出版時間:2010-7 出版社:大連理工大學出版社 作者:王紹強 頁數(shù):232
The wake of the new millennium will be remembered inlarge part for the rising power of corporations: for themonumental scare of international: architectural projects: theboom of the global art market: and the acceptance of designas the common Language of consumerism and good tastein post-industrial societies. Facing increasingly educated:sophisticated and aware markets: brands are challenged topush their boundaries and integrate the vocabulary of designin all of their expressions: including retail.. The nomenclature"retail design" is graduaLLy being replaced by "experientialdesign:" a subtl.e switch in the practice that infuses the retailexperience with flavors of music: art: LifestyLe: iLLustration anddesign: reflecting a certain sense of involvement in cultureand entertainment.WhiLe lifestyle brands march into this promising retailterritory: designers and creative directors are encouragedto experiment in the way they approach their work bybroadening the array of their practices. I am personaLLy partof this generation of creatives who have been commisstonedto devel.op retail projects even though I was never trained asan architect or an interior designer. What I had instead was agrowing foLLowing of my studios work coupled with a desireto expand my playground into the various arenas of whathas now become experientiaL design: sound: smeLL: graphicdesign: iLtustration: industrial design: craft. I use myselfas an example because several: of the creatives featured inthis book share a similar background: fueled by a desire toexpress themselves through aLL media and expand the realmof their practice. This inter-discipLinary approach: a sort oftwenty-first century renaissance: if you will: is what brandsare Looking for today in order to maximize the impact of anyof their retail projects.
The wake of the new millennium will be remembered inlarge part for the rising power of corporations: for themonumental scare of international: architectural projects: theboom of the global art market: and the acceptance of designas the common Language of consumerism and good tastein post-industrial societies. Facing increasingly educated:sophisticated and aware markets: brands are challenged topush their boundaries and integrate the vocabulary of designin all of their expressions: including retail.. The nomenclature"retail design" is graduaLLy being replaced by "experientialdesign:" a subtl.e switch in the practice that infuses the retailexperience with flavors of music: art: LifestyLe: iLLustration anddesign: reflecting a certain sense of involvement in cultureand entertainment.WhiLe lifestyle brands march into this promising retailterritory: designers and creative directors are encouragedto experiment in the way they approach their work bybroadening the array of their practices. I am personaLLy partof this generation of creatives who have been commisstonedto devel.op retail projects even though I was never trained asan architect or an interior designer. What I had instead was agrowing foLLowing of my studios work coupled with a desireto expand my playground into the various arenas of whathas now become experientiaL design: sound: smeLL: graphicdesign: iLtustration: industrial design: craft. I use myselfas an example because several: of the creatives featured inthis book share a similar background: fueled by a desire toexpress themselves through aLL media and expand the realmof their practice. This inter-discipLinary approach: a sort oftwenty-first century renaissance: if you will: is what brandsare Looking for today in order to maximize the impact of anyof their retail projects.
Sons & Daughters In-store GraphicsKehl: Germany 93FS Kranj: Slovenia 14Pokobar Interior Design Zagreb: Croatia 18Art of Persuading Exhibition Zagreb: Croatia 22Art Shop 09 Basel: Switzerland 26Nike: Back to School various cities in China 30SoCo Limelight Tour Cologne: Germany 32Levis Blue Lab Store Cologne: Germany 34No New Enemies "A Little Scratch X-mas"Brussels: Belgium 36Buckminsterfullerene Dream London: UK 40Burnside Heilbronn: Germany 44D & Me Boutique London: UK 46Baby Grand Hotel Athens: Greece 52Mezzo Art Athens: Greece 54Plasmagoria Berlin: Germany 58D Club & Cafe St. Petersburg: Russia 60Reception / Bar fiir Ella University CongressLucerne: Switzerland 66Design Parcours Exhibition Munich: Germany 70H & M Graphic Communication for Flagship StoresMilano: Copenhagen: Tokyo and Seoul 74East Stockholm: Sweden 76Diesel Catwalk London: UK 80The All of Everything London: UK 82Hugo Boss Orange Flagship StoreMannheim: Germany 86Hugo Boss Orange Special Concept StoreShanghai: China 90Hugo Boss Orange VIP Store / ShowroomMetzingen: Germany 94Yukemuri no Sato Kanagawa: Japan 96Marith Francois Girbaud ShowroomNew York: U.S. 98Hakata GX bid Fukuoka:Japan 100ImaginaryWater Garden Fukuoka: ]apan 102B. Institut Vannes: France 104Camera Studio in Kimono Hearts Kokura:]apan 106Mon Cirque Barcelona: Kuala Lumpur: Paris andCologne 108Hayon at Rossana Orlandi Milan: Italy 110The World of Yoya New York: U.S. 112Kimono Hearts Okinawa: Japan 116Majik CafBelgrade: Serbia 118Motif San Jose: U.S. 122Starbucks Salon NewYork: U.S. 126La Suite 21 Club Nantes: France 130Graphic Bar London: UK 134Moulin Rouge Bisceglie: Italy 138Gran Caffe del Corso Carpino: Italy 140Bakery Cafe Bisceglie: Italy 142Spazio O.F.F. Trani: Italy 144Topshop London: UK 146Zizzi Charlotte St London: UK 148ZizziWinchester Winchester: UK 150Pancake Parlour Melbourne: Australia 154Stand Milan 2009 Milan: Italy 158Siemens Stockholm: Sweden 1 62Suite 809 Stockholm: Sweden 164Tingeltangel - A Honky - Tonk - Stroll down theWhoopee Hamburg: Germany 166TalenTiere - Zoo of UniquenessHamburg: Germany 168Darwins World - in Search of"Hans im Gluck"Hamburg: Germany 172OnYour Marks: Get Set: Hole Model - TheMegaHeroSuperAlarm Hamburg: Germany 174UrbanSinn - The Neurotic Metropolis - MassifHamburg: Germany 176Parlour-game grinch - eenie meenie meinie moe!Hamburg: Germany 178Heebok Flash New York: U.S.182Vasakronan Stockholm: Sweden 186Espacio C Mixcoac Mexico City: Mexico190Tommyz Toko Amsterdam: The Netherlands ! 194Design Transfer Berlin: Germany 196Optilon Stockholm: Sweden 198Svartensgatan 7 Stockholm. SwedenLunch Bar Trani: Italy204What I Dont Know about Space London: UK 206The Truth of Basics: Resetting the History of Livingbetween Four Walls Eindhoven: The Netherlands 208Abstract Thought is a Warm PuppyBrussels: Belgium 210Beyond These Walls London: UK 212iart Basel: Switzerland 214Kate Spade NewYork New York: US & Toyko: Japan 216VilaSofa Amsterdam: The Netherlands218Applemore Technology College Hampshire: UK 222Cafeteria / Restaurant: Palazzo delle EsposizioniGiardini della Biennale: Venice Venice: Italy228Index 236Acknowledgements 240