
出版時(shí)間:2012-8  出版社:華中科技大學(xué)出版社  作者:香港理工國際出版社 編  頁數(shù):352  字?jǐn)?shù):176000  


  序 言  酒店界的保時(shí)捷  精品酒店靈活多變,努力將種種可能與看似不太可能的東西相組合,力求出色。這一點(diǎn),像足了世界知名汽車品牌保時(shí)捷。對許多追求高品位和文化享受的商務(wù)人士和觀光游客來說,這些規(guī)模較小、服務(wù)更貼心且別具一格的旅館比起那些傳統(tǒng)的五星級大酒店更具吸引力?! 【肪频甑睦砟顏碜约~約,但紐約的貢獻(xiàn)就僅止于“ Boutique Hotel”這一概念而已,此后精品酒店在服務(wù)和設(shè)施上的發(fā)展遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超越的這個(gè)詞匯本身的境界。“ Boutique ”在英文的原意是“小店”,這在某種程度上詮釋了精品酒店與國際大型連鎖酒店的不同。這些小型的豪華酒店是那些缺乏人情味和個(gè)性的傳統(tǒng)高樓大廈的替代品。真正去定義什么是精品酒店并不容易,不過精品酒店有些共同特點(diǎn)。他們提供比較少的客房,每間都有奇特的設(shè)計(jì),并且都通過高級的陳設(shè)和高檔的品位傳達(dá)著對豪華的熱忱追求?! o論您有怎樣的個(gè)人品位,都能找到一個(gè)與您心靈相通的精品酒店。許多精品酒店都有著名的藝術(shù)家進(jìn)行室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì),客房和酒店內(nèi)也有不少知名畫家和藝術(shù)家的原創(chuàng)作品。也有的精品酒店是以某一文化和藝術(shù)活躍的歷史時(shí)期為主題設(shè)計(jì)的。很多精品酒店本身就是由歷史保護(hù)建筑改建而來,就像一個(gè)小型博物館,入住其中就是一次充滿驚喜的旅程。還有一些精品酒店以重新定義世界觀為宗旨,創(chuàng)造一種后現(xiàn)代的居住環(huán)境,這類酒店提供高科技的應(yīng)用及娛樂設(shè)施。人們一旦選擇了這些精彩的酒店,就很少會(huì)再次光顧那些一成不變、缺乏個(gè)性的傳統(tǒng)酒店了?! ≡趶膫鹘y(tǒng)向精品酒店轉(zhuǎn)變的潮流下,許多曾被設(shè)施和服務(wù)范疇拘束的酒店開始為商務(wù)旅客提供特殊服務(wù)。不是所有精品酒店都能全面迎合商務(wù)旅客的各種需求,但是,那些注重現(xiàn)代生活方式的旅客會(huì)在大部分世界旅游名勝找到能為他們提供健身房和其他時(shí)尚設(shè)施的精品酒店?! 【肪频耆諠u流行。在一些國家您能找到富有異國風(fēng)情并且融合東方和西方文化的精品酒店。您可以感受殖民時(shí)期的氛圍或是在達(dá)達(dá)式藝術(shù)風(fēng)格的餐館里品嘗美食。精品酒店也供應(yīng)符合其獨(dú)特文化和格調(diào)的佳肴。雖然比不上五星級大酒店的宴飲排場,但豪華而有趣的精品酒店餐廳總能讓想要體驗(yàn)絕妙美食文化的游客大開眼界。  Porsche: Boutique Hotel  A Boutique Hotel can be many things and it‘s fair to suggest that there is one for every traveler who appreciates life’s finer pleasures. It is a chic and stylish lodging to lift people stay out of ordinary and feed their desire for upscale sumptuousness and aesthetic stimulation, just like Porsche. For many savvy business and leisure travelers around the world, these smaller, more intimate and generally idiosyncratic establishments are preferred to traditional five-star accommodations.The idea of the Boutique Hotel is largely credited to New York, but the city only really can lay claim to the label and not the kind of accommodations which have since appropriated it. The word itself derives from an early meaning for “small store” and this goes some way to explaining what sets such a place apart from the large bastions of international franchise grandeur. Indeed, there are as many incarnations of the smaller, luxury establishments as there are hoteliers who have tried to create an alternative to the impersonal design and service of the tall towers of tradition. So, it‘s not all that easy to define such a place,but one clue is that it is certainly a place which offers fewer rooms and, for the most part, it’s bound to be a lodging which owns a certain amount of idiosyncratic  design and conveys a passion for luxury realized through top quality furnishings and a reverence for cultivated tastes.  No matter what your personal taste, you‘ll find a place to nourish your creative soul. Many establishments offer interior design by famous artists, often with original features, by equally celebrated painters and artists, adorning the rooms and premises. There are establishments which reference specific themes and periods of history and those which are suffused by movements in art and culture,while other are set on redefining the erstwhile image of these cosmopolitan lodgings by creating a near futuristic environment of technological efficiency and playfulness. Few who choose these more exciting lodgings, who turn away from the traditional icons of multi-roomed and impersonal hospitality, ever look back.  With an ever growing base of converts to the Boutique Hotel, what were once establishments limited in their amenities and services have made an effort to provide business guests with all they could require. Not all establishments cater to business needs in a comprehensive way, but the lifestyle conscious modern executive will find, in almost every major destination of the world,accommodations which allow them to do everything from keep fit in the gym to hold exclusive functions in venues stamped with style and prestige.  Boutique Hotel has become quite popular. You’ll find curious places in out-of-theway corners of exotic and vibrant countries which merge elements of Western and Eastern design and culture. Find yourself in a colonial time-capsule or eating in an in-house restaurant which feels like a Dadaist painting. Naturally, these kinds of cosmopolitan and idiosyncratic establishments offer dining which reflects the ethos of cultured and upmarket living. A large five-star establishment may offer fine, Michelin-starred dining, but for those on the great culinary adventure,the restaurants of these luxurious and playful hostelries will always supply something to tantalize and inspire.




