出版時間:1970-1 出版社:華中科技大學出版社 作者:Marion Wyse,黃滔,??≤S 著 頁數(shù):168
隨著我國英語教育的快速發(fā)展,英語專業(yè)長期貫徹的“以技能為導向”的課程建設理念及教學理念已經(jīng)難以滿足社會的需要。專家和教師們密切關注的現(xiàn)行英語專業(yè)教育大、中、小學英語教學脫節(jié),語言、內容教學割裂,單純語言技能訓練過多,專業(yè)內容課程不足,學科內容課程系統(tǒng)性差,高、低年級內容課程安排失衡及其導致的學生知識面偏窄、知識結構欠缺、思辨能力偏弱、綜合素質發(fā)展不充分等問題日益凸顯?! ♂槍ι鲜鰡栴},我們依托國家哲學社會科學項目“英語專業(yè)基礎階段內容依托式教學改革研究”。以內容依托教學理論為指導理論,確定了如下改革思路?! 。ㄒ唬└抡Z言教學理念,改革英語專業(yè)教學的課程結構。在不改變專業(yè)總體培養(yǎng)目標和教學時限的前提下,對課程結構進行革命性的變革:改變傳統(tǒng)單一的語言技能課程模式,實現(xiàn)內容課程與語言課程的融合,擴展學生的知識面,提高學生的語言技能?! 。ǘ╅_發(fā)課程自身潛力。同步提高專業(yè)知識和語言技能。內容依托課程本身也同時關注內容和語言,把內容教學和語言教學有機結合。以英語為媒介,系統(tǒng)教授專業(yè)內容;以專業(yè)內容為依托,在使用語言過程中提高語言技能,擴展學生的知識面?! 。ㄈ└母锝虒W方法手段。全面提高語言技能和綜合素質。依靠內容依托教學在方法上的靈活性,通過問題驅動、輸出驅動等方法調動學生主動學習,把啟發(fā)式、任務式、討論式、結對子、小組活動、課堂發(fā)表等行之有效的活動與學科內容教學有機結合,提高學生的語言技能,激發(fā)學生的興趣,培養(yǎng)學生的自主性和創(chuàng)造性,提升思辨能力和綜合素質?! ”卷椄母锿黄屏宋覈⒄Z專業(yè)英語教學大綱規(guī)定的課程結構,改變了英語專業(yè)基礎階段通過開設單純的聽、說、讀、寫四種語言技能課提高學生語言技能的傳統(tǒng)課程建設理念,對英語課程及教學方法進行了創(chuàng)新性的改革。首創(chuàng)了英語專業(yè)基礎階段具有我國特色的內容、語言融合的課程體系;率先開發(fā)了適合英語專業(yè)基礎階段的內容依托課程;系統(tǒng)開發(fā)了英語國家歷史、地理、社會文化、歐洲文化、中國文化、跨文化交際、《圣經(jīng)》與文化、功能英語交際、情景英語交際、英語演講與辯論等教材,以嶄新的途徑實現(xiàn)英語專業(yè)教育的總體培養(yǎng)目標?! 〗?jīng)過七年的醞釀、準備、實驗,教學改革取得了鼓舞人心的結果。 ?。ㄒ唬嫿擞⒄Z專業(yè)基礎階段內容依托課程與語言課程融合的課程體系。新的課程體系改變了傳統(tǒng)單一的聽、說、讀、寫語言技能課程模式,實現(xiàn)了內容依托課程和語言技能課程兩種模塊的融合;課程包含綜合英語、聽力、語音、寫作、功能英語交際、情景英語交際、英語演講與辯論、英國歷史文化、英國自然人文地理、英國社會文化、美國歷史文化、美國自然人文地理、美國社會文化、澳新加社會文化、歐洲文化、中國文化、跨文化交際、《圣經(jīng)》與文化;語言技能課程密切關注英語語言技能的發(fā)展,內容依托課程不僅關注系統(tǒng)的學科內容,而且也關注綜合語言技能的培養(yǎng)。在課程外和課程內兩個層面把內容教學和語言教學有機結合,通過內容教學培養(yǎng)學生綜合語言運用能力,擴展學生的知識面,提高學生的綜合素質和多元文化意識,從根本上改變英語專業(yè)學生知識面偏窄、綜合素質偏低的問題。
《英語口語教程4:英語演講與辯論2》主要有以下幾個方面的優(yōu)勢和特點。1.注重修辭理念:演講是修辭最直接、最精華的體現(xiàn)和成果。然而,中外對比修辭研究的最新成果表明,中國學生在演講稿中所表現(xiàn)出的修辭取向與英語的修辭取向存在較大差異,尤其體現(xiàn)在語篇模式建構上。因此,本套教材在Knowledge Input部分著重幫助學習者理解英、漢語篇修辭的差異,引導學習者遵循英語演講的修辭模式進行語篇建構和觀點陳述,從而提升演講的修辭價值,提升其說服力和感染力?! ?.強調語言輸入:本教材中的Lexical Power Build-Up部分為學習者提供了大量實用性很強的預置語塊,適用于各種類型的演講場合和演講目的。這些語塊的選擇是以英語演講修辭理念為基礎的,所以對語塊的操練和運用不僅能提升學習者的語言能力,而且能進一步深化對修辭思想的理解,使學習者的演講風格更加趨近英語演講修辭的要求?! ?.練習多種多樣:本教材在Comprehensive Practice中為教師和學習者設計了不同層次、不同目的、不同形式的練習。練習主要以口語形式完成,包括即時理解能力訓練、批判性思維訓練、語言運用能力訓練、演講和辯論訓練、團隊合作訓練等。這些練習目的明確,具有很強的操作性和娛樂性,教師和學習者可以根據(jù)實際情況選擇使用,實現(xiàn)在經(jīng)歷中學習,獲得最佳的學習效果?! ?.優(yōu)質素材輸入:本教材中選用的演講范例和名篇兼顧各種類型、各種風格,具有很強的時效性和針對性,從質量和數(shù)量上均能滿足各種學習層次的學習者的需求。
Part Three Polishing Speaking SkillsUnit 17 Narrative Speech with ExamplesUnit 18 Audience-Centred SpeechesUnit 19 Speech Topics and PlansUnit 20 Logos-Rational AppealUnit 21 Pathos-Emotional AppealUnit 22 Ethos-Credibility AppealUnit 23 Persuasive Speeches on Questions of ValueUnit 24 Rhetoric for Public Policy SpeechesPart Four English Speaking ContestUnit 25 Prepared Speech in English Speaking ContestsUnit 26 Impromptu Speech in English Speaking ContestsUnit 27 Q & A in English Speaking ContestsPart Five Debating SkillsUnit 28 Basics of DebateUnit 29 Evidence for DebateUnit 30 Logic in DebateUnit 31 Questioning and Team Skills in DebateUnit 32 Parliamentary Debate參考文獻
