
出版時間:2006-6  出版社:西北工業(yè)大學出版社  作者:劉慶松  


本書吸取了國外英語寫作新的特色和成果,結合我國的寫作理論,注重寫作技巧的掌握和創(chuàng)新寫作能力的培養(yǎng),共包括17章內容。書中配有大量新穎的實例和典型范文,對課堂教學和自學者都大有裨益?! ”緯m用于英語專業(yè)本科高年級學生和研究生,也是其他英語學習者自學的極好參考書。


Part 1  Introduciton  1.1 Effective Writing  1.2 Demands of the Course  1.3 AutobiographyPart 2  Reaching Your Audience  2.1 Reaching Your Audience  2.2 Style,Voice,and Tone  2.3 Style,Through Vocabulary and Diction  2.4 Inappropriate Word UsagePart 3  Polishing Senterces  3.1 Sentence Fragments  3.2 Sentence Patterns  3.3 Precise Vocabulary for Complete Ideas  3.4 Symbols That Stand for Errors in an EssayPart 4  Polishing Paragraphs  4.1 Paragraph Structure  4.2 Topic Sentence  4.3 Patterns for Presenting Information  4.4 Developing Levels of Specjficity  4.5 Paragraph SizePart 5  Main Idea and Pattern of OrganizationPart 6  Gathering Information and Ideas:Memory,Reading and ObservationPart 7  Gather Information and Ideas:InterviewingPart 8  Elemaents of Writing EssaysPart 9  Comparison-and-contrastPart 10  ArgumentPart 11  Inductive ReasoningPart 12  Deductive ReasoningPart 13  Writing a Research PaperPart 14  Procedures in Graduate StudyPart 15  How to Write an AbstractPart 16  Quoting and DocumentiongPart 17  Composing a PoemAppendicesGlossaryBibliography



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