drinking and Driving. Precautions You Can Take Passage 2  Our Capricious Earth Passage 3  What Is Marriage? Passage 4  A New Way of TracingUnit 5 Passage 1  Water Shortage   Passage 2  The Warming Earth Passage 3  The New Generation in Japan Passage 4  Population Explosion Unit 6 Passage 1  A World without Children Passage 2  Personal Relationship Passage 3  What Is Teaching and What Is Learning? Passage 4  The Value of Scarce Material Unit 7   Passage 1  How to Be a Leader   Passage 2  Reading Is Leaving Us Farther and Farther Passage 3  The Importance of C. V. in Job Application Passage 4  Women and FashionUnit 8 Passage I  Trust Me, I Am a Robot Passage 2  The Automobile Has Changed Our Life Style Passage 3  Lincoln, an Unforgettable President Passage 4  Make a Timely and Heartfelt ApologyUnit 9 Passage 1  The Greenhouse Effect Passage 2  How to Protect Animals Passage 3  Popular Leisure Activities in Britain Passage 4  Advertising to Children on InternetUnit 10   Passage 1   Health Sport Industry in India Passage 2  Technology and Psychological Well-being Passage 3  Life at Home in the Year 2040 Passage 4  The Purpose of New EconomyUnit 11 Passage 1  Digital Camera   Passage 2  The Damage of Rainforests Passage 3  U.S. College Students Have to Pay More for Their Education Passage 4  Milton's Masterpiece--Paradise LostUnit 12



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