  香港理工國際出版社有限公司是經(jīng)香港特別行政區(qū)政府批準(zhǔn)成立的出版社,主要經(jīng)營書籍出版 、策劃、 設(shè)計(jì)、


Shibagaki And Ng Residence
Shangri-La Hotel
Grand Hotel Villa Cora
BoBo Hotel
BoBo 酒店
The Dorchester
Hotel San Regis
Claris Hotel
Villa Le Maschere Resort
Le Maschere 別墅度假村
Mandarin Oriental
Pennyhill Park
Pennyhill Park 酒店
Brown’s Hotel
Hotel Astoria
Hotel L’Orologio
L’Orologio 酒店
Les Sources de Caudalie
Villa Massalia
Tigerlily Hotel
Tigerlily Hotel 酒店
Htellerie du Bas-Bréau
Htellerie du Bas-Bréau 酒店


  歷史文化酒店擁有7座歷史悠久的建筑,并以其中最重要一座—13世紀(jì)的奧古斯丁圣托馬斯修道院的名字來命名。至今仍有幾名實(shí)習(xí)修士居住在修道院內(nèi)的一處獨(dú)立區(qū)域?! №?xiàng)目介紹  酒店在歐洲享有盛譽(yù),體現(xiàn)了布拉格的歷史精華。現(xiàn)在,它為城市提供了靈活的會(huì)議及活動(dòng)場地?! ≡O(shè)計(jì)特點(diǎn)  酒店共有101間精心設(shè)計(jì)的客房,其中包括16間套房,都可以觀賞田園風(fēng)光、附近修道院教堂以及布拉格城堡的壯麗景觀。套房包括一間150平方米的查理套房和位于修道院天文塔上的塔樓套房。所有客房和套房的裝潢均受到20世紀(jì)早期捷克立體主義的影響,有些直接復(fù)制了捷克設(shè)計(jì)大師Modernista的作品。酒店的住客有兩個(gè)酒吧選擇:Tom’s酒吧位于修道院原2倍高度、筒形穹頂?shù)氖程?;Brewery酒吧位于原修道院啤酒廠的地窖內(nèi),17世紀(jì)的鐘乳石和石筍隨處可見,受捷克立體主義的影響、VlastislavHofman設(shè)計(jì)的椅子打破了場地的枯燥感?! ?hellip;…





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