
出版時間:2011-12  出版社:華中科技大學出版社  作者:嚴怡寧  頁數(shù):396  




Chapter One Mass Media and Mass Communication
 Section 1 The Role of Media and Mass Communication in an
Information Society
 Section 2 Mass Communication Process
 Section 3 Mass Media Effects
Chapter Two Newspaper
 Section 1 Overview of Newspaper Industry
 Section 2 Different Forms of Newspaper Articles
 Section 3 Newspaper Development and Challenges
Chapter Three Magazine
 Section 1 Function and Readership
 Section 2 Types of Magazine
 Section 3 Difficulties and Hopes
Chapter Four Book
 Section 1 Special Features
 Section 2 Types of Books
 Section 3 New Trends
Chapter Five Radio Broadcasting
 Section 1  Golden Days of Radio
 Section 2  Adjustment and Development
 Section 3  New Trends of Radio Development
Chapter Six TV Broadcasting
 Section 1 Dominant Role of TV in People’s Life
 Section 2 Technological Development
 Section 3 TV Journalism
 Section 4 Controversial Issues
 Section 5 TV Regulation
Chapter Seven Film
 Section 1 Beginning Days
 Section 2 U.S. Film Industry
 Section 3 Bollywood and Film Industry in India
 Section 4 Chinese Film Industry
Chapter Eight Internet
 Section 1 Advantages
 Section 2 Worries
 Section 3 Regulation and Control


  In the United States, dailies are more influential as people spend more on them.  As the U.S.A. is a big country and American people are more interested in local issues, for a long time there are few national daily newspapers with really big impact.  USA Today, started as America's first national daily general-interest newspaper in 1982 has gained popularity with efforts for many years.  The use of color and graphics, shorter stories and simpler language, and focus on topics of sports and weather, improved its readability and made a significant impact on other newspapers.  The Wall Street Journal, a financial newspaper and the Christian Science Monitor, focused on news interpretation and features about art and literature, are more specialized ones which fall into the category of national newspapers.  ……





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  •   產(chǎn)品很好,就是物流有點慢。。。。總體來說是不錯的

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