Order of importance- saving the best for last: Often, when you are developing a topic sentence with examples and details, one of the examples is more impressive than the others. Since audiences generally remember what they hear last, and since it is a good idea to leave a good impression on the audience, it is wise to place the most impressive example at the end of the paragraph. Study the following part of a speech, and note that the last example is the most startling one. A search through etymologies will reveal some examples of words which have narrowed in meaning since their early days. Barbarian was originally a vague designation for a foreigner of any kind; garage, when it was borrowed from France ,meant "a place for storage. " In the United States, lumber has specialized to mean timber or sawed logs especially prepared for use," but in Britain the word still retain sits more generally meaning of " unused articles ". ... Perhaps the most startling specialization has taken place with the word girl; even as late as Chaucer s time, it was used to mean "a young person of either sex" ! Order of familiarity——from the more familiar to the less familiar: When the detail sin the expository paragraph are mostly factual, it is common to begin with the most obvious or familiar detail and move toward the less obvious or less familiar detail. This is the pattern of the following paragraph about the expense of smoking cigarettes. The writer begins with details that most people would consider when thinking about expense: the price. Then the writer discusses the less obvious or familiar expense of smoking cigarettes: the cleaning. Read the paragraph and note how the writer connects the more obvious expense to the less obvious expense. Smoking cigarettes can be an expensive habit. Considering that the average price per pack of cigarettes is about $ 2.50, people who smoke two packs of cigarettes a day spend $ 5 per day on their habit. But the cost of cigarettes is not the only expense cigarettes mokers incur. Since cigarette smoke has an offensive odor that permeates clothing ,stuffed furniture and carpeting, smokers often find that they must have these items cleaned more frequently than nonsmokers do. This hidden expense does contribute to making cigarette smoking an expensive habit. Order of time ——from the past to the present: When the details and examples in a paragraph are taken from history or are events that have taken place in the past, it is often a good idea to order the examples according to chronology.