出版時間:2006-6 出版社:大連理工大學出版社 作者:田艷閆少云 頁數:188
誕生于古希臘的《伊索寓言》是世界上最古老、最有影響的寓言之一,是西方寓言文學的范本,也是全世界讀者閱讀率最高的文學作品之一。千百年來《伊索寓言》一直以其獨有魅力啟迪著無數代人的心智。成為全人類共有的精神財富。本書收集的就是《伊索寓言》里的寓言故事,以中英文對照形式呈現(xiàn),適合青少年閱讀使用。 在西方流傳千年,膾炙人口,耳熟能詳的童話、神話及寓言是人類智慧的結晶,是文學中的瑰寶,是西方文化的豐富載體之一,也是中國學生學習英語、熟悉英語國家文化的良好素材。雖然現(xiàn)在市場上這類圖書為數不少,但適合中級英語水平讀者閱讀的書籍還不多見。本書將這些童話、神話及寓言以簡單而不失原作風格的方式呈現(xiàn)給大家,另外還配上了詳盡的注釋、漂亮的插圖及優(yōu)美的譯文,以活潑新穎的形式奉獻給廣大讀者,希望廣大讀者通過閱讀不僅能掌握英語,而且能在西方文學的殿堂中領略燦爛文化,提高人文素養(yǎng)。
作者簡介The Ant and the Dove螞蟻與鴿子The Ants and the Grasshopper螞蟻與蚱蜢The Apes and the Two Travelers猿猴與兩個行人The Ass and His Driver毛驢與趕驢人The Ass and His Masters毛驢與主人 The Ass and His Buyer毛驢與買驢者The Ass and His Shadow毛驢與自己的影子The Ass and the Dog毛驢與小狗The Ass and the Grasshopper毛驢與蚱蜢The Ass and the Mule毛驢與騾子The Ass and the Wolf毛驢與狼The Ass in the Lion’s Skin披著獅皮的毛驢The Astronomer天文學家The Bat and the Weasels蝙蝠與黃鼠狼The Bat,the Birds,and the Beasts蝙蝠、鳥與獸The Bear and the Two Travelers熊與兩位旅客 The Bee and Zeus蜜蜂與宙斯The Bowman and Lion神射手與獅子The Boys and the Frogs孩子與青蛙The Brother and the Sister哥哥與妹妹The Caged Bird and the Bat鳥籠中的小鳥與蝙蝠The Cat and the Birds貓與鳥The Cat and the Cock貓與公雞The Cat and the Mice貓與老鼠The Cat and Venus貓與維納斯The Charcoal Burner and the Fuller燒炭人與漂洗工The Clever Dog聰明的狗The Cocks and the Partridge公雞與松雞The Crab and its Mother小蟹與母蟹The Crow and the Pitcher烏鴉與水罐The Dog and the Shadow狗與自己的影子The Dog and the W0lf狗與狼The Dog in the Stable牛棚里的小狗The Dog,the Cock and the Fox狗、公雞與狐貍The Dogs and the Skins狗與牛皮The Eagle and the Arrow老鷹與弓箭The Eagle and the Beetle老鷹與甲蟲The Eagle and the Fox老鷹與狐貍The Eagle and the Jackdaw老鷹與寒鴉The Eagle,the Cat,and the Sow老鷹、貓與野豬The Farmer and His Sons農夫與他的兒子們The Farmer and the Snake農夫與蛇The Farmer and the Stork農夫與白鸛The Father and His Sons父親與兒子們The Father and His Two Daughters父親與他的兩個女兒The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle打架的公雞與老鷹The Fsherman and His Flute漁夫與笛子The Flies and the Honey-Pot蒼蠅與蜜罐The Fox and the Crow狐貍與烏鴉 The Fox and the Goat狐貍與山羊The Fox and the Grapes狐貍與葡萄The Fox and the Leopard狐貍與獵豹The Fox and the Lion狐貍與獅子The Fox and the Monkey狐貍與猴子The Fox and the Stork狐貍與白鸛The FOX and the Woodcutter狐貍與樵夫The FOX Who Had Lost His Tail斷尾的狐貍The Frogs Asking for a King青蛙求王The Gnat and the Lion蚊子與獅子The Goat and the Shepherd山羊與牧羊人The Goose and the Golden Egg鵝與金蛋The Hare and the Tortoise兔子與烏龜The Hare With Many Friends有許多朋友的兔子The Home and the Stag馬與赤鹿The Hunter and the Woodcutter獵人與樵夫The Jackdaw and the Doves寒鴉與鴿子The Kid and the Wolf小男孩與狼The Lion and the Bull獅子與公牛The Lion and the Dolphin獅子與海豚The Lion and the Fox獅子與狐貍The Lion and the Hare獅子與兔子The Lion and the Mouse獅子與老鼠The Lion and the Shepherd獅子與牧羊人The Lion in a Farmyard農舍里的獅子The Lion in Love戀愛中的獅子The Lion,the Bear,and the Fox獅子、熊與狐貍The Lion,the Fox,and the Ass獅子、狐貍與毛驢The Lion,the Fox,and the Stag獅子、狐貍與赤鹿The Lion,the Mouse,and the Fox獅子、老鼠與狐貍The Lion,the Wolf,and the Fox獅子、狼與狐貍The Lion,Zeus,and the Elephant獅子、宙斯與大象The Man and His Two Sweethearts男人與他的兩個情人The Man and His Wife丈夫與妻子The Man and the