出版時間:2004-4 出版社:大連理工大學出版社 作者:李明亞 頁數(shù):363 字數(shù):279000
隨著改革開放的日益加深和經(jīng)濟全球化的不斷發(fā)展,英語作為國際交往中的主要語言之一,起著越來越重要的作用。為了幫助英語學習人士更多地了解英美文化生活習慣,更有效地同外國人進行交流,我們組織編寫了這套《輕松英語會話》叢書。本書為其中的分冊《輕松英語會話——聯(lián)想2000詞》。 與同類書相比,本書有以下一些主要特色: 1.根據(jù)對話發(fā)生的場合,全書分為15篇,分別為:問候、交際、休閑、學習、情感、快樂、傷心、求職(一)、求職(二)、海關、交通、住宿、餐飲、購物、旅游。 2.每一篇皆含有若干個小標題。小標題皆為日常生活中經(jīng)常碰到的句子,十分口語化,非常實用。 3.每個小標題皆含有若干個小對話。對話中皆含有小標題或與本標題句式或意義相關的句子,并用橫線標明?!氨尘翱爝f”部分介紹了與本標題主題相關的背景知識,是讀者了解日常生活常識的一把鑰匙。 4.為了擴大讀者的詞匯量,我們在每篇的末尾提供了與本篇內(nèi)容相關的詞匯,以便聯(lián)想記憶。 5.為了突出直觀的效果,我們在書中配備了精美別致、形象生動的插圖,并與對話的內(nèi)容相一致,做到圖文并茂,相輔相成。 通過閱讀本書,您不僅可以學到地道的英文句子和對話,而且可以學到一些英美文化背景知識,還可以擴大自己的詞匯量,實在可以取得一舉多得之功效。
問候篇 1 How is everything? 2 Look forward to seeing you 3 Nice to meet you. 4 I have often wanted to meet you. 5 How's the weather today? 問候類詞匯交際篇 6 How to get to this address? 7 l'd like to make on appointment. 8 What's the trouble? 9 Air mail or ordinary mail? 10 Is anybody sitting here? 11 Excuse me. 12 If l could just come in here. 13 Are you positive about that? 14 Ok so far? 15 I' m sorry. 16 Do I have your permission? 17 I wonder if you could. 18 We have to split the difference. 19 Let me top you up. 20 Here is a little something for you. 21 What time is it now? 22 What's the date of. 23 Could you speak slower? 24 As far as I know. 25 Where are you located? 交際類詞匯休閑篇 26 Let's go out for some exercise. 27 I have a preference. 28 May I have the pleasure of. 29 I want to take you out. 30 What do you often do in. 31 What's your favorite sport? 32 Would you care for a cigarette? . 33 I'd like a haircut 34 I' II get right on it 35 Dinner is on me. 休閑類詞匯 學習篇 36 I'm not sure if l agree. 37 I have to cancel the appointment. 38 I can't accept your argument. 39 I don't believe that. 40 You're not supposed to. 41 I don't have great belief in. 42 I'm not at all interested in it. 43 I wish I could agree with you. 44 I'm really not happy about it. 45 I can't help it. 學習類詞匯情感篇 46 What do you mean to do? 47 What I'd really like to... 48 What do you think of... ? 49 It's very kind of you. 50 Please do take care of yourself. ……快樂篇傷心篇求職(一)篇求職(二)篇海關篇交通篇住宿篇餐飲篇購物篇旅游篇