
出版時間:2008-8  出版社:大連理工大學(xué)出版社  作者:申富英  頁數(shù):272  字數(shù):596000  




本書嚴格按照高校英語專業(yè)考試大綱對聽、讀、寫的題型、難度和范圍的要求編寫而成,其題型設(shè)置、重難點的分布和覆蓋范圍與大綱提供的樣題和歷年考試真題保持一致,力爭做到難度適中?!? 作者一向認為,英語考試的重點永遠是重點,難點是所有人的難點。因此,作者在本書中特別注意重點難點內(nèi)容的重現(xiàn)率,以期讀者通過對這些重點難點內(nèi)容的反復(fù)練習(xí),能將其全面和徹底掌握。


第1章  聽力試題庫(170題) 聽力試題庫(170題)參考答案 聽力試題庫(170題)文字材料第2章  閱讀理解試題庫(320題) 閱讀理解試題庫(320題)參考答案第3章  人文知識試題庫(510題) 人文知識試題庫(510題)參考答案第4章  改錯試題庫(380題) 改錯試題庫(380題)參考答案第5章  英漢互譯試題庫(60題) 英漢互譯試題庫(60題)參考答案


  Good morning. Today, well look atsome study activities used in university. As we know, students in colleges or universities are expected to master some academic materials that are fairly difficult to understand. However, some of them find it hard to learn some complex, abstract or unfamiliar subject matter. As a result, a central problem in higher education is how to internalize academic knowledge——that is, how to make knowledge our own. In order to doso, we must convert knowledge from being "other peoples knowledge" to being part of our own ways of thinking. Then, how are we going to do it? And what are the means available to help us in the process of learning? There are four key study activities currently used in higher education to encourage students to internalize knowledge. They are the ones we are familiar with: writing essays, going to classes and seminars, having individual tutorials, and listening to lectures. These four activities are long-established features of our higher education, and they are almost as important now as they were a hundred years ago. Now lets look at the features of them one .by one.  First, essay writing. The central focus of university work, esp. in the humanities, for example inliterature, history or politics, is on students producing regular essays or papers which summarize and express their personal understanding of a topic. Then, what is good about essay writing? Firstly, writing essays forces you to select what you find interesting in books and:journals, and to express your understanding in a coherent form. Individual written work also provides teachers with the best available guide to how you are progressing in a subject, an allows them to give advice on how to develop your strengths or counteract your weaknesses. Lastly, of course, individual written work is still the basis of almost all assessment in higher education. Written assignments familiarize you with the form that your exams or coursework papers will take.  The second key activity in colleges and universities is seminars and class discussions. Their role is to help you to internalize academic knowledge by providing specialized contexts, so that you can talk about such difficult problems as the Wade-off between.inflation and unemployment in economic policy, or the use of metaphors in Shakespeares plays.  Talking is a more interactive activity than written work. In a conversation,you know immediately how effectively you are expressing a viewpoint, and can modify what you are saying in response to peoples reactions. In addition, a normal program of between ten and twenty-five classes will cover far more topics in one subject than you can hope to manage in your written work. Participating in flexible conversations across this range of issues also allows you to practice using the broader knowledge gained from other key activities such as lectures.  Now, lets take a look at another activity: individual tutorials. Discussions between a teacher and one or two students are used in many colleges as a substitute for, or a supplement to, group discussions in classes, like those mentioned before. Tutorials can range from direct explanations by the teacher in a subject, to flexible conversational sessions which at their best are very effective in stimulating students mastery of a body of knowledge. The one-to-one quality:of the personal interaction is very important in stimulating acceptance of ideas and producing fruitful interaction. In order to mae individual tutorials resly work, students should make good preparation beforehand, arid during the tutorial, they should also ask questions to keep the ball rolling rather than let teachers "talk in a vacuum".  The last activity is lectures. As we all know, lectures play a large part in most students timetables and occupy a considerable proportion of teachers efforts. However, the major difficulty with lectures is that they are not interactive like discussions or tutorials. The lecturer normally talks for the whole time with minimal feedback from questions. Besides, making notes in lectures while concentrating on the argument being developed is often difficult to some students, esp. when the argument is very complicated.


