
出版時(shí)間:2009-7  出版社:華中科技大學(xué)出版社  作者:楊輝 編  頁數(shù):145  


本教程共分四冊(cè),第一冊(cè)圍繞“運(yùn)用語言技能理解文章”這一層面的閱讀技能展開訓(xùn)練;第二冊(cè)重點(diǎn)解析和訓(xùn)練“辨別和理解中心思想和重要細(xì)節(jié)”這一層面的閱讀技能;第三冊(cè)訓(xùn)練“運(yùn)用專門的閱讀技能(略讀、查讀)”這一層面的閱讀技能;第四冊(cè)提高難度,把前三冊(cè)的閱讀技能貫穿于其中。每?jī)?cè)分為8個(gè)單元,各單元由同一題材的2篇文章、生詞注釋、有關(guān)文化背景介紹、練習(xí)等組成。為了配合學(xué)生參加大學(xué)英語四、六級(jí)考試,每個(gè)單元增加閱讀訓(xùn)練部分,由3篇配有選擇練習(xí)題的小短文組成;同時(shí)在主課文的練習(xí)中,增加了漢譯英練習(xí)。    本套教程的編寫體現(xiàn)了如下特點(diǎn)。    (1)本教程由具有豐富的教學(xué)經(jīng)驗(yàn)的大學(xué)英語教師分工協(xié)作、集體編寫而成,具有很強(qiáng)的專業(yè)性。    (2)本教程在編寫過程中充分吸收我國(guó)在外語教學(xué)方面長(zhǎng)期積累起來的行之有效的經(jīng)驗(yàn)和方法,取各家之長(zhǎng),兼容并蓄,能適應(yīng)多種英語教學(xué)的要求。    (3)本教程旨在通過教師的“精講”和學(xué)生的“多練”來提高學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的主動(dòng)性、積極性和創(chuàng)造性。    (4)本教程選用當(dāng)代英語常見語體或文體的典型樣本作為素材,內(nèi)容新穎,搜選范圍主要是近五年來英美國(guó)家出版的圖書、報(bào)紙、雜志或最新的網(wǎng)絡(luò)文章,涵蓋教育、科技、政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)和文化等各個(gè)方面,閱讀文章素材具有時(shí)代性、可讀性、文化教育性和針對(duì)性。    (5)本教程練習(xí)題型的設(shè)計(jì)均按照最新的大學(xué)英語四、六級(jí)考試標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和難度進(jìn)行。文章后附設(shè)了6種題型:一是快速閱讀(包括是非判斷題和句子填空題);二是閱讀理解(多項(xiàng)選擇題);三是篇章理解(選詞填空題),依據(jù)閱讀文章的內(nèi)容,編出一篇小短文,留出10個(gè)空,給出15個(gè)詞供讀者進(jìn)行選擇填空;四是簡(jiǎn)答題,一般用問句形式命題,要求讀者作簡(jiǎn)短回答;五是翻譯題,共5個(gè)句子,句中一部分已用英文給出,要求學(xué)生根據(jù)全句意思將漢語部分譯成英語;六是討論題,對(duì)文章內(nèi)容提出2個(gè)問題,供學(xué)生討論。各題型的題量適當(dāng),這樣可以幫助學(xué)生逐步熟悉考試形式,更好地為四、六級(jí)考試作準(zhǔn)備。


Unit 1  Growing Up  Part 1  Reading Text  Part 2  Reading Skill  Part 3  Reading Practice  Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 2  Friendship  Part 1  Reading Text  Part 2  Reading Skill  Part 3  Reading Practice  Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 3  Understanding Science  Part 1  Reading Text  Part 2  Reading Skill  Part 3  Reading Practice  Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 4  American Dream  Part 1  Reading Text  Part 2  Reading Skill  Part 3  Reading Practice  Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 5  Romance  Part 1  Reading Text  Part 2  Reading Skill  Part 3  Reading Practice  Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 6  Animal Intelligence  Part 1  Reading Text  Part 2  Reading Skill  Part 3  Reading Practice  Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 7  Emergency  Part 1  Reading Text  Part 2  Reading Skill  Part 3  Reading Practice  Part 4  Home ReadingUnit 8  Coping with an Educational Problem  Part 1  Reading Text  Part 2  Reading Skill  Part 3  Reading Practice  Part 4  Home Reading


  Rormie White, of the Miracles singing group, heard Stevie and promptly took him down to his recording company, Motown Records.  "Give him an audition." Ronnie said. They did, all the top people at Motown got together to hear a little blind boy who wasnt even ten years old yet. At first, they were being nice. Poor kid. They didnt want to hurt his feelings.  Then they heard Stevie sing and play, and nobody said "poor kid" anymore. They were too busy congratulating themselves on finding a youngster who could be the musical talent of the decade. "Hes a wonder boy." Somebody said as they watched little Stevie dart from one instrument to the next, playing each one with ease.  "Wonder," somebody else said, "Little Stevie Wonder."  The new name stuck and Stevie Morris became Little Stevie Wonder. He had his first hit when he was twelve years old. It was called Fingertips and it was a smash.  Over the following years, Little Stevie Wonder became one of the top recording artists at Motown, producing one hit after another. But as he grew into adulthood, Stevie began to get tired of the way the Motown Company controlled all aspects of his career. He wanted to write and produce his own songs, but the Motown Company thought it was unwise to change a winning formula.  When he turned 21, Stevie finally got his freedom. Against Motowns wishes he started exploring: he made records that combined gospel, rock and roll, and jazz and which used African and Latin American rhythms. To the record companys surprise, Stevies new albums such as Music of Mine and Innervisions were even more popular than his early ones. Stevie Wonder had become a mature man and an independent musical artist.  Just after this success, however, tragedy struck. In August of 1973, Stevie was involved in a serious car accident. For nearly a week he lay in a coma, unable to speak or walk. "We dont know when hell be out of danger," the doctor said. Everyone waited and prayed. Suddenly, it didnt matter that Stevie was a musical genius or that he had conquered blindness and poverty. All he had left was his faith and strong will.



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