
出版時間:2004-3  出版社:大連理工大學(xué)出版社  作者:魯坦恩  頁數(shù):281  


本書特色:  精彩的CNN錄像短片,有趣的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)活動,最新的閱讀材料,獨特的寫作導(dǎo)引部分?! 》浅?+1,即視、聽、說、讀、Internet與寫作的完美結(jié)合,讓您享受能夠輕松進(jìn)行英語寫作的巨大樂趣?! 〗邮苄腿蝿?wù)教學(xué)法與創(chuàng)造型任務(wù)教學(xué)法巧妙結(jié)合,由以視、聽、讀為主的信息輸入向以說和寫為主的信息輸出轉(zhuǎn)變?! 「郊臃奖恪⒖旖?、易懂的中文導(dǎo)讀,體現(xiàn)以學(xué)生為本的服務(wù)理念。


To the TeacherChapter 1 Introducing the Paragraph導(dǎo)讀1-1-導(dǎo)讀1一4  Theme:Reasons for Writing  Goals  Getting Started    CNN Video Activity:Writing off Stress  Reading    Readirig:From Reaching Across the Gap:How I Write by Michael C.Flanigan  The Parts of a Paragraph    The Topic Sentence    Support    ConcIusion    Title  Form  Unity  Coherence  Grammar Review  Cohesion    Cohesion:Connecting Words  Writing a Paragraph    Considering Audience    Getting ldeas    Narrowing the Topic    Deciding on a Controlling Idea    Choosing Support    Revising    Using the Internet  Keeping a JournalChapter 2 Narrating導(dǎo)讀1-1-導(dǎo)讀1-4  Theme:Memorable Events  Goals  Getting Started    JournaI Writing:A Memorable Event    CNN Video Activitv:Adult Illiteracy  Reading    Reading:My Fault by Hoang Vo  Preparing to Write    Focusing on a Main Point    Supporting the Main Point with an Incident    Focusing on a Particular Incident    Giving Background Information    Explaining the Main Point    Organizing by Chronological Order  Writing    Writing Assignment 1:Narrative  Using Language Effectively    Cohesion:Connecting Words for Narration    Grammar Review    UsIng the Internet  Preparing to Write    Choosinq a Point of View  Writing    Wming Assignment 2:Point of View  More Reading and Writing    Reading:The Great Surprise by Mary Kay Mackin    Reading:From Wings of the Morning by Orestes Lorenzo    Topics for Discussion and WritingChapter 3 Describing導(dǎo)讀3-1-導(dǎo)讀1-4Chapter 4 Analyzing Reasons(Causes)導(dǎo)讀4-1-導(dǎo)讀4-4Chapter 5 Analyzing Processes導(dǎo)讀5-1-導(dǎo)讀5-4Chapter 6 Comparing and Contrasting導(dǎo)讀6-1-導(dǎo)讀6-6Chapter 7 Classifying 導(dǎo)讀7-1-導(dǎo)讀7-4Chapter 8 Evaluating Effercts導(dǎo)讀8-1-導(dǎo)讀8-6AppendicesGlossaryIndex


  All foreign students have the same difficulty--the English barrier.Sometimes, to make an American understand and to be able tounderstand Americans is not easy for a foreigner. One area ofdifficulty is the words of English. When I was in high school, I tried tolearn as many words as I could every day. Once, I happened to use anold word which people nowadays don't use anymore andmy teacher and friends couldn't understand what I said. English wordsalso cause problems because there are a lot of words that combine tomake different meanings. We have to learn how to combine words in-stead of trying to make sentences in our own ways. An example ofcombined words with different meanings is the verb-and-prepositioncombination, "to work out." When the word "work" goes alone, itmeans to work, but when it goes with the word "out," it means to ex-ercise physically. Another difficulty for foreigners is pronunciation.English has some words that appear to be the same but have differ-ent pronunciations for different meanings. For instance, the word"conduct" has two meanings, the attitude and behavior of someone,or to lead or guide someone, depending on the pronunciation. To un-derstand an American also depends on his or her accent. Where he orshe comes from affects the accent; northerners have a different ac-cent from southerners. If a foreigner learns English in the northernpart of the country, he or she might have trouble communicating withsoutherners. Later on, when foreign students study in their majors,they find that they have to learn technical terms and phrases, whichmay be about new technology that doesn't exist in their countries.This technological language is also part of the English barrier. Manyforeign students find that learning English is the hardest part ofcollege life.  ……



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