
出版時間:2011-8  出版社:大連理工大學(xué)出版社  作者:齊民 編  頁數(shù):275  




Chapter 0  Introduction  緒論
0.1 Materials Science and Engineering 材料科學(xué)與工程
0.2 Major Classes of Materials 材料的分類
0.3 Materials in Engineering 工程中的材料
Questions and discussions
Chapter 1 Properties of Materials 材料的性能
1.1 Mechanical Properties of Materials 材料的力學(xué)性能
1.1.1 Strength and Plasticity of Materials 材料的強度與塑性
1.1.2 Hardness 硬度
1.1.3 Impact Toughness 沖擊韌性
1.1.4 Fatigue 疲勞
1.1.5 Fracture Toughness 斷裂韌性
1.1.6 Viscoelasticity 滯彈性
1.2 Physical Properties of Materials 材料的物理性能
1.2.1 Density 密度
1.2.2 Thermal Properties 熱性能
1.3 Chemical Properties of Materials 材料的化學(xué)性能
1.3.1 Corrosion 腐 蝕
1.3.2 Oxidation 氧化
1.4 Process Properties of Materials 材料的工藝性能
1.4.1 Casting 鑄造性
1.4.2 Forming 鍛造性
1.4.3 Joining Process 連接工藝
1.4.4 Machining 機加工性
Questions and discussions
Chapter 2 Structures of Materials 材料的結(jié)構(gòu)
2.1 Atomic Scale Structure in Materials 材料的原子結(jié)構(gòu)
2.1.1 Ionic Bonding 離子鍵
2.1.2 Covalent Bonding 共價鍵
2.1.3 Metallic Bonding 金屬鍵
2.1.4 Van der Waals Bonding 范德瓦爾斯鍵
2.2 Crystal Structure in Materials 材料的晶體結(jié)構(gòu)
2.2.1 Lattices and Unit Cells 晶格和晶胞
2.2.2 Typical Metallic Crystal Structures 典型的金屬晶體結(jié)構(gòu)
2.3 Crystal Defects 晶體缺陷
2.3.1 Point Defects 點缺陷
2.3.2 Linear Defects 線缺陷
2.3.3 Planar and Volume Defects 面缺陷和體缺陷
2.4 Diffusion 擴散
2.4.1 Diffusion Mechanisms 擴散機制
2.4.2 Rate of Diffusion 擴散速率
2.4.3 Factors Affecting Diffusion 影響擴散的因素
Questions and discussions
Chapter 3 Phase Equilibrium and Phase Diagrams 相平衡和相圖
3.1 Crystallization Process of Pure Metals 純金屬的結(jié)晶過程
3.1.1 Cooling Curve of Pure Metals 純金屬的冷卻曲線
3.1.2 Nucleation and Growth of Crystal in Liquid
3.1.3 Allotropy Transformations 同素異構(gòu)轉(zhuǎn)變
3.2 Phase Diagram of Two Component System 二元系相圖
3.2.1 The Binary Isomorphous Diagram 二元勻晶相圖
3.2.2 The Binary Eutectic Phase Diagram 二元共晶相圖
3.2.3 The Binary Peritectic Phase Diagram 二元包晶相圖
3.2.4 Binary Phase Diagram with Intermetalljc Compound
3.2.5 The Binary Eutectoid Phase Diagram 二元共析相圖
3.2.6 General Rules for Analyzing Phase Diagram 分析相圖的一般原則
3.3 Fe-C Phase Diagram 鐵-碳相圖
3.3.1 Analysis of Fe-C Phase Diagram 鐵-碳相圖分析
3.3.2 Equilibrium Crystallization Process of Typical Fe-C
Alloys 典型鐵-碳合金的平衡結(jié)晶過程
3.3.3 Influence of C Contents on Microstructure and Properties
of Fe-C Alloys 碳含量對鐵-碳合金微觀組織與性能的影響
3.4 Solidification Under Practical Condition實際條件下的凝固
3.4.1 Grain Size After Practical Solidification 實際凝固后的晶粒尺寸
3.4.2 Dendritic Segregation During Isomorphous Transformation
Chapter 4 Plastic Deformation and Strengthening 塑性變形與強化
Chapter 5 Siructure and Microstructure Transformation During
Thermai Process 熱過程的結(jié)構(gòu)與微觀組織轉(zhuǎn)變
Chapter 6 Steels for Engineering工程用鋼
Chapter 7 Cast Irons 鑄鐵
Chapter 8 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys 有色金屬及合金
Chapter 9 Ceramics for Engineering 工程陶瓷
Chapter 10 Polymers for Engineering 工程高分子
Chapter 11 Composite Materials for Engineering 工程復(fù)合材料
Appendix 附錄
Key Terms 關(guān)鍵術(shù)語中文解釋
References 參考文獻


  Forming operations are those that the shape of a metal piece is changed by plasticdeformation; for example,forging,rolling,extrusion,and drawing are common formingtechniques. Of course,the deformation must be induced by an external force or stress,the magnitude of which must exceed the yield strength of the material. Most metallicmaterials are especially amenable to these procedures,being at least moderately ductileand capable of some permanent deformation without cracking or fracturing.  When deformation is achieved at a temperature above which recrystallization oc-curs,the process is termed hot working(Section 7. 12), otherwise,it is cold working.With most of the forming techniques,both hot-and cold-working procedures are possi-ble. For hot-working operations,large deformations are possible,which may be succes-sively repeated,because the metal remains soft and ductile. Also,deformation energy re-quirements are less than that for cold working, However,most metals experience somesurface oxidation, which results in material loss and a poor final surface finish. Cold  working produces an increase m strength with the attendant decrease in ductility,sincethe metal strain hardens; advantages over hot working include a higher quality surfacefinish,better mechanical properties,and closer dimensional control of the finished piece.On occasion,the total deformation is accomplished in a series of steps in which the pieceis successively cold worked a small amount and then process annealed However,this isan expensive and inconvenient procedure.  ……



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