
出版時間:2004-3  出版社:大連理工大學出版社  作者:斯莫利  頁數(shù):434  


非常5+1(視、聽、說、閱讀、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+寫作),高效寫作,享受英語,輕松學習!    接受型任務教學與創(chuàng)造型任務教學相結合。以視、聽、讀輸入(input)為主的接受型教學向以說、寫輸出(output)為主的創(chuàng)造型教學轉換。    CNN權威錄像,最新閱讀材料,有效網(wǎng)絡活動。    便捷、省時、實用、易懂的中文導讀。


Unit One The Parograph Chapter 1 The Writing Process導讀1-1-導讀1-2  Getting Started   Journal Writing   CNN Video Activity: "The 37,000-Page Diary"   In this clip, CNN interviews a man who has kept a diary for over 30 years   He talks about why he keeps the diary and reads a few segments from   important moments in his life.   Video Follow-up: Discussion Questions  The Process of Writing  Prewriting   Generating Ideas   Invention Techniques   Brainstorming   Freewriting   WH- Questions   Clustering   Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet   Planning  Drafting  Revising   Editing Chapter 2 Introduction to the Paragraph 導讀2-1-導讀2-4  Getting Started   CNN Video Activity: "Learning to Read and Write"   This video shows children learning by the whole language method, explains    how this method works, and describes what parents, teachers, and children    think of it.   Video Follow-up: Discussion Questions  What Is a Paragraph?  The Topic of a Paragraph   Prewriting: Planning  The Topic Sentence    Improving the Topic Sentence    Recognizing the Topic Sentence   Formulating the Topic Sentence   Prewriting: Generating Ideas  Support   Prewriting: Planning  Unity  Coherence   Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet  Composition Skills   Revision   Peer Review   Revision Checklist for the Paragraph Chapter 3 The Narrative Paragraph導讀3-1-導讀3-2  Getting Started   CNN Video Activity: "Messages for Princess Diana of England"   When Princess Diana died, many people wrote poems, notes, and letters to   leave at her memorial sites. In this clip, people reflect on why they were   moved to write these messages.   Video Follow-up: Discussion Questions  Readings: Personal Reflections   Reading 1: From "My American Journey"   In this excerpt, General Colin Powell, whose parents were born in Jamaica,   tells the story of his visit to the village where his father was born and his first   feelings upon meeting his extended family.   Reading 2: "The Best Part"   In this paragraph, Mary Kay Mackin reflects on Christmas holidays she has   spent with her family and comes to a conclusion about the part she likes  Writing   Present Narration   Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet  Composition Skills   Coherence   Adverbials of Time and Sequence  Grammar Review  Past Narration  Composition Skills   Coherence   Adverbial Clauses of Time   Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet  Grammar Review  Composition Skills   Revision   Peer Review   Revision Checklist for the Narrative Paragraph……Unit Two The EssayUnit Three Grammar ReviewAppendicesIndex



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