Lion人與獅子The Man and the Satyr人與森林之神The Man,the Home,the Ox,and the Dog人、馬、牛與狗The Mice in Council老鼠開會The Milkmaid and Her Pail擠牛奶的姑娘The Miller,His Son,and Their Donke磨坊主,他的兒子與毛驢The Mischievous Dog淘氣的狗The Miser守財奴The Mole and His Mother小鼴鼠與媽媽The Monkey and the Dolphin猴子與海豚The Monkey and the Fishermen猴子與漁夫The Mother and the W0lf孩子的媽媽與狼The Mouse,the Frog and the Hawk老鼠、青蛙與老鷹The Mules and the Robbers騾子與強盜The Neighboring Frogs青蛙鄰居The North Wind and the Sun北風與太陽The Nurse and the Wolf保姆與狼The Old Hound老獵狗The Old Man and Death老人與死神The Old Woman and the Doctor老太太與醫(yī)生The Owl and the Grasshopper貓頭鷹與蚱蜢The OX and the Frog公牛與青蛙The Oxen and the Butchers公牛與屠夫The Peacock and the Crane孔雀與鶴The Pig and the Sheep小豬與羊The Parrot and the Cat鸚鵡與貓The Raven and the Swan烏鴉與天鵝The Rose and the Butterfly玫瑰與蝴蝶The Salt Merchant and His Ass鹽商與毛驢The Seaside Travelers海邊的旅客The SeUer of Images賣神像的人The Shepherd and the Sea牧羊人與海The Shepherd and the Wild Goats牧羊人與野山羊The Shepherd and the WlOf牧羊人與狼The Shepherd’s Boy放羊娃The Shoemaker Turned Doctor皮鞋匠改做醫(yī)生The Sick Deer病鹿The Sick Lion病獅The Snake and the Cottager毒蛇與農舍主The Snake and the Eagle毒蛇與老鷹The Stag at the Pool泉邊的小鹿The Stag in the Stable牛槽里的赤鹿The Swallow,the Snake,and the Court of Justice燕子、毒蛇與法庭The Swollen Fox肚脹的狐貍The Thief and His Mother小偷與母親The Thief and the Innkeeper小偷與旅館老板The Thieves and the Cock小偷與公雞The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鴿子The Tortoise and the Eagle烏龜與老鷹The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse城市老鼠與鄉(xiāng)村老鼠The Traveler and His Dog旅客與狗The Two Pots兩只罐子The Two Soldiers and the Robber兩個士兵與強盜The Two Travelers and the Axe兩個行人與斧頭The Vain Jackdaw徒勞的寒鴉The Wasps,the Partridges,and the Farmer黃蜂、松雞與農夫The Wild Ass and the Lion野驢與獅子The Wolf and the Crane狼與鶴The Wolf and the Lamb狼與小羊The Wolf and the Shepherd狼與牧羊人The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing披著羊皮的狼The Wolves and the Sheep狼與羊群The Young Cow and the 0x小母牛與公牛Zeus,Poseidon,Athena,and Momus宙斯、波塞冬、雅典娜與莫墨斯Hercules and Athena赫爾克里斯與雅典娜Hermes and the Woodcutter赫耳墨斯與樵夫
老太太與醫(yī)生 有位老太太雙目失明了。她請來一位醫(yī)生給自己治病,并當著證人的面 談定了治療費:如果他治好了自己的眼病,他將得到一筆報酬。但如果病情 一如既往,她一分錢也不會給他。 簽好協(xié)議后,醫(yī)生一次次地給她的眼上藥,但每次他都帶走老太太一些 東西,一點一點將她的財物全部偷走。當他將她所有的東西都偷走后,他也 治愈了老太太的眼病,并向她索要所承諾的報酬?! ±咸謴土艘暳?,看見屋里所有的財物一個不剩,不愿給醫(yī)生任何報 酬?! ♂t(yī)生索要定好的治療費,但由于老太太仍然拒絕付款,便被醫(yī)生帶到法 官面前。法庭上,老太太爭辯道:“這個人所說的都是事實,我確實說過如 果我能恢復光明,將付他一筆報酬。但如果我繼續(xù)看不見東西,我一分錢也 不會給他。現(xiàn)在他說我病已痊愈,而我卻認為我仍然什么也看不見,因為當 我雙目失明時,我能看見屋里各種各樣的財物及貴重的東西,而現(xiàn)在盡管他 說治愈了我的眼病,而我卻看不見屋里一件東西?!薄 『斩古c樵夫 有個樵夫在河邊砍柴,一不小心將斧頭掉進了深潭。因為失去了謀生的 手段,樵夫便坐在河岸上為自己的悲慘命運而痛哭。 赫耳墨斯出現(xiàn)了,問他為何哭泣。得知他的不幸后,赫耳墨斯便一頭扎 進水里,撈起一把金斧頭,問他是否是他丟失的那一把?! 〉弥皇撬母^,赫耳墨斯第二次消失在水下,撈起一把銀斧頭來, 又問是不是他的斧頭?! ¢苑蛉哉f不是后,赫耳墨斯第三次潛下水去,撈起了樵夫丟掉的那把斧 頭。 樵夫說這才是自己的斧頭,并對找到它感到非常高興。赫耳墨斯為樵夫 的誠實而高興,并把金斧頭和銀斧頭都給了他。 樵夫回到家里,將所發(fā)生的一切都告訴了自己的朋友們。其中有一個人 當即決定也去試一試,以得到同樣的好運氣?! ∷艿胶舆叄室庠谕坏胤綄⒆约旱母^扔進潭中,然后坐在那兒痛 哭起來?! 『斩谷缢竵淼剿媲埃瑔柮髁怂纯嗟脑蚝?,便一頭扎入水 中,撈起一把金斧頭來,問是不是他所丟失的那一把?! ¢苑蜇澙返刈プ∷f正是自己所丟失的那一把。赫耳墨斯對他那不誠實 的行為感到非常痛恨,不但拿走了金斧頭,而且拒絕找回他丟進水潭中的那 把斧頭。