  《英語專業(yè)八級題庫與解析》是根據(jù)《高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)高年級英語教學(xué)大綱》和《高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)八級考試大綱(2004年新版)》的要求,并參照“高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)八級考試”的題型編寫而成的。全書共分聽力理解、閱讀理解、人文知識、改錯、英漢互譯五章。其目的是通過超大量的模擬訓(xùn)練和詳細而重點突出的講解,幫助英語專業(yè)本科高年級的學(xué)生從整體上提高他們的聽、說、讀、寫能力,使他們在英語專業(yè)八級考試中取得理想成績?! ”緯幸韵聨讉€突出特點:  一、緊扣大綱。突出重點。本書嚴格按照《高校英語專業(yè)八級考試大綱(2004年新版)》和《高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)高年級英語教學(xué)大綱》對聽、讀、譯、寫的題型、難度和范圍的要求編寫而成,其題型設(shè)置、重點難點的分布和覆蓋范圍與大綱提供的樣題和歷年考試真題保持一致,力爭做到難度適中。作者一向認為,英語考試的重點永遠是重點,難點是所有人的難點,因此,作者在本書中特別注意重點難點內(nèi)容的重現(xiàn)率,以期讀者通過對這些重點難點內(nèi)容的反復(fù)練習(xí),能將其全面和徹底掌握?! 《⑿畔⒊?,內(nèi)容全面。本書一部分內(nèi)容選自往年的英語專業(yè)八級考試真題,而更多的則是作者在過去輔導(dǎo)英語專業(yè)八級考試中積累的大量的、對重點內(nèi)容有查缺補漏作用的、來自當(dāng)前國內(nèi)權(quán)威考試的資料,這約1500題幾乎可以全部覆蓋所有的已測試過的和將來可能測試的英語的重點和難點。作者堅信,通過對這些內(nèi)容的全面掌握,讀者能夠在考試中取得理想成績。  三、解釋詳盡,舉一反三。本書對閱讀理解和改錯等題型都做了詳盡的解析。在詳解中不僅說明了選擇正確答案的原因,而且還舉出了實例進行說明;讓學(xué)生不僅知其然,而且知其所以然,使他們能夠舉一反三,提高英語水平和應(yīng)試能力?! ∷摹⒉牧县S富,一書多用。本書資料多采自近年英語專業(yè)八級考試真題、托??荚囌骖}、大學(xué)英語六級考試真題、碩士研究生入學(xué)英語考試真題,因此本書也是托??忌⒘壙忌约把芯可雽W(xué)考生不可多得的備考寶典。




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用戶評論 (總計12條)


  •   題目很全面,做了點了,收獲不淺!
  •   恩征服系列總體感覺很好把握很準的樣子值得相信值得購買
  •   前幾天拿到書了。。。。紙張內(nèi)容都蠻好的,,,滿意。。。準備過了年開始做題啦。。。
  •   題目挺多的分類別的題庫適合題海戰(zhàn)術(shù)的同學(xué)們
  •   幫助很大 質(zhì)量也不錯
  •   書質(zhì)量不錯,挺好的
  •   發(fā)書速度夠快,質(zhì)量也不錯的,開始加油了呵呵
  •   給同學(xué)代買的貌似題目很多不知道效果怎么樣
  •   光盤的聽力不滿意,書中的知識到是很全
  •   這本書還不錯。不過感覺聽力好像比真題要簡單點,這樣好像達不到比較好的訓(xùn)練效果。而且聽力的練習(xí)少了點。其他的還沒做的那么深入。
  •   剛收到書,還沒做呢,書的質(zhì)量還可以,就是發(fā)貨有點慢哦。
  •   就是發(fā)貨的速度有些慢,都快過了10天才收